
function TaskSetup {
        Adds a scriptblock that will be executed before each task
        This function will accept a scriptblock that will be executed before each task in the build script.
        .PARAMETER setup
        A scriptblock to execute
        A sample build script is shown below:
        Task default -depends Test
        Task Test -depends Compile, Clean {
        Task Compile -depends Clean {
        Task Clean {
        TaskSetup {
            "Running 'TaskSetup' for task $context.Peek().currentTaskName"
        The script above produces the following output:
        Running 'TaskSetup' for task Clean
        Executing task, Clean...
        Running 'TaskSetup' for task Compile
        Executing task, Compile...
        Running 'TaskSetup' for task Test
        Executing task, Test...
        Build Succeeded

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $psake.context.Peek().taskSetupScriptBlock = $setup