
function Stop-KafkaProducer
        Closes the standard input stream of a producer process and waits for it to exit.

    .PARAMETER Producer
        The producer process to stop.
    .PARAMETER TimeoutMS
        The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the process to end gracefully after closing STDIN.
    .PARAMETER Force
        If $true and process did not end gracefully, terminate the process.
        Boolean (T/F) indicating whether or not the process was stopped.
        $p = Start-KafkaProducer ...
        $p | Stop-KafkaProducer -TimeoutMS 5000 -Force

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [uint32]$TimeoutMS = 0,
    process {
        [bool]$exited = $Producer.HasExited

        if (-not $exited) {
            if ($TimeoutMS -eq 0) {
                $exited = $Producer.HasExited
            else {
                $exited = $Producer.WaitForExit($TimeoutMS)
            if (-not $exited -and $Force) {
                Write-Warning 'Terminating Producer.'
                $exited = $true
        return $exited