
function pspm {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        # Command name (version / install / run)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Version')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Run')]

        # Name of Package (install) or Name of script (run)
        [Parameter(position = 1)]

        [ValidateSet('Global', 'CurrentUser')]





        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Run')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Run')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Version')]

        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [securestring] $GitHubToken

    #region Variable Initialize
    $script:ModuleRoot = Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot
    $script:CurrentDir = Convert-Path .
    $script:ModuleDir = (Join-path $CurrentDir '/Modules')
    $script:UserPSModulePath = Get-PSModulePath -Scope User
    $script:GlobalPSModulePath = Get-PSModulePath -Scope Global
    #endregion Variable Initialize

    # pspm -v
    if (($Command -eq 'version') -or ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Version')) {



    # pspm install
    elseif ($Command -eq 'Install') {
        [HashTable]$private:param = @{
            Name = $Name
        if ($Scope) {$private:param.Add('Scope', $Scope)}
        if ($Global) {$private:param.Add('Global', $Global)}
        if ($Save) {$private:param.Add('Save', $Save)}
        if ($Clean) {$private:param.Add('Clean', $Clean)}
        if ($NoImport) {$private:param.Add('NoImport', $NoImport)}

        if ($Credential) {$private:param.Add('Credential', $Credential)}
        elseif ($GitHubToken) {$private:param.Add('GitHubToken', $GitHubToken)}

        # run preinstall script
        pspm-run -CommandName 'preinstall' -IfPresent

        # main
        pspm-install @param

        # run install script
        pspm-run -CommandName 'install' -IfPresent

        # run postinstall script
        pspm-run -CommandName 'postinstall' -IfPresent


    # pspm update
    elseif ($Command -eq 'update') {
        [HashTable]$private:param = @{
            Name = $Name
        if ($Scope) {$private:param.Add('Scope', $Scope)}
        if ($Global) {$private:param.Add('Global', $Global)}
        if ($NoImport) {$private:param.Add('NoImport', $NoImport)}

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Save')) {
            # Default Save parameter is $true in update
            $private:param.Add('Save', $Save)

        # run preupdate script
        pspm-run -CommandName 'preupdate' -IfPresent

        # main
        pspm-update @param

        # run update script
        pspm-run -CommandName 'update' -IfPresent

        # run postupdate script
        pspm-run -CommandName 'postupdate' -IfPresent


    # pspm uninstall
    elseif ($Command -eq 'uninstall') {
        [HashTable]$private:param = @{
            Name = $Name
        if ($Scope) {$private:param.Add('Scope', $Scope)}
        if ($Global) {$private:param.Add('Global', $Global)}
        if ($Save) {$private:param.Add('Save', $Save)}

        # run preuninstall script
        pspm-run -CommandName 'preuninstall' -IfPresent

        # run uninstall script
        pspm-run -CommandName 'uninstall' -IfPresent

        # main
        pspm-uninstall @param

        # run postuninstall script
        pspm-run -CommandName 'postuninstall' -IfPresent


    # pspm run
    elseif (($Command -eq 'run') -or ($Command -eq 'run-script')) {
        [HashTable]$private:param = @{
            CommandName = $Name
            Arguments   = $Arguments
            IfPresent   = $IfPresent

        # run pre script
        pspm-run -CommandName ('pre' + $Name) -IfPresent

        # run main script
        pspm-run @param

        # run post script
        pspm-run -CommandName ('post' + $Name) -IfPresent


    # pspm run (preserved name)
    elseif (('start', 'restart', 'stop', 'test') -eq $Command) {
        [HashTable]$private:param = @{
            CommandName = $Command
            Arguments   = $Arguments
            IfPresent   = $IfPresent
        # run pre script
        pspm-run -CommandName ('pre' + $Command) -IfPresent

        # run main script
        pspm-run @param

        # run post script
        pspm-run -CommandName ('post' + $Command) -IfPresent


    #pspm load (undocumented command)
    elseif ($Command -eq 'load') {

    #pspm unload (undocumented command)
    elseif ($Command -eq 'unload') {

    else {
        Write-Error ('Unsupported command: {0}' -f $Command)

function pspm-version {

    $local:ModuleRoot = $script:ModuleRoot

    # Get version of myself
    $owmInfo = Import-PowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath (Join-Path -Path $local:ModuleRoot -ChildPath 'pspm.psd1')

function pspm-install {

        [ValidateSet('Global', 'CurrentUser')]






        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [securestring] $GitHubToken

    $local:ModuleDir = $script:ModuleDir
    $local:CurrentDir = $script:CurrentDir

    #region Scope parameter
    if ($Global) {
        $Scope = 'Global'

    if ($Scope) {
        if ($Clean) {
            Write-Warning ("You can't use '-Clean' with '-Scope'")
            $Clean = $false

        if ($Scope -eq 'Global') {
            #Check for Admin Privileges (only Windows)
            if (-not (Test-AdminPrivilege)) {
                throw [System.InvalidOperationException]::new('Administrator rights are required to install modules in "{0}"' -f $GlobalPSModulePath)

            $local:ModuleDir = $script:GlobalPSModulePath
        elseif ($Scope -eq 'CurrentUser') {
            $local:ModuleDir = $script:UserPSModulePath

    Write-Host ('Modules will be saved in "{0}"' -f $local:ModuleDir)
    if (-Not (Test-Path $local:ModuleDir)) {
        New-Item -Path $local:ModuleDir -ItemType Directory >$null
    elseif ($Clean) {
        Get-ChildItem -Path $local:ModuleDir -Directory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

    # Add Module path to $env:PSModulePath

    # Install from Name
    if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {

        $paramHash = @{
            Version     = $Name
            Path        = $local:ModuleDir
            CommandType = if ($Force) {'Update'} else {'Install'}

        if ($Credential) {$paramHash.Credential = $Credential}
        elseif ($GitHubToken) {$paramHash.Token = $GitHubToken}
        elseif ($env:GITHUB_TOKEN) {$paramHash.Token = $env:GITHUB_TOKEN}

        $local:targetModule = getModule @paramHash

        if ($local:targetModule) {
            if (-not $NoImport) {
                Write-Host ('{0}@{1}: Importing module.' -f $local:targetModule.Name, $local:targetModule.ModuleVersion)
                Import-Module (Join-path $local:ModuleDir $local:targetModule.Name) -Force -Global -ErrorAction Stop

            if ($Save) {
                if ($PackageJson = (Get-PackageJson -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                    if (-Not $PackageJson.dependencies) {
                        $PackageJson | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'dependencies' -NotePropertyValue ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                else {
                    $PackageJson = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        dependencies = [PSCustomObject]@{}

                $PackageJson.dependencies | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $local:targetModule.Name -NotePropertyValue ('^' + [string]$local:targetModule.ModuleVersion) -Force
                $PackageJson | ConvertTo-Json | Format-Json | Out-File -FilePath (Join-path $local:CurrentDir '/package.json') -Force -Encoding utf8
    # Install from package.json
    elseif ($PackageJson = (Get-PackageJson -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        $PackageJson.dependencies | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | `
            ForEach-Object {
            $local:moduleName = $_.Name
            $local:moduleVersion = $PackageJson.dependencies.($_.Name)

            $paramHash = @{
                Name        = $local:moduleName
                Version     = $local:moduleVersion
                Path        = $local:ModuleDir
                CommandType = if ($Force) {'Update'} else {'Install'}

            $local:targetModule = getModule @paramHash

            if ($local:targetModule) {
                if (-not $NoImport) {
                    Write-Host ('{0}@{1}: Importing module.' -f $local:targetModule.Name, $local:targetModule.ModuleVersion)
                    Import-Module (Join-path $local:ModuleDir $local:targetModule.Name) -Force -Global -ErrorAction Stop
    else {
        Write-Error ('Could not find package.json in the current directory')

function pspm-update {

        [ValidateSet('Global', 'CurrentUser')]



        $Save = $true,

        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [securestring] $GitHubToken

    $p = @{
        Name   = $Name
        Global = $Global
        Save   = $Save

    if ($Scope) {
        $p.Scope = $Scope

    if ($NoImport) {
        $p.NoImport = $NoImport

    if ($Credential) {
        $p.Credential = $Credential
    elseif ($GitHubToken) {
        $p.GitHubToken = $GitHubToken

    pspm-install @p -Force

function pspm-uninstall {

        [ValidateSet('Global', 'CurrentUser')]



    $local:ModuleDir = $script:ModuleDir
    $local:CurrentDir = $script:CurrentDir

    #region Scope parameter
    if ($Global) {
        $Scope = 'Global'

    if ($Scope) {
        if ($Scope -eq 'Global') {
            #Check for Admin Privileges (only Windows)
            if (-not (Test-AdminPrivilege)) {
                throw [System.InvalidOperationException]::new('Administrator rights are required to uninstall modules in "{0}"' -f $GlobalPSModulePath)

            $local:ModuleDir = $script:GlobalPSModulePath
        elseif ($Scope -eq 'CurrentUser') {
            $local:ModuleDir = $script:UserPSModulePath

    Write-Host ('Modules will be removed from "{0}"' -f $local:ModuleDir)

    # Uninstall from Name
    $AllModules = Get-ChildItem -Path $local:ModuleDir -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $AllModuleInfos = $AllModules | ForEach-Object {Get-ModuleInfo -Path $_.Fullname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}

            $targetName = $_.Split("@")[0]
            # $targetVersion = $_.Split("@")[1]

            if ($targetModule = ($AllModuleInfos | Where-Object {$targetName -eq $_.Name})) {
                Write-Host ('{0}@{1}: Removing module.' -f $targetModule.Name, $targetModule.ModuleVersion)

                Remove-Module -Name $targetModule -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                $AllModules | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $targetModule.Name} | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
            else {
                # Which is better, error or warning ?
                Write-Warning ('Module "{0}" not found in "{1}"' -f $targetName, $local:ModuleDir)

            if ($Save) {
                $PackageJson = (Get-PackageJson -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                if ($PackageJson -and $PackageJson.dependencies) {
                    if ($PackageJson.dependencies | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $targetName) {
                        $PackageJson | ConvertTo-Json | Format-Json | Out-File -FilePath (Join-path $local:CurrentDir 'package.json') -Force -Encoding utf8
                    else {
                        Write-Warning ('Entry "{0}" not found in package.json dependencies' -f $targetName)
                else {
                    Write-Warning ('Could not find package.json or dependencies entry')

function pspm-run {



    $local:ModuleDir = $script:ModuleDir
    $local:CurrentDir = $script:CurrentDir

    if ($PackageJson = (Get-PackageJson -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {

        if ($PackageJson.scripts | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $CommandName}) {

            # Load config
            if ($PackageJson.config) {
                $PackageJson.config.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty'} | ForEach-Object {
                    $fullname = 'pspm_package_config_' + $_.Name
                    Write-Verbose ('Load config:"{0}" from package.json. You can use config as $env:{1}' -f $_.Name, $fullname)
                    New-Item -Path Env:/$fullname -Value $_.Value -Force >$null

            # Invoke script
            try {
                $local:ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($PackageJson.scripts.($CommandName))
            finally {
                Set-Location -Path $local:CurrentDir
        else {
            if (-not $IfPresent) {
                Write-Error ('The script "{0}" is not defined in package.json' -f $CommandName)
    else {
        if (-not $IfPresent) {
            Write-Error ('Could not find package.json in the current directory')

## Undocumented command
# Add Module folder to $env:PSModulePath
function pspm-load {

    $local:ModuleDir = $script:ModuleDir
    $local:CurrentDir = $script:CurrentDir

    #region Update $env:PSModulePath
    [string]$tmpModulePath = $local:ModuleDir
    [string]$oldPSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath

    $oldPSModulePathArray = $oldPSModulePath.Split(';')

    if ($oldPSModulePathArray -ccontains $tmpModulePath) {
        $newPSModulePathArray = $oldPSModulePathArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $tmpModulePath}
        $newPSModulePath = $newPSModulePathArray -join ';'
    else {
        $newPSModulePath = $oldPSModulePath

    $newPSModulePath = ($tmpModulePath, $newPSModulePath) -join ';'
    $env:PSModulePath = $newPSModulePath
    #endregion Update $env:PSModulePath

## Undocumented command
# Remove Module folder from $env:PSModulePath
function pspm-unload {

    $local:ModuleDir = $script:ModuleDir
    $local:CurrentDir = $script:CurrentDir

    #region Restore $env:PSModulePath
    [string]$tmpModulePath = $local:ModuleDir
    [string]$oldPSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath

    $oldPSModulePathArray = $oldPSModulePath.Split(';')

    if ($oldPSModulePathArray -ccontains $tmpModulePath) {
        $newPSModulePathArray = $oldPSModulePathArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $tmpModulePath}
        $newPSModulePath = $newPSModulePathArray -join ';'
    else {
        $newPSModulePath = $oldPSModulePath

    $env:PSModulePath = $newPSModulePath
    #endregion Restore $env:PSModulePath