
Function Get-NextLink {
    Follows & returns values from nextLink URLs

    CyberArk API sometimes provides an object containing a `nextLink` property.
    Function follows the URL provided as the value for `nextLink`.
    Provides back all results obtained when following `nextLink`.

    .PARAMETER InitialResult
    The value of the initial result containing the `nextLink` property

    The BaseURI to use for the relative NextLink query.
    If not specified defaults to $psPASSession.BaseURI

    .PARAMETER SavedFilter
    A value matching a configured Saved Filters

    .PARAMETER TimeoutSec
    See Invoke-WebRequest
    Specify a timeout value in seconds

    $Result | Get-NextLink

    Where result has a `nextLink` property, processes each nextlink and returns results.

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true,
            ParameterSetName = 'BaseURI'

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false

    Begin {
        Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'BaseURI' {
                #SH & PCloud BaseURI is sometimes different
                #*Allow PCloud to be specified via parameter
            default {
                #*but default here to the standard
                $BaseURI = $psPASSession.BaseURI

    Process {

        switch ($InitialResult) {
            #SH & PCloud result and nextLink proprty names differ
            #*Figure out what properties we are dealing with here
            { $null -ne $PSItem.value } {
                $ResultProperty = 'value'

            { $null -ne $PSItem.nextLink } {
                $LinkProperty = 'NextLink'

            { $null -ne $PSItem.items } {
                $ResultProperty = 'items'

            { $null -ne $PSItem.nextCursor } {
                $LinkProperty = 'nextCursor'

        #Proceed if there are results
        If (($null -ne $InitialResult.${ResultProperty}) -and ($InitialResult.${ResultProperty}.Count -gt 0)) {

            #store list of initial query results
            $Result = [Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::New(($InitialResult.${ResultProperty}))

            #iterate any nextLinks
            $NextLink = $InitialResult.$LinkProperty

            #!SavedFilter is not inclduded in NextLink value.
            #* Create a query parameter for SavedFilter to include in URL
            $queryString = $PSBoundParameters | Get-PASParameter -ParametersToKeep SavedFilter | ConvertTo-QueryString

            While ( $null -ne $NextLink ) {

                $URI = "$BaseURI/$NextLink"

                #*If there is a SavedFilter querystring, append it to the URL
                If ($null -ne $queryString) {

                    #Build URL from base URL/NextLink
                    $URI = "$URI`&$queryString"


                $NextResult = Invoke-PASRestMethod -Uri $URI -Method GET -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec
                $NextLink = $NextResult.$LinkProperty
                $null = $Result.AddRange(($NextResult.$ResultProperty))


            #return list



    End {}
