.SYNOPSIS Returns match from the connected PUBG Api environment You must have invoked Set-PUBGApiKey and Set-PUBGRegion prior to executing this function .PARAMETER MatchID Parameter to specify the match id to search for. Mandatory Parameter. .EXAMPLE Get-PUBGMatch -MatchID '140adca4-cb4f-4976-87ee-19c794ba3ac2' #> function Get-PUBGMatch { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $MatchID ) if ((Test-PUBGApiEnvironment) -eq $false) { 'Please make sure the environment variables is set with Set-PUBGApiKey & Set-PUBGRegion before runnning this function' break } $RestURL = $Global:PUBGRestUrl + $Global:PUBGRegion + '/matches/' + $MatchID $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $RestURL -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $Global:PUBGApiHeader if ($Result -ne $null) { return $Result } else { 'There was an error in your request' } } |