
# checks and verifies if the logged in to az
# returns $True if yes else throws error
function Test-AzLogin {

    Begin {
    Process {
        # Verify we are signed into an Azure account
        try {
            Import-Module Az.profile -Verbose:$false   
            Write-Verbose 'Testing Azure login'
            $isLoggedIn = [bool](Get-AzSubscription -ErrorAction Stop)
                Write-Verbose 'Not logged into Azure. Initiate login now.'
                Write-Host 'Enter your credentials in the pop-up window' -ForegroundColor Yellow
                $isLoggedIn = Connect-AzAccount
        catch [System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidOperationException] {
            Write-Verbose 'Not logged into Azure. Initiate login now.'
            Write-Host 'Enter your credentials in the pop-up window' -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $isLoggedIn = Connect-AzAccount
        catch {
            Throw $_.Exception.Message
    End {