
function Get-Elasticdata{
        #Send query and get scroll id for retrieval
        if ($simplequery -and !$body){ #if check for simple or complex query
            $scrollrequest=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://$server`:$port/$index/_search/?q=$simplequery&scroll=1m" -Method get -ContentType 'application/json'
            $scrollrequest=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://$server`:$port/$index/_search/?scroll=1m" -Body $body -Method post -ContentType 'application/json'
        #build object for scroll result retrival
            scroll = "1m"
            scroll_id = "$($scrollrequest._scroll_id)"
        } | ConvertTo-Json
        #loop all scroll results
            $scrollreqresult=$null #reset variable so that end of results can be detected
            $scrollreqresult=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://$server`:$port/_search/scroll" -Body $scrollgetbody -Method post -ContentType 'application/json' #get scroll results 10 at a time
            [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]$_scroll_id += $scrollreqresult._scroll_id
            [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]$timed_out += $scrollreqresult.timed_out.tostring()
            [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]$_shards += $scrollreqresult._shards
            [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]$hits += $scrollreqresult.hits
            [int]$took+=[int]$scrollreqresult.took #temp to calculate total time

            #$scrollreqresult #output scroll results
        }while($scrollreqresult.hits.hits)#loop to output scroll results while there are results being delivered by elastic
            _scroll_id = $_scroll_id
            took = $took
            timed_out = $timed_out
            _shards = $_shards
            hits = $hits
    else{ #If no scroll do query and return specified number of results
        if ($simplequery -and !$body){ #if check for simple or complex query
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://$server`:$port/$index/_search/?q=$simplequery&size=$size" -Method get -ContentType 'application/json'
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://$server`:$port/$index/_search/?size=$size" -Body $body -Method post -ContentType 'application/json'

function Convert-Elasticdata {
        netflow {
                toptalkers {
                    $item.aggregations.source.buckets | ForEach-Object {
                            Host = $_.key
                            Megabytes = [math]::round($_.totalbytes.value/1MB, 0)
                topprotocols {
                    $item.aggregations.source.buckets | ForEach-Object {
                            Protocol = $_.key
                            Megabytes = [math]::round($_.totalbytes.value/1MB, 0)
        pfsense {
            switch ($resulttype){
                failedlogons {
                    $logon=$item.hits.hits._source | where {$_.message -like "*authentication error*"}
                    $failedlogons=$logon | ForEach-Object{
                            username = $_.pfsense_USER
                            source_IP = $_.message.split(":")[2]
                    $failedlogons.username | sort | Get-Unique | ForEach-Object {
                            username = $_
                            source_IP=($failedlogons | where {$_.username -eq $tinput}).source_IP | Get-Unique
                            attempts=($failedlogons | where {$_.username -eq $tinput}).count
                    $logon | ForEach-Object{
                            username = $_.message.split("'")[1]
                            time = $_."@timestamp" | get-date
                    $item.aggregations.source.buckets | foreach-object {
                            IP = $_.key
                            Attempts = $_.doc_count
        windows {
            switch ($resulttype){
                failedlogons {
                    $events=$item.hits.hits._source | ForEach-Object {
                            Username = $_.event_data.targetusername
                            Time = ($_."@timestamp" | get-date -Format "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss").ToString()
                    $uniquevents=$events | sort time | Get-Unique -AsString
                        Username ="Total"
                        "Failed attempts"= $uniquevents.count
                    $uniquevents.username | sort | get-unique -asstring | ForEach-Object {
                        $count=($uniquevents | where {$_.username -eq $tinput}).count
                        if(!$count){$count=1} #For error where 1 count is recorded as NULL
                            Username = $_
                            "Failed attempts" = $count
                    } | sort "Failed attempts" -Descending
                fileDLP {
                    $item.hits.hits._source | ForEach-Object {
                             user = $_.event_data.SubjectUserName
                             path = $_.event_data.ObjectName
                             time = "$($_."@timestamp" | get-date)"
                             audit = $_.keywords.replace("Audit ","")
                   } | sort $_.path | Get-Unique -AsString