
Function ConvertTo-ConnectionParam {
Converts input parameters to correct format for PAS ConnectionParams

ConnectionParams consist of "AllowMappingLocalDrives", "AllowConnectToConsole",
"RedirectSmartCards", "PSMRemoteMachine", "LogonDomain" & "AllowSelectHTML5" properties.
If these exist as keys in the input parameters, they are added to the input parameters
as nested hashtable key/value pairs, the top level key/value pairs are not included in the output.

.PARAMETER Parameters
Hashtable containing parameter names and values.

$InputObj = @{
                PSMRemoteMachine = "RemoteMachineValue"
                LogonDomain = "LogonDomainValue"
                SomeProperty = "SomeValue"
$InputObj | ConvertTo-ConnectionParam

$output["ConnectionParams"]["PSMRemoteMachine"]["Value"] = RemoteMachineValue
$output["ConnectionParams"]["LogonDomain"]["Value"] = LogonDomainValue
$output["SomeProperty"] = SomeValue


    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'ConnectionParams', Justification = "False Positive")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true

    Begin {
        $ConnectionParameters = @("AllowMappingLocalDrives", "AllowConnectToConsole",
            "RedirectSmartCards", "PSMRemoteMachine", "LogonDomain", "AllowSelectHTML5")

    Process {

        If ($null -ne $Parameters) {

            #ConnectionParameters are included under the ConnectionParams property of the JSON body
            $Parameters.keys | Where-Object { $ConnectionParameters -contains $PSItem } | ForEach-Object {

                $ConnectionParams = @{ }

            } {

                #For Each ConnectionParams Parameter
                #add key=value to hashtable
                $ConnectionParams.Add($PSItem, @{"value" = $Parameters[$PSItem] })

            } {
                if ($ConnectionParams.keys.count -gt 0) {

                    #if ConnectionParameters have been specified
                    #Add ConnectionParams to boundParameters
                    $Parameters["ConnectionParams"] = $ConnectionParams


                #Remove individual ConnectionParameters from boundParameters
                $Parameters | Get-PASParameter -ParametersToRemove $ConnectionParameters




    End { }
