
function Get-Version {

    Get version information
    Returns version information of the docker client and service.
    Wraps the command `docker version`.
    .PARAMETER Timeout
    Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the command to finish.
    PS C:\> $version = Get-DockerVersion
    PS C:\> $version.Client
    Version : 18.06.1-ce
    Goversion : go1.10.3
    Experimental : false
    APIversion : 1.38
    Gitcommit : e68fc7a
    Built : Tue Aug 21 17:21:34 2018
    OSArch : windows/amd64
    PS C:\> $version.Server
    Version : 18.06.1-ce
    Built : Tue Aug 21 17:36:40 2018
    Experimental : false
    Goversion : go1.10.3
    APIversion : 1.38 (minimum version 1.24)
    Gitcommit : e68fc7a
    Engine: :
    OSArch : windows/amd64

    param (
        [int] $Timeout = 1

    $versionOutput = Invoke-ClientCommand 'version' -Timeout $Timeout -StringOutput
    if ( -Not $versionOutput ) {
        Write-Error 'docker version did not return a output.'

    $output = $versionOutput.Split( [Environment]::NewLine )

    $dockerVersionTable = @{}
    $stack = New-Object System.Collections.Stack
    $stack.Push( $dockerVersionTable )

    $previousDepth = 0
    $previousKey = $null
    foreach ( $line in $output ) {
        switch -Wildcard ( $line ) {
            "" {}
            Default {
                $key, $value = $line -split ':', 2
                $depth = 0
                foreach ( $item in $key.ToCharArray() ) {
                    if ( $item -eq ' ' ) {
                        $depth = $depth + 1
                    } else {

                $key = $key.Trim()
                $value = $value.Trim()

                if ( $previousDepth -gt $depth ) {
                    $stack.Pop() | Out-Null
                if ( $previousDepth -lt $depth ) {
                    $node = @{
                        $key = $value
                    $stack.Peek()[$previousKey] = $node
                    $stack.Push( $node )
                } else {
                    $stack.Peek()[$key] = $value

                $previousKey = $key
                $previousDepth = $depth

    function ConvertTo-PsObject {
        param (
            [hashtable] $Value

        foreach ( $key in @( $Value.Keys ) ) {
            $plainKey = $key.Replace('/', '').Replace(' ', '')
            $temp = $Value[$key]
            $Value[$plainKey] = $temp

        foreach ( $key in $Value.Keys | Where-Object { $Value[$_].GetType() -eq @{}.GetType() } ) {
            $Value[$key] = ConvertTo-PsObject $Value[$key]

        New-Object PSObject -Property $Value | Write-Output

    ConvertTo-PsObject $dockerVersionTable | Write-Output