
function Disconnect-IdoIt {
        Disconnect-IdoIt destroys the session to idoit and removes all session variables

        Disconnect-IdoIt destroys the session to idoit and removes all session variables

        PS> Disconnect-IdoIt

        This will disconnect from idoit

        0.1.0 29.12.2017 CB initial release
        0.2.0 01.01.2018 CB added removal of variable CmdbUri from global scope; Added Try/Catch Block

    $Params = @{}

    #Todo Check if a session is available before destroing
    Try {
        Invoke-IdoIt -Method "idoit.logout" -Params $Params
    Catch {

    Remove-Variable -Name CmdbApiKey -Scope Global -Force:$true
    Remove-Variable -Name CmdbSession -Scope Global -Force:$true
    Remove-Variable -Name CmdbUri -Scope Global -Force:$true
