
function New-PSRepositoryCache {

    # creates zipped index of all modules and scripts from PSGallery
    # priority 1: downloadable zipped index file should have size in range of megabytes (1-5MB)
    # running time is not so important, it should be in range of minutes (i.e. 1-15 minutes)
    # on home computer, downloading modules and scripts takes 6 minutes


    param (
    # function begin phase
    $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    Write-Log -Message "$FunctionName starting" -TimeStampFormat 'G'

    # load data from PowerShell Gallery

    if ($ReadFromPath) {
        Write-Log -Message "Starting to read data from local path"
        $Scripts = Get-Content (Join-Path $ReadFromPath 'Scripts.json') | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-Log -Message "Found $($Scripts.Count) scripts"
        $Modules = Get-Content (Join-Path $ReadFromPath 'Modules.json') | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-Log -Message "Found $($Modules.Count) modules"
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message "Starting to read data from PSGallery"
        $Scripts = Find-Script * -Repository PSGallery
        Write-Log -Message "Found $($Scripts.Count) scripts"
        $Time0 = Get-Date
        $Modules = Find-Module * -Repository PSGallery
        Write-Log -Message "Found $($Modules.Count) modules, reading time $([int](((Get-Date)-$Time0).TotalSeconds)) seconds"    


    # create modules index

    Write-Log -Message "Packing modules to $($TP.Modules)* ..."
    #$Lines = foreach ($M1 in $Modules) {ConvertTo-Json $M1 -Compress}
    #Set-Content -Path $TP.Modules -Value $Lines
    $Lines = @{}
    1..26 | % {$Lines.Add([char]($_+64),@())} # hash table with keys 'A'..'Z', each element an empty array
    foreach ($M1 in $Modules) {
        $Key = Hash $M1.Name
        $Lines.$Key += ,(ConvertTo-Json $M1 -Compress)
    $Lines.Keys | % {Set-Content -Path ($TP.Modules+$_) -Value ($Lines.$_)} # writing to 26 different files
    Write-Log -Message "Modules packed to $(size $($TP.Modules+'*'))MB large files"

    # create scripts index

    Write-Log -Message "Packing scripts to $($TP.Scripts)..."
    $Lines = foreach ($S1 in $Scripts) {ConvertTo-Json $S1 -Compress}
    Set-Content -Path $TP.Scripts -Value $Lines
    Write-Log -Message "Scripts packed to $(size $TP.Scripts)MB large file"

    # create commands index

    Write-Log -Message "Packing commands to $($TP.Commands)..."
    $Lines = foreach ($M1 in $Modules) {($M1.Includes.Command -split ' ') -replace '$'," $($M1.Name) $($M1.Version)"}
    # generated lines are in following format: Command Module Version
    Set-Content -Path $TP.Commands -Value $Lines
    Write-Log -Message "Commands packed to $(size $TP.Commands)MB large file"

    # pack all files

    Compress-Archive -Path "$($TP.Modules)*",$TP.Scripts,$TP.Commands -DestinationPath $TP.Index -CompressionLevel Optimal -Force
    Write-Log -Message "Index packed to $(size $TP.Index)MB large file"

    # upload new index

    if ($Local) {
        Write-Log -Message "Creating local index cache at $($Config.IndexPath)"
        Copy-Item -Path "$($TP.Modules)*",$TP.Scripts,$TP.Commands,$TP.Index -Destination $Config.IndexPath -Force 
    } elseif ($Storage.Key) {
        # Upload zip to storage account
        Write-Log -Message "Connecting to cloud storage"
        $StorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $Storage.Account -StorageAccountKey $Storage.Key -Protocol HTTPS
        if (!(Get-AzureStorageContainer -Context $StorageContext -Container 'index' -ea 0)) {
            Write-Log -Verbosity Warning "Creating new storage container 'index'"
            New-AzureStorageContainer -Context $StorageContext -Container 'index' -PublicAccess Container | Out-Null
        Write-Log -Message "Uploading index to cloud storage"
        Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -Context $StorageContext -Container 'index' -File $TP.Index -Force -Verbose:$false | Out-Null
        Write-Log -Message "New index uploaded to cloud storage"
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message "No Storage Key present, skipping upload to cloud storage"

    Write-Log -Message "$FunctionName completed" -TimeStampFormat 'G'