
#Region '.\Classes\helperClasses.ps1' 0
class k8Condition {
    [string]$Type #todo: enum

class k8Resources {
class k8ServicePort {
    [string]$Protocol #todo: convert to enum: tcp/udp/sctp default: tcp
    Number or name of the port to access on the pods targeted by the service.
    Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
    If this is a string, it will be looked up as a named port in the target Pod's container ports.
    If this is not specified, the value of the 'port' field is used (an identity map).
    This field is ignored for services with clusterIP=None, and should be omitted or set equal to the 'port' field.
    More info:

    $targetPort #todo: type depends on returned data, int/string

        $ = $
        $this.NodePort = $servicePort.NodePort
        $this.Port = $servicePort.Port
        $this.Protocol = $servicePort.Protocol
    [string] ToString(){
        return "$($this.port)/$($this.protocol)"

#EndRegion '.\Classes\helperClasses.ps1' 40
#Region '.\Classes\k8.ps1' 0
#todo: add metadata to base class since its consistent across objects

class k8 {
    hidden [object]$_Raw
    #### Metadata ####
    #resourceVersion #probably dont need this
    #SelfLink #probably dont need it

        $this._Raw = $rawData
        $this.ClusterContext = Get-k8Context -Current | select-object -ExpandProperty name
        $ = $this._Raw.metadata.Name
        $this.creationTime = get-date $this._Raw.metadata.creationTimestamp
        #convert labels to a hash table for easier lookups/searching
        $this.labels = ([k8]$this).convertToHash($this._Raw.metadata.labels)
        $this.Annotations = ([k8]$this).convertToHash($this._Raw.metadata.annotations)
        $this.Namespace = $this._Raw.metadata.namespace
        $this.uid = [GUID]$this._Raw.metadata.uid

    [string] ToString(){
        return $

    hidden addDefaultDisplaySet([string[]]$defaultDisplaySet)
        #set is an array of property names
        # set to [string[]]?
        $defaultDisplayPropertySet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet',[string[]]$defaultDisplaySet)
        $PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultDisplayPropertySet)
        Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType MemberSet -Name PSStandardMembers -Value $PSStandardMembers

    hidden [string] getAge([Datetime]$startDate)
        return $this.getAge($startDate,(get-date))

    hidden [string] getAge([Datetime]$startDate, [Datetime]$endDate)
        $rtn = "Err!"
        $ts = new-timespan  -Start (get-date $startDate) -end (get-date $endDate)
            $rtn = "$($ts.Days)d"
            if($ts.days -lt 5 -and $ts.Hours -gt 3)
                $rtn += "$($ts.Hours)h"
        elseif ($ts.Hours) {
            $rtn = "$($ts.Hours)h"
            if($ts.Hours -lt 3 -and $ts.Minutes -gt 15)
                $rtn += "$($ts.Minutes)m"
        elseif ($ts.Minutes) {
            $rtn = "$($ts.minutes)m"
            if($ts.Minutes -lt 5 -and $ts.seconds -gt 15)
                $rtn += "$($ts.seconds)s"
        else {
            $rtn = "$($ts.Seconds)s"
        return $rtn

    hidden [hashtable] convertToHash([object]$obj){
        return $ | foreach-object {$hash=@{}} {$hash."$($" = $_.value } {$hash}
#EndRegion '.\Classes\k8.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Classes\k8deployment.ps1' 0

class k8Deployment : k8 {
    #Region Properties
        #### Spec ####
        [int]$revisionHistoryLimit #default: 10

        #### Status ####

        k8Deployment([Object]$rawData) : base($rawData)
    #Region Set Properties
            $this.minReadySeconds = $this._Raw.spec.minReadySeconds
            $this.paused = $this._Raw.spec.paused
            $this.progressDeadlineSeconds = $this._Raw.spec.progressDeadlineSeconds
            $this.replicaSpec = $this._Raw.spec.replicas
            $this.revisionHistoryLimit = $this._Raw.spec.revisionHistoryLimit
            $this.selector = $this._Raw.spec.selector
            $this.strategy = $this._Raw.spec.strategy
            $this.template = $this._Raw.spec.template
            $this.availableReplicas = $this._Raw.status.availableReplicas
            $this.collisionCount = $this._Raw.status.collisionCount
            $this.conditions = $this._Raw.status.conditions
            $this.observedGeneration = $this._Raw.status.observedGeneration
            $this.readyReplicas = $this._Raw.status.readyReplicas
            $this.replicas = $this._Raw.status.replicas
            $this.unavailableReplicas = $this._Raw.status.unavailableReplicas
            $this.updatedReplicas = $this._Raw.status.updatedReplicas
            # Default Display Set
            $defaultdisplay = @('Name','Ready','updatedReplicas','readyreplicas','Age')
        [string] getAgeDisplay() {
            return ([k8]$this).getAge($this.CreationTime)
#EndRegion '.\Classes\k8deployment.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Classes\k8ingress.ps1' 0
class k8Ingress : k8 {
    #Region Properties
        #### Spec ####
        $Hosts #dont set type so it adapts to array only when needed
        $Ports ##same

        #### Status ####
        #none of value?

        k8Ingress([Object]$rawData) : base($rawData)
    #Region Set Properties
            #todo this should probably be changes, since its masking that the port is per host
            $this.hosts = $
            $this.ports = $this._Raw.spec.rules.http.paths.backend.serviceport | Get-Unique
            $this.controller = $this.annotations.''
            $this.rules = $this._raw.spec.rules
            # Default Display Set
            $defaultdisplay = @('Name','Hosts','Ports','Age')
        [string] getAgeDisplay() {
            return ([k8]$this).getAge($this.CreationTime)
#EndRegion '.\Classes\k8ingress.ps1' 34
#Region '.\Classes\k8namespace.ps1' 0
class k8Namespace : k8 {
#Region Properties
    #### Spec ####
    # Finalizers?

    #### Status ####
    [string]$Status #todo create a type/enum for this?

    k8Namespace([Object]$rawData) : base($rawData)
#Region Set Properties
        $this.ResourceVersion = $this._Raw.metadata.ResourceVersion
        $this.status = $this._Raw.status.phase

        # Default Display Set
        $defaultdisplay = @('Name','Ready','Status','Restarts','Age')

    [string] getAgeDisplay() {
        return ([k8]$this).getAge($this.creationTime)
#EndRegion '.\Classes\k8namespace.ps1' 28
#Region '.\Classes\k8node.ps1' 0
class k8Node : k8 {
    #Region Properties
        #### Custom ####
        ## these are typically derived from multiple fields, need to look to kubectl to see what it does
        [string]$Role #based off label data
        #### Spec ####
        #### Status ####
        ## collapse to single Resource property
        [object]$Resources #todo: create class

        #EKS labels

        k8Node([Object]$rawData) : base($rawData)
            #Region Set Properties
            #$this.Status = $this._Raw.status.conditions | ? type -eq 'Ready' | select -ExpandProperty status
            $this.role = $this.labels.''
            $this.ProviderID = $this._Raw.spec.providerID
            $this.Addresses = $this._raw.status.addresses | %{$h=@{}}{ $h[$_.type]=$_.value}{$h}
            $this.OsInfo = ([k8]$this).convertToHash($this._raw.status.nodeInfo)
            $this.images = $this._raw.status.images

            #Expose EKS Labels
            $ = $this.labels.''
            $this.nodegroup = $this.labels.''
            $this.instanceId = $this.labels.''
            $this.region = $this.labels.''
            $this.eksCluster = $this.labels.''
            $this.instanceType = $this.labels.''
            (new-object PSScriptProperty 'Status', {$this._getStatus()})

            # Default Display Set
            $defaultdisplay = @('Name','Status','Role', 'Age','Version')
        [string] getAgeDisplay() {
            return ([k8]$this).getAge($this.creationTime)

        hidden [string] _getStatus() {
            $sts = "Not Ready" #default status
            if($st = $this._Raw.status.conditions | ? reason -eq 'KubeletReady' | select -ExpandProperty Type){$sts = $st}
            if($this._Raw.spec.taints.key -contains '')
                $sts += ", SchedulingDisabled"
            return $sts
#EndRegion '.\Classes\k8node.ps1' 75
#Region '.\Classes\k8pod.ps1' 0
class k8Pod : k8 {
#Region Properties
    #### Custom ####
    ## these are typically derived from multiple fields, need to look to kubectl to see what it does

    #### Spec ####
    [int]$Priority #todo probably an enum?
    [string]$RestartPolicy #todo enum?
    [string]$securityContext #not sure what this is, probably need to convert to a hash table
    [int]$TerminationGracePeriodSeconds #timespan? probably not
    #need to probably udpate these types, or at least set the array type

    #### Status ####
    #conditions - address
    #containerStatuses - address
    [string]$Status #PHASE: Does a pod have a status? currently just using Phase, might need more

    #Common labels
    [string] $App
    [version] $Version

    k8Pod([Object]$rawData) : base($rawData)
#Region Set Properties
        $this.Ready = $this._Raw.status.containerStatuses.Ready | measure -sum | %{ "$([int]$_.sum)/$([int]$_.count)"}
        #$this.Status = $this._Raw.status.phase
        $this.HostIP = $this._Raw.status.HostIP
        $this.PodIP = $this._Raw.status.PodIP
        $this.QOSClass = $this._Raw.status.qosClass
        $this.startTime = if($this._Raw.status.startTime){get-date $this._Raw.status.startTime}
        $this.Restarts = $this._Raw.status.containerStatuses.restartCount | Measure-Object -sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty sum

        $this.containers = $this._Raw.spec.containers #todo object conversion
        $this.DNSPolicy = $this._Raw.spec.dnsPolicy
        $this.EnableServiceLinks = $this._Raw.spec.EnableServiceLinks
        $this.NodeName = $this._Raw.spec.NodeName
        $this.priority = $this._Raw.spec.priority
        $this.RestartPolicy = $this._Raw.spec.RestartPolicy
        $this.ScheduleName = $this._Raw.spec.ScheduleName
        $this.securityContext = $this._Raw.spec.securityContext
        $this.ServiceAccount = $this._Raw.spec.ServiceAccount
        $this.serviceAccountName = $this._Raw.spec.serviceAccountName
        $this.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds = $this._Raw.spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds
        $this.tolerations = $this._Raw.spec.tolerations #todo object conversion
        $this.Volumes = $this._Raw.spec.volumes #todo object conversion

        #Common labels
        $this.App = $

        $stripversion = $this.labels.version -replace 'v',''
        $this.Version = if($stripversion -as [version]){$stripversion}

            (new-object PSScriptProperty 'Status', {$this._getStatus()})
        # Default Display Set
        $defaultdisplay = @('Name','Ready','Status','Restarts','Age','App','Version')

    [string] getAgeDisplay() {
        return ([k8]$this).getAge($this.startTime)

    hidden [string] _getStatus() {
        $sts = if($this._raw.metadata.deletiontimestamp){
        else {

        return $sts
#EndRegion '.\Classes\k8pod.ps1' 97
#Region '.\Classes\k8service.ps1' 0

class k8Service : k8 {
    #Region Properties
        [string]    $ELB
        #### Spec ####
        [string]    $clusterIP               #use ipaddress type
        [string[]]  $externalIP              #use ipaddress type
        [string]    $externalName
        [string]    $externalTrafficPolicy
        [int]       $healthCheckNodePort
        [string]    $ipFamily
        [string]    $loadBalancerIP
        [string[]]  $loadBalancerSourceRanges
                    $ports                   #class -> ServicePort
        [bool]      $publishNotReadyAddresses
        [object]    $selector                #hash?
        [string]    $sessionAffinity
                    $sessionAffinityConfig   #custom type SessionAffinityConfig
        [string[]]  $topologyKeys
        [string]    $type
        #### Status ####
        [object]    $loadBalancer           #custom type LoadBalancerStatus
        k8Service([Object]$rawData) : base($rawData)
    #Region Set Properties
            $this.clusterip = $this._raw.spec.clusterip
            $this.externalname = $this._raw.spec.externalname
            $this.externaltrafficpolicy = $this._raw.spec.externaltrafficpolicy
            $this.healthCheckNodePort = $this._raw.spec.healthCheckNodePort
            $this.ipFamily = $this._raw.spec.ipFamily
            $this.loadbalancerip = $this._raw.spec.loadbalancerip
            $this.loadbalancersourceranges = $this._raw.spec.loadbalancersourceranges
            $this.ports = $this._Raw.spec.ports | %{ new-object k8serviceport $_}
            $this.publishNotReadyAddresses = $this._raw.spec.publishNotReadyAddresses
            $this.selector = $this._raw.spec.selector
            $this.sessionAffinity = $this._raw.spec.sessionAffinity
            $this.sessionAffinityConfig = $this._raw.spec.sessionAffinityConfig
            $this.topologyKeys = $this._raw.spec.topologyKeys
            $this.type = $this._raw.spec.type
            $this.loadBalancer = $this._raw.status.loadBalancer
            $this.elb = $this.loadbalancer.ingress.hostname
            #this is a standard field that im overwritting, might be a bad idea
            $this.externalIP = if($this._raw.spec.externalip){$this._raw.spec.externalip}else{$this.elb}

            # Default Display Set
            $defaultdisplay = @('Name','Type','ClusterIP','ExternalIP','Ports','Age')
        [string] getAgeDisplay() {
            return ([k8]$this).getAge($this.CreationTime)
#EndRegion '.\Classes\k8service.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Private\completers.ps1' 0
[scriptblock]$ctxCompleter = {
    param ($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
    $allCtx = get-k8context | select -ExpandProperty name
    $allCtx | ? {$_ -like "*$wordToComplete*"}
[scriptblock]$podCompleter = {
    param ($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
    $allCtx = get-k8pod | select -ExpandProperty name
    $allCtx | ? {$_ -like "*$wordToComplete*"}

[scriptblock]$nsCompleter = {
    param ($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
    $allCtx = get-k8namespace | select -ExpandProperty name
    $allCtx | ? {$_ -like "*$wordToComplete*"}

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName 'set-k8context','switch-k8Context' -ParameterName 'Name' -ScriptBlock $ctxCompleter
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName 'Get-K8Pod','Get-K8PodLog','Enter-k8Pod' -ParameterName 'Name' -ScriptBlock $podCompleter
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName 'get-k8namespace','Set-k8ActiveNamespace' -ParameterName 'Name' -ScriptBlock $nsCompleter

$both = @(

Register-ArgumentCompleter -commandName $both -parameterName 'Namespace' -scriptblock $nsCompleter
$contextOnly =  $both + 'Get-K8Namespace'
Register-ArgumentCompleter -commandName $contextOnly -parameterName 'Context' -scriptblock $ctxCompleter
#EndRegion '.\Private\completers.ps1' 36
#Region '.\Private\config.ps1' 0
#todo this should be handled by the config manager


$script:K8CTXCACHE = @{
    timeout= new-timespan -Seconds 2;
    command="config", "get-contexts";

$script:K8NSCACHE = @{
    timeout=new-timespan -Seconds 2; ## short timeout because in many cases this is called twice in short order

$script:K8DEFAULTNS = 'default' #in case for some reason you dont use default as the default
#EndRegion '.\Private\config.ps1' 22
#Region '.\Private\getCachedData.ps1' 0
function GetCachedData {
    $lastUpdate = $CacheObject.lastUpdate
    $needsUpdate = if($lastUpdate){
        (New-TimeSpan -Start $lastUpdate -End (get-date)) -gt $CacheObject.timeout

    # forcing an update if you request current. Feels like that could be problematic otherwise
    if($needsUpdate -OR $Refresh)
        Write-Verbose "[GetCachedData] Updading object Cache"
        $ = kubeWrapper -kubeArgs ($CacheObject.command)
        $CacheObject.lastUpdate = Get-Date
        $CacheObject.updated = $true
        Write-Verbose "[GetCachedData] Using Cache"
        $CacheObject.updated = $false   
#EndRegion '.\Private\getCachedData.ps1' 26
#Region '.\Private\newk8objects.ps1' 0

function newK8Object {
    param (
    process {
        if($inputObject.kind) #k8 object
            write-debug "[newK8Object] K8 Object detected"
            if($inputObject.kind -eq "List")
                write-debug "[newK8Object] Detected list, processing sub items"
                $inputObject.items | newK8Object
                write-debug "[newK8Object] Creating object from kind $($inputobject.kind)"
                new-object -TypeName "k8$($inputobject.kind)" -ArgumentList $inputObject
        else {
            Write-Error "unable to process object! No 'Kind' Found!"
    end {}
#EndRegion '.\Private\newk8objects.ps1' 30
#Region '.\Private\utilities.ps1' 0
# in public for now so that i can easily use the kubectl cmds diretly
function kubeWrapper {
    $ns = if($env:KUBECTL_NAMESPACE){$env:KUBECTL_NAMESPACE}else{'default'; $env:KUBECTL_NAMESPACE = 'default'}
    $args = @("--namespace=$ns") + $args | %{$_}
    Write-Verbose "Arguments: $args"
    kubectl $args

#EndRegion '.\Private\utilities.ps1' 10
#Region '.\Public\Enter-k8Pod.ps1' 0
function Enter-k8Pod {
    $cmd = if($sh){ 'sh'} else { 'bash'}
    $containerArg = if($container){ "-c $container"}
    $cmdArgs = ("exec","-it",$Name,$containerArg,"--",$cmd)
    if($namespace){$cmdArgs += "--namespace=$namespace"}
    if($context){$cmdArgs += "--conext=$conext"}

    kubeWrapper -kubeArgs $cmdArgs
#EndRegion '.\Public\Enter-k8Pod.ps1' 18
#Region '.\Public\Get-k8ActiveNamespace.ps1' 0
function Get-k8ActiveNamespace {
    else {
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-k8ActiveNamespace.ps1' 10
#Region '.\Public\Get-k8Context.ps1' 0
# This is mostly because the prompt shows the context and there is a slight delay to query that
# this also applies to the auto complete, it appears it does the query each tab, rather than cycle from the first query
function Get-k8Context {
    $cacheObject = $script:K8CTXCACHE

    $cacheObject = getCachedData $cacheObject -refresh:$Refresh
        $ = $ | % { $_ -replace "\s{2,}","," } | ConvertFrom-Csv
        $ | % {$_.pstypenames.insert(0,'k8s.context')}
        $cacheObject.updated = $false
    $contexts = $
            Write-Verbose "[Get-k8Context] Filtering for current context by Env Context"
            $context | where-object {$ -eq $env:KUBECTL_CONTEXT}
        else {
            Write-Verbose "[Get-k8Context] Filtering for current context"
            $contexts | Where-Object {$_.current} 
    elseif ($name) {
        Write-Verbose "[Get-k8Context] Filtering name by $name"
        $contexts | Where-Object {$ -like $Name}
        write-verbose "[Get-k8Context] Returning all"
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-k8Context.ps1' 41
#Region '.\Public\Get-k8Deployment.ps1' 0
function Get-K8Deployment {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="namespace")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="allns")]

    $cmds = "get", "deployment","-o=json"
    if($all){$cmds += "--all-namespaces"}
    elseif ($namespace){$cmds += "--namespace=$namespace"}
    if($context){$cmds += "--context=$context"}

    $svcs = kubeWrapper -kubeArgs $cmds | ConvertFrom-Json | newk8object
    $svcs | Where-Object { $ -like $Name}
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-k8Deployment.ps1' 20
#Region '.\Public\Get-k8Ingress.ps1' 0
function Get-K8Ingress {
    $cmds = "get", "ingress","-o=json"
    if($all){$cmds += "--all-namespaces"}
    elseif($namespace){$cmds += "--namespace=$namespace"}

    if($context){$cmds += "--context=$context"}

    $ings = kubeWrapper -kubeArgs $cmds | ConvertFrom-Json | newk8object
    $ings | Where-Object { $ -like $Name}
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-k8Ingress.ps1' 21
#Region '.\Public\Get-k8Log.ps1' 0
function Get-k8Log {
    $cmd = @("logs")
    if($Follow) {
        $cmd += "-f"
    if($Previous) {
        $cmd += "-p"
    $cmd += "$name"

    if($Container) {
        $cmd += "-c $Container"

        $cmd += "--tail=$tail"

    if($Namespace){$cmd += "--namespace=$Namespace"}
    if($conxtext){$cmd += "--conxtext=$conxtext"}

    kubeWrapper -kubeArgs $cmd
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-k8Log.ps1' 35
#Region '.\Public\Get-k8Namespace.ps1' 0
function Get-K8Namespace {
    #todo: cant use refresh and context together but has no impact
    $ns = if($context){
        $cmd = "get","ns","-o=json","--context=$context"
        kubeWrapper -kubeArgs $cmd
        $cacheObject = getCachedData $Script:K8NSCACHE -Refresh:$Refresh
    $ns | ConvertFrom-Json | newk8object| where-object { $ -like $name }
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-k8Namespace.ps1' 19
#Region '.\Public\Get-k8Node.ps1' 0
function Get-K8Node {
        $cmds = "get", "node","-o=json"
        if($context){$cmds += "--context=$context"}
        $nodes = kubeWrapper -kubeargs $cmds | ConvertFrom-Json | newk8object
        $nodes | Where-Object { $ -like $Name}
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-k8Node.ps1' 13
#Region '.\Public\Get-K8Pod.ps1' 0
function Get-K8Pod {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="namespace")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="allns")]
    $cmds = "get", "pod","-o=json"
    if($all){$cmds += "--all-namespaces"}
    elseif($namespace){$cmds += "--namespace=$namespace"}
    if($context){$cmds += "--context=$context"}
    $pods = kubeWrapper -kubeArgs $cmds | ConvertFrom-Json | newk8object
    $pods | Where-Object { $ -like $Name}
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-K8Pod.ps1' 18
#Region '.\Public\Get-k8Service.ps1' 0
function Get-K8Service {
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="namespace")]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="allns")]
$cmds = "get", "service","-o=json"

if($all){$cmds += "--all-namespaces"}
elseif($namespace){$cmds += "--namespace=$namespace"}

if($context){$cmds += "--context=$context"}

$svcs = kubeWrapper -kubeargs $cmds -namespace $namespace | ConvertFrom-Json | newk8object
$svcs | Where-Object { $ -like $Name}
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-k8Service.ps1' 22
#Region '.\Public\Invoke-k8ClusterCommand.ps1' 0
function Invoke-K8ClusterCommand {
    $currentContext = Get-k8Context -Current
    foreach($c in $cluster){
      Set-k8Context $c
      & $script
    Set-k8Context $
  # if i put this in to a job/runspace it might have its own pid, which would then allow it to not screw with the current session
  #Clusters should be an array or filter? make both work? different params?
#EndRegion '.\Public\Invoke-k8ClusterCommand.ps1' 24
#Region '.\Public\kubewrapper.ps1' 0
function kubeWrapper {
        # Args to pass to kubectl

    $nsPat = '^--?n(amespace)?($|=)'
    $contextPat = '^--context'
    ## Namespace handler
    if($kubeArgs | where-object {$_ -cmatch $nsPat}){
        Write-Verbose "[kubeWrapper] Using Provided Namespace"
            Write-Verbose "[kubeWrapper] Using Env based Namespace" 
            Write-Verbose "[kubeWrapper] Using Default Namespace"
            $env:KUBECTL_NAMESPACE = 'default'
        $kubeArgs += "--namespace=$($env:KUBECTL_NAMESPACE)"

    ## context handler
    if($kubeArgs | where-object {$_ -cnotmatch $contextPat}){
            Write-Verbose "[kubeWrapper] Using Provided Context"
            $kubeArgs += "--context=$($ENV:KUBECTL_CONTEXT)"
        ## use select context from kubeconfig
        Write-Verbose "[kubeWrapper] Using kube config Context"
        Write-Verbose "[kubeWrapper] Using stored Context"

    Write-Verbose "[kubeWrapper] Arguments: $kubeArgs"
    Write-Verbose ($kubeArgs | ConvertTo-Json)
    kubectl $kubeArgs
#EndRegion '.\Public\kubewrapper.ps1' 43
#Region '.\Public\Set-k8ActiveNamespace.ps1' 0
function Set-k8ActiveNamespace {
    #todo: add validation of some kind i guess
    # use force to set to "anything" and by default validate its acceptable based on current ctx
    $env:KUBECTL_NAMESPACE = $Name
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-k8ActiveNamespace.ps1' 7
#Region '.\Public\Set-k8Context.ps1' 0

function Set-k8Context {
    # Name or Context object to set as the active context.
    #if its a context obj, get the name
        $name = $
        #todo its a string, validate that its valid
    #env or script var?
    $env:KUBECTL_CONTEXT = $name
    #dont use kube config, use env and append to each cmd
    #kubeWrapper -kubeArgs @("config","use-context",$Name) | out-null
    write-verbose "[Set-k8Context] Set to $name"
    $script:K8CTXCACHE.lastUpdate = $null #force update on next get call
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-k8Context.ps1' 19
#Region '.\Public\Switch-k8Context.ps1' 0
function Switch-k8Context {
            set-k8context $Name
            #reset NS to default on context switch
            Set-k8ActiveNamespace 'default'
        else {
            #todo perhaps make this, no params, toggle to the last used context since i assume the tab complete feature should make this worthless?
            get-k8Context | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
#EndRegion '.\Public\Switch-k8Context.ps1' 15
#Region '.\Public\zLoader.ps1' 0
## since there is no fucntion, this file will just run upon module load, acting as a startup script.
# since files are loaded in alpha order, with Public being last, the file name starts with a Z to force it to load last

#EndRegion '.\Public\zLoader.ps1' 4