
function Get-IdoItObject {
    Gets an object from the idoit cmdb and returns it as Idoit.Object object

    This cmdlet will return an idoit cmbd object for a provided id. The id can be get by find-idoitobject or by inspecting the idoit url when
    using the web interface.

    Typically you will have an url like
    The objID parameter contains the id.

    So if you want to get the object from the above url with the Get-IdoItObject cmdlet you have to type in:
        Get-IdoitObject -Id 3569

    This is the unique id of the object you want to get pulled from the idoit cmdb.

    .PARAMETER RawOutput
    You can provide a [Ref] parameter to the function to get back the raw response from the invoke to the I-doIt API.

    You have to put the parameter in parantheses like this:
    -RawOutput ([Ref]$Output)

    The return value is [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject


    You can pipe an integer that contains the id of the cmdb object.


    The cmdlet returns a System.Object with the custom type name Idoit.Object.

    PS> Get-IdoItObject -Id 1234

    This will get the object with the id <1234>

    0.1.0 29.12.2017 CB initial release
    0.2.0 05.01.2018 CB Added support for RawOuput; Improved inline help
    0.2.1 07.01.2018 CB Added Try/Catch block around Invoke-IdoIt

        Param (
            [Parameter (
                Mandatory = $True

            [Parameter (
                Mandatory = $False

        #TODO Add CheckCmdbConnection again

        $Params  = @{
            "id"     = $Id

        $SplattingParameter = @{
            Method = ""
            Params = $Params

        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RawOutput")) {
            $SplattingParameter.Add("RawOutput", $RawOutput)

        Try {

            $ResultObj = Invoke-IdoIt @SplattingParameter

        Catch {

            Throw $_


        $ResultObj = $ResultObj | ConvertFrom-IdoItResultObject
        $ResultObj = $ResultObj | Add-ObjectTypeName -TypeName 'Idoit.Object'
        $ResultObj = $ResultObj | Add-ObjectDefaultPropertySet -DefaultProperties 'Id', 'SysId', 'Title', 'TypeTitle'

        Return $ResultObj
