
    Invoke-PsGPT is a PowerShell module that uses the OpenAI ChatGPT API to create a chatbot that can be used in a PowerShell console.
    Invoke-PsGPT is a PowerShell module that uses the OpenAI ChatGPT API to create a chatbot that can be used in a PowerShell console.
    The module uses the OpenAI ChatGPT API to generate responses to user input. The module also saves the conversation to a JSON file.
    The module is based on the ChatGPT API example from the OpenAI API documentation.
    Invoke-PsGPT -filePath "C:\Users\Public\Documents\conversation.json"
    This example starts the chatbot and saves the conversation to the specified file.

function psgpt {
    . $PSScriptRoot\psgpt.ps1 @args

Export-ModuleMember -Function psgpt