
$Defaults = @{
    NugetServerUrl = ''
    LocalNuGetExePath = "$PSScriptRoot\nuget.exe"
    NuGetExeUrl = ''

function New-Package
                if (-not (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container))
                    throw "The folder '$_' does not exist."


        [string]$Name = (Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf),

                if (-not (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container))
                    throw "The folder '$_' does not exist."
        [string]$PackageFolderPath = '.',










                if (-not (Compare-Object $_.Keys @('id', 'version')))
                    throw 'One or more dependencies hashtables does not have the required keys: id and version.'

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

            if (($Version).Build -eq '-1') { $Version = "$Version.0" }

            #region Build the nuget spec
            $specParamNames = @(

            $tempSpecFilePath = "$env:TEMP\$((New-Guid).Guid).nuspec"
            $specParams = @{
                Name = $Name
                FilePath = $tempSpecFilePath
                Force = $true
            @($specParamNames).where({ $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($_) }).foreach({
                    $specParams[$_] = (Get-Variable -Name $_).Value

            $packSpec = New-PackageSpec @specParams

            ## Create the nuget package
            $null = Invoke-NuGet -Action 'pack' -Arguments @{
                '-NoPackageAnalysis' = $null
                $packSpec.FullName = $null;
                OutputDirectory = $PackageFolderPath.TrimEnd('\')
                BasePath = $Path.TrimEnd('\') 
            if ($PassThru)
                Get-Item -Path "$PackageFolderPath\$Name.$Version.nupkg"
            Remove-Item -Path $tempSpecFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore

function Invoke-NuGet
        [ValidateSet('delete', 'list', 'pack', 'push')]


        $argArr = @()
        $argArr += $Arguments.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Value | foreach {
            if (-not $_.Value)
                '"{0}"' -f $_.Key
                '-{0} "{1}"' -f $_.Key, $_.Value
        $argString = $argArr -join ' '

        $stdOutTempFile = New-TemporaryFile
        $stdErrTempFile = New-TemporaryFile

        $startProcessParams = @{
            FilePath                = $Defaults.LocalNuGetExePath
            ArgumentList            = "$Action $argString"
            RedirectStandardError   = $stdErrTempFile.FullName
            RedirectStandardOutput  = $stdOutTempFile.FullName
            Wait                    = $true
            PassThru                = $true
            NoNewWindow             = $true

        $cmd = Start-Process @startProcessParams
        $cmdOutput = Get-Content -Path $stdOutTempFile.FullName -Raw
        $cmdError = Get-Content -Path $stdErrTempFile.FullName -Raw
        if (($cmd.ExitCode -ne 0) -or ($cmdOutput -join ' ') -notmatch 'Successfully created package')
            throw $cmdError
            Write-Verbose -Message $cmdOutput
        Remove-Item -Path $stdOutTempFile.FullName, $stdErrTempFile.FullName -Force

function New-PackageSpec

                if ($_ -notmatch '\.nuspec$')
                    throw 'Invalid file path. Extension must be NUSPEC.'


        [version]$Version = '1.0.0',

        [string]$Authors = 'Adam Bertram',

        [string]$Id = $Name,

        [string]$Description = $Name,







        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            if ((Test-Path -Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf) -and (-not $Force.IsPresent))
                throw "The file [$($FilePath)] already exists and -Force was not used to overwrite."

            [xml]$xDoc = @"
<?xml version="1.0"?>

            $optionalNodes = @(

            @($optionalNodes).where({ $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($_) }).foreach({
                    if ($_ -eq 'Tags')
                        $nodeName = $_ -join ' '
                        $nodeName = $_
                    $nodeName = $nodeName
                    $xNode = $xDoc.CreateElement($nodeName)
                    if ($_ -eq 'Dependencies')
                                $xDep = $xNode.AppendChild($xDoc.CreateElement('dependency'))
                                $xDep.SetAttribute('id', $
                                $xDep.SetAttribute('version', $_.version)
                                $null = $xNode.AppendChild($xDep)
                        $xNode.InnerText = (Get-Variable -Name $_).Value
                    $null = $xDoc.package.metadata.AppendChild($xNode)

            Get-Item -Path $FilePath

function Publish-Package
                if ($_ -notmatch '\.nupkg$')
                    throw 'Invalid file path. Extension must be NUPKG.'



        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            $nugetArgs = [ordered]@{
                $Path = $null
                Timeout = "-timeout $Timeout"
                FeedUrl = "-source $FeedUrl"
                ApiKey = "-ApiKey $ApiKey"
            $null = Invoke-NuGet -Action 'push' -Arguments $nugetArgs

function Remove-Package
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'NoPipeline')]
                if (-not (Compare-Object $_.Keys @('Name', 'Version')))
                    throw 'One or more hashtables in the Package parameter do not have Name/Version key/value pairs.'

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]

        [string]$FeedUrl = $Defaults.NugetServerUrl,

        [string]$NuGetApiKey = 'secret'
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Package'))
                $pack = @{
                    Name = $Package.Name
                    Version = $Package.Version
            elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PackageInfo'))
                $pack = @{
                    Name = $PackageInfo.Name
                    Version = $PackageInfo.Version

            $nuGetArgs = @{
                $pack.Name = $null
                $pack.Version = $null
                '-NonInteractive' = $null
                source = $FeedUrl
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NuGetApiKey'))
                $nuGetArgs.ApiKey = $NuGetApiKey

            Invoke-NuGet -Action 'delete' -Arguments $nuGetArgs

function Get-DependentModule

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            if ($depModuleNames = Get-Module -Name $ModuleName -ListAvailable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RequiredModules)
                $depModules = Get-Module -Name $depModuleNames -ListAvailable
                if ($Recurse.IsPresent)
                    Get-DependentModule -ModuleName $depModules.Name

function New-ModulePackage

    ## TODO ADB: Get all manifest attributes
    $moduleName = ($Path | Split-Path -Leaf)
    $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$Path\$moduleName.psd1"
    $manifestAttribToPackageMap = @{
        'ModuleVersion' = 'Version'
        'Description' = 'Description'
        'Author' = 'Authors'
        @('PrivateData', 'PSData', 'Tags') = 'Tags'
        @('PrivateData', 'PSData', 'ProjectUri') = 'ProjectUrl'

    $newPackageParams = @{
        Name = $moduleName
        Path = $Path
        PackageFolderPath = $Path
    if ($PassThru.IsPresent)
        $newPackageParams.PassThru = $true

    $manifestAttribToPackageMap.GetEnumerator() | foreach {
        $val = $manifest.Clone()
        if ($_.Key -is 'array')
            foreach ($p in $_.Key)
                $val = $val.$p 
            $val = $manifest.($_.Key)
        $newPackageParams.($_.Value) = $val
    New-PmPackage @newPackageParams

function Publish-Module
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ByName')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ByPath')]


        [string]$FeedUrl = $Defaults.NugetServerUrl,


        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByName')
                $getModuleName = $Name
                $moduleName = $Name
                $getModuleName = $Path
                $moduleName = Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf
            $modulesToPublish = Get-Module -Name $getModuleName -ListAvailable

            if (@($modulesToPublish).Count -ne @($moduleName).Count)
                throw 'One or more modules could not be found.'

            $publishPackParams = @{
                FeedUrl = $FeedUrl
                ApiKey = $NuGetApiKey

            if (($depModules = Get-DependentModule -ModuleName $moduleName -Recurse) -and (-not $PublishDependentModules.IsPresent))
                throw "The module(s) [$($moduleName -join ',')] have dependent module(s) [$($depModules.Name -join ',')]. Use -PublishDependentModules to publish these as well."
                        if (-not (Test-ModuleExists -Name $_.Name))
                            throw "The dependenent module [$($_.Name)] needs to be published but was not found."
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Creating package for module [$($_.Name)]..."
                            $pkg = New-PmPackage -Path $_.ModuleBase -PassThru -Version $_.Version
                            Publish-PmPackage @publishPackParams -Path $pkg.FullName
                            Remove-Item -Path $pkg.FullName -ErrorAction Ignore

                    $newPkgParams = @{
                        Path = $_.ModuleBase
                        PassThru = $true
                    if ($depModules)
                        $newPkgParams.Dependencies = @($depModules).foreach({
                                @{id=$_.Name; version=$_.Version}
                    $pkg = New-PmModulePackage @newPkgParams
                    Publish-PmPackage @publishPackParams -Path $pkg.FullName
        } finally
            Remove-Item -Path $pkg.FullName -ErrorAction Ignore

function Test-ModuleExists
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            if (Get-Module -Name $Name -ListAvailable)

function Find-Package

        [string]$FeedUrl = $Defaults.NugetServerUrl

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name'))
                $whereFilter = { $_ -match "^$($Name -join '|')" }
                $whereFilter = { $_ }

            $nugetArgs = @{
                Source = $FeedUrl

            $packageList = Invoke-NuGet -Action 'list' -Arguments $nugetArgs
            if ($packageList -notmatch 'no packages found')
                        $split = $_.Split(' ') 
                        $version = $split[-1]
                        if ($split.Count -eq 2)
                            $packageName = $split[0] 
                            $packageName = $split[0..-2] -join ' '
                        [pscustomobject]@{Name = $packageName; Version = $version}  

function Publish-DscResource
    ## TODO: Add pipeline support for Get-DscResource at some point
                if (-not (Get-DscResource -Name $_ -ErrorAction Ignore))
                    throw "The DSC resource [$($_)] was not found"


        [string]$FeedUrl = $Defaults.NugetServerUrl,

        [string]$NuGetApiKey = 'secret',

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            $publishPackParams = @{
                FeedUrl = $FeedUrl
            if ($NuGetApiKey)
                $publishPackParams.ApiKey = $NuGetApiKey
            ## TODO: Need to group these dependency checks together if multiple resources are passed so the same thing
            ## isn't done for every resource. Could also makes these parallel
            ## Ensure any and all dependent modules are available before proceeding
                    $resourceName = $_
                    $resourceModule = Get-Module -Name (Get-DscResource -Name $resourceName).ModuleName -ListAvailable
                    Write-Verbose -Message "The DSC resource [$($resourceName)] is in the module [$($resourceModule.Name)]"
                    if ($dscModuleDeps = Get-DependentModule -ModuleName $resourceModule.Name)
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Found [$($dscModuleDeps.Count)] dependent module(s)..."
                        $depModulesInFeed = Find-Package -Name $dscModuleDeps.Name
                                if ($_.Name -notin $depModulesInFeed.Name)
                                    if (-not $PublishDependentModules.IsPresent)
                                        throw "The dependent module [$($_.Name)] is not published to the feed specified. Downloading this module will fail if uploaded now. Use -PublishDependentModules."
                                        if (-not (Test-ModuleExists -Name $_.Name))
                                            throw "The dependenent module [$($_.Name)] needs to be published but was not found."
                                            Publish-Module -FeedUrl $FeedUrl -Name $_.Name -
                                            Write-Verbose -Message "Creating package for module [$($_.Name)]..."
                                            $pkg = New-PmPackage -Path $_.ModuleBase -PassThru -Version $_.Version
                                            Publish-PmPackage @publishPackParams -Path $pkg.FullName
                                            Remove-Item -Path $pkg.FullName -ErrorAction Ignore
                    $newPkgParams = @{
                        Path = $resourceModule.ModuleBase
                        PassThru = $true
                        Version = $resourceModule.Version
                        Tags = "PsDscResource_$resourceName" ## Required for Find-DscResource to find the module
                    if ($dscModuleDeps)
                        $newPkgParams.Dependencies = @($dscModuleDeps).foreach({
                                @{id=$_.Name; version=$_.Version}
                    $pkg = New-PmPackage @newPkgParams
                    Publish-PmPackage @publishPackParams -Path $pkg.FullName
                    Remove-Item -Path $pkg.FullName -ErrorAction Ignore