
    Adds TypeName to piped object

.Parameter TypeName
    String array of typenames

filter Add-TypeName {
    foreach ($name in $TypeName) {
        $_.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $name)

    Search for docker images on Docker Hub

    Search for docker images on Docker Hub via Docker Hub API.
    You can filter search by Name/Description, Stars, Downloads, Official images and Automated builds.

.Parameter SearchTerm
    Search term. Docker Hub will search it in the Name and Description.

.Parameter SortBy
    Sort by Downloads or Stars. Sorting is performed on Docker Hub side.

.Parameter MaxResults
    Maximum number of results to return. Default is 25.

.Parameter Automated
    Search only for automated builds

.Parameter Official
    Search only for official images

    Find-DockerImage -SearchTerm mariadb -Official

    Search for official MariaDB docker images

    Find-DockerImage -SearchTerm ruby -SortBy Stars -Automated -MaxResults 5

    Search for automated builds of 'ruby', sort by stars, return 5 top results

    Find-DockerImage -SearchTerm mariadb -SortBy Downloads | Where-Object {$_.Name -like '*alpine*'}

    Search for MariaDB docker images, sort by downloads. Then find images built on Alpine Linux using PowerShell filtering.


function Find-DockerImage
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet('Downloads', 'Stars')]

        [int]$MaxResults = 25,



        $ApiUriTpl = '{0}'

        $QueryParamMap = @{
            Automated = 'is_automated=1'
            Official = 'is_official=1'
            Downloads = 'ordering=-pull_count'
            Stars = 'ordering=-star_count'

            $QueryParams = @()

            if ($Automated) {
                $QueryParams += $QueryParamMap.Automated

            if ($Official) {
                $QueryParams += $QueryParamMap.Official

            if ($SortBy) {
                $QueryParams += $QueryParamMap.$SortBy

            $Request = (
                @($ApiUriTpl -f [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($SearchTerm)) + $QueryParams
            ) -join '&'

            $ResultsCount = 0
            while ($Request) {
                try {
                    $Response = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Request -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content
                } catch {
                    throw $_

                $ret = $Response | ConvertFrom-Json
                $ResultsCount += $ret.results.Count

                $Output = if ($ResultsCount -gt $MaxResults) {
                    $ret.results | Select-Object -SkipLast ($ResultsCount - $MaxResults)
                    $Request = $null
                } else {
                    $Request = $

                $Output | Select-Object -Property (
                    @{n = 'Name' ; e = {$_.repo_name}},
                    @{n = 'Description' ; e = {$_.short_description}},
                    @{n = 'Stars' ; e = {$_.star_count}},
                    @{n = 'Downloads' ; e = {$_.pull_count}},
                    @{n = 'Official' ; e = {$_.is_official}},
                    @{n = 'Automated' ; e = {$_.is_automated}}
                )  | Add-TypeName -TypeName $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Find-DockerImage'