
using module @{ ModuleName = "PSPulumiYaml"; ModuleVersion = "0.0.3"; GUID = "909344e0-a08f-45f6-8177-80e36bb2ba58" }
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetManagementLockAtResourceGroupLevel
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the locked resource group.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the lock to get.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["lockName"] = $lockName
        $arguments["resourceGroupName"] = $resourceGroupName

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getManagementLockAtResourceGroupLevel -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetResourceManagementPrivateLink
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the resource management private link.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["resourceGroupName"] = $resourceGroupName
        $arguments["rmplName"] = $rmplName

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getResourceManagementPrivateLink -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetManagementLockByScope
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope for the lock. )')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of lock.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["lockName"] = $lockName
        $arguments["scope"] = $scope

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getManagementLockByScope -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetManagementLockAtSubscriptionLevel
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the lock to get.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["lockName"] = $lockName

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getManagementLockAtSubscriptionLevel -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionById
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The id of the access review history definition.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["historyDefinitionId"] = $historyDefinitionId

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionById -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetManagementLockAtResourceLevel
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the resource group. )')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='An extra path parameter needed in some services, like SQL Databases.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The namespace of the resource provider.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the resource.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The type of the resource.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["lockName"] = $lockName
        $arguments["parentResourcePath"] = $parentResourcePath
        $arguments["resourceGroupName"] = $resourceGroupName
        $arguments["resourceName"] = $resourceName
        $arguments["resourceProviderNamespace"] = $resourceProviderNamespace
        $arguments["resourceType"] = $resourceType

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getManagementLockAtResourceLevel -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetAccessReviewScheduleDefinitionById
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The id of the access review schedule definition.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["scheduleDefinitionId"] = $scheduleDefinitionId

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getAccessReviewScheduleDefinitionById -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetPolicyDefinitionAtManagementGroup
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the management group.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy definition to get.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["managementGroupId"] = $managementGroupId
        $arguments["policyDefinitionName"] = $policyDefinitionName

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getPolicyDefinitionAtManagementGroup -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetRoleAssignment
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the role assignment. It can be any valid GUID.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope of the operation or resource. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}''), resource group (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}'', or resource (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/[{parentResourcePath}/]{resourceType}/{resourceName}'')')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Tenant ID for cross-tenant request)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["roleAssignmentName"] = $roleAssignmentName
        $arguments["scope"] = $scope

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'tenantId')
            $arguments["tenantId"] = $tenantId

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getRoleAssignment -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetPolicyDefinition
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy definition to get.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["policyDefinitionName"] = $policyDefinitionName

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getPolicyDefinition -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetRoleDefinition
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope of the role definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the role definition.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["roleDefinitionId"] = $roleDefinitionId
        $arguments["scope"] = $scope

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getRoleDefinition -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetClientConfig
    param (

        $arguments = @{}

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getClientConfig -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetPolicySetDefinition
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy set definition to get.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["policySetDefinitionName"] = $policySetDefinitionName

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getPolicySetDefinition -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetPolicyExemption
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope of the policy exemption. Valid scopes are: management group (format: ''/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managementGroup}''), subscription (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}''), resource group (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}'', or resource (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/[{parentResourcePath}/]{resourceType}/{resourceName}'')')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy exemption to delete.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["policyExemptionName"] = $policyExemptionName
        $arguments["scope"] = $scope

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getPolicyExemption -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetRoleManagementPolicyAssignment
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope of the role management policy.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of format {guid_guid} the role management policy assignment to get.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["roleManagementPolicyAssignmentName"] = $roleManagementPolicyAssignmentName
        $arguments["scope"] = $scope

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getRoleManagementPolicyAssignment -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetClientToken
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Optional authentication endpoint. Defaults to the endpoint of Azure Resource Manager.)')]

        $arguments = @{}

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'endpoint')
            $arguments["endpoint"] = $endpoint

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getClientToken -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetPrivateLinkAssociation
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the PLA)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The management group ID.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["groupId"] = $groupId
        $arguments["plaId"] = $plaId

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getPrivateLinkAssociation -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetPolicySetDefinitionAtManagementGroup
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the management group.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy set definition to get.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["managementGroupId"] = $managementGroupId
        $arguments["policySetDefinitionName"] = $policySetDefinitionName

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getPolicySetDefinitionAtManagementGroup -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function Invoke-AzureNativeFunctionAuthorizationGetPolicyAssignment
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope of the policy assignment. Valid scopes are: management group (format: ''/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managementGroup}''), subscription (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}''), resource group (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}'', or resource (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/[{parentResourcePath}/]{resourceType}/{resourceName}'')')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy assignment to get.)')]

        $arguments = @{}
        $arguments["policyAssignmentName"] = $policyAssignmentName
        $arguments["scope"] = $scope

        $functionObject = Invoke-PulumiFunction -Name azure-native:authorization:getPolicyAssignment -variableName $([guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Arguments $arguments
        return $functionObject
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationRoleDefinition
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The role definition description.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the role definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The role name.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Role definition assignable scopes.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The role type.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Role definition permissions.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope of the role definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:RoleDefinition")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["scope"] = $scope

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'description')
            $["description"] = $description

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'roleDefinitionId')
            $["roleDefinitionId"] = $roleDefinitionId

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'roleName')
            $["roleName"] = $roleName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'assignableScopes')
            $["assignableScopes"] = $assignableScopes

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'roleType')
            $["roleType"] = $roleType

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'permissions')
            $["permissions"] = $permissions

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
class PrivateLinkAssociationProperties
    [ArgumentCompletions('Enabled', 'Disabled')]
    [string] $publicNetworkAccess
    [string] $privateLink
function New-AzureNativeTypeAuthorizationPrivateLinkAssociationProperties
    param (
        [ArgumentCompletions('Enabled', 'Disabled')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The rmpl Resource ID.)')]

        return $([PrivateLinkAssociationProperties]$PSBoundParameters)
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationPrivateLinkAssociation
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The properties of the PrivateLinkAssociation.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The management group ID.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the PLA)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:PrivateLinkAssociation")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["groupId"] = $groupId

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'properties')
            $["properties"] = $properties

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'plaId')
            $["plaId"] = $plaId

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionById
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The DateTime when the review is scheduled to be start. This could be a date in the future. Required on create.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The DateTime when the review is scheduled to end. Required if type is endDate)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Set of access review history instances for this history definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The display name for the history definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The recurrence range type. The possible values are: endDate, noEnd, numbered.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('endDate', 'noEnd', 'numbered')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The number of times to repeat the access review. Required and must be positive if type is numbered.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The id of the access review history definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='A collection of scopes used when selecting review history data)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Collection of review decisions which the history data should be filtered on. For example if Approve and Deny are supplied the data will only contain review results in which the decision maker approved or denied a review request.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The interval for recurrence. For a quarterly review, the interval is 3 for type : absoluteMonthly.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:AccessReviewHistoryDefinitionById")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'startDate')
            $["startDate"] = $startDate

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'endDate')
            $["endDate"] = $endDate

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'instances')
            $["instances"] = $instances

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'displayName')
            $["displayName"] = $displayName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'type')
            $["type"] = $type

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'numberOfOccurrences')
            $["numberOfOccurrences"] = $numberOfOccurrences

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'historyDefinitionId')
            $["historyDefinitionId"] = $historyDefinitionId

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'scopes')
            $["scopes"] = $scopes

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'decisions')
            $["decisions"] = $decisions

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'interval')
            $["interval"] = $interval

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
class ParameterDefinitionsValueMetadata
    [string] $strongType
    [string] $displayName
    [string] $description
    [bool] $assignPermissions
function New-AzureNativeTypeAuthorizationParameterDefinitionsValueMetadata
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Used when assigning the policy definition through the portal. Provides a context aware list of values for the user to choose from.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The display name for the parameter.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The description of the parameter.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Set to true to have Azure portal create role assignments on the resource ID or resource scope value of this parameter during policy assignment. This property is useful in case you wish to assign permissions outside the assignment scope.)')]

        return $([ParameterDefinitionsValueMetadata]$PSBoundParameters)
class ParameterDefinitionsValue
    [ArgumentCompletions('String', 'Array', 'Object', 'Boolean', 'Integer', 'Float', 'DateTime')]
    [string] $type
    [ParameterDefinitionsValueMetadata] $metadata
    [object[]] $allowedValues
    [object] $defaultValue
function New-AzureNativeTypeAuthorizationParameterDefinitionsValue
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The data type of the parameter.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('String', 'Array', 'Object', 'Boolean', 'Integer', 'Float', 'DateTime')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='General metadata for the parameter.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The allowed values for the parameter.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The default value for the parameter if no value is provided.)')]

        return $([ParameterDefinitionsValue]$PSBoundParameters)
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationPolicyDefinition
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The display name of the policy definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The parameter definitions for parameters used in the policy rule. The keys are the parameter names.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The type of policy definition. Possible values are NotSpecified, BuiltIn, Custom, and Static.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('NotSpecified', 'BuiltIn', 'Custom', 'Static')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy definition to create.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy definition description.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy rule.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy definition metadata. Metadata is an open ended object and is typically a collection of key value pairs.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy definition mode. Some examples are All, Indexed, Microsoft.KeyVault.Data.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:PolicyDefinition")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'displayName')
            $["displayName"] = $displayName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'parameters')
            $["parameters"] = $parameters

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyType')
            $["policyType"] = $policyType

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyDefinitionName')
            $["policyDefinitionName"] = $policyDefinitionName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'description')
            $["description"] = $description

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyRule')
            $["policyRule"] = $policyRule

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'metadata')
            $["metadata"] = $metadata

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'mode')
            $["mode"] = $mode

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
class ParameterValuesValue
    [object] $value
function New-AzureNativeTypeAuthorizationParameterValuesValue
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The value of the parameter.)')]

        return $([ParameterValuesValue]$PSBoundParameters)
class Identity
    [ArgumentCompletions('SystemAssigned', 'None')]
    [object] $type
function New-AzureNativeTypeAuthorizationIdentity
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The identity type. This is the only required field when adding a system assigned identity to a resource.)')]

        return $([Identity]$PSBoundParameters)
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationPolicyAssignment
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy assignment.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the policy definition or policy set definition being assigned.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The parameter values for the assigned policy rule. The keys are the parameter names.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='This message will be part of response in case of policy violation.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The display name of the policy assignment.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy assignment metadata. Metadata is an open ended object and is typically a collection of key value pairs.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy assignment enforcement mode. Possible values are Default and DoNotEnforce.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('Default', 'DoNotEnforce')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy''s excluded scopes.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The managed identity associated with the policy assignment.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope of the policy assignment. Valid scopes are: management group (format: ''/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managementGroup}''), subscription (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}''), resource group (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}'', or resource (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/[{parentResourcePath}/]{resourceType}/{resourceName}'')')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The messages that describe why a resource is non-compliant with the policy.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The location of the policy assignment. Only required when utilizing managed identity.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:PolicyAssignment")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["scope"] = $scope

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyAssignmentName')
            $["policyAssignmentName"] = $policyAssignmentName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyDefinitionId')
            $["policyDefinitionId"] = $policyDefinitionId

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'parameters')
            $["parameters"] = $parameters

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'description')
            $["description"] = $description

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'displayName')
            $["displayName"] = $displayName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'metadata')
            $["metadata"] = $metadata

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'enforcementMode')
            $["enforcementMode"] = $enforcementMode

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'notScopes')
            $["notScopes"] = $notScopes

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'identity')
            $["identity"] = $identity

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'nonComplianceMessages')
            $["nonComplianceMessages"] = $nonComplianceMessages

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'location')
            $["location"] = $location

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationManagementLockAtResourceLevel
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the resource to lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The resource type of the resource to lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The parent resource identity.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the resource group containing the resource to lock. )')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The owners of the lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Notes about the lock. Maximum of 512 characters.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The level of the lock. Possible values are: NotSpecified, CanNotDelete, ReadOnly. CanNotDelete means authorized users are able to read and modify the resources, but not delete. ReadOnly means authorized users can only read from a resource, but they can''t modify or delete it.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('NotSpecified', 'CanNotDelete', 'ReadOnly')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of lock. The lock name can be a maximum of 260 characters. It cannot contain <, > %, &, :, \, ?, /, or any control characters.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The resource provider namespace of the resource to lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:ManagementLockAtResourceLevel")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["level"] = $level
        $["parentResourcePath"] = $parentResourcePath
        $["resourceGroupName"] = $resourceGroupName
        $["resourceName"] = $resourceName
        $["resourceProviderNamespace"] = $resourceProviderNamespace
        $["resourceType"] = $resourceType

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'owners')
            $["owners"] = $owners

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'notes')
            $["notes"] = $notes

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'lockName')
            $["lockName"] = $lockName

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationRoleAssignment
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The principal ID.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Description of role assignment)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The principal type of the assigned principal ID.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('User', 'Group', 'ServicePrincipal', 'ForeignGroup', 'Device')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Version of the condition. Currently accepted value is ''2.0'')')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope of the operation or resource. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}''), resource group (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}'', or resource (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/[{parentResourcePath}/]{resourceType}/{resourceName}'')')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the role assignment. It can be any valid GUID.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The conditions on the role assignment. This limits the resources it can be assigned to. e.g.: @Resource[Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers:ContainerName] StringEqualsIgnoreCase ''foo_storage_container'')')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The role definition ID.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Id of the delegated managed identity resource)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:RoleAssignment")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["principalId"] = $principalId
        $["roleDefinitionId"] = $roleDefinitionId
        $["scope"] = $scope

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'description')
            $["description"] = $description

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'principalType')
            $["principalType"] = $principalType

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'conditionVersion')
            $["conditionVersion"] = $conditionVersion

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'roleAssignmentName')
            $["roleAssignmentName"] = $roleAssignmentName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'condition')
            $["condition"] = $condition

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'delegatedManagedIdentityResourceId')
            $["delegatedManagedIdentityResourceId"] = $delegatedManagedIdentityResourceId

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationPolicySetDefinition
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy set definition to create.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The display name of the policy set definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy set definition parameters that can be used in policy definition references.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The type of policy definition. Possible values are NotSpecified, BuiltIn, Custom, and Static.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('NotSpecified', 'BuiltIn', 'Custom', 'Static')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='An array of policy definition references.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy set definition description.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy set definition metadata. Metadata is an open ended object and is typically a collection of key value pairs.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The metadata describing groups of policy definition references within the policy set definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:PolicySetDefinition")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["policyDefinitions"] = $policyDefinitions

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policySetDefinitionName')
            $["policySetDefinitionName"] = $policySetDefinitionName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'displayName')
            $["displayName"] = $displayName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'parameters')
            $["parameters"] = $parameters

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyType')
            $["policyType"] = $policyType

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'description')
            $["description"] = $description

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'metadata')
            $["metadata"] = $metadata

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyDefinitionGroups')
            $["policyDefinitionGroups"] = $policyDefinitionGroups

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationResourceManagementPrivateLink
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='the region to create private link association.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the resource management private link.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:ResourceManagementPrivateLink")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["resourceGroupName"] = $resourceGroupName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'location')
            $["location"] = $location

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'rmplName')
            $["rmplName"] = $rmplName

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationAccessReviewScheduleDefinitionById
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Flag to indicate whether auto-apply capability, to automatically change the target object access resource, is enabled. If not enabled, a user must, after the review completes, apply the access review.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The interval for recurrence. For a quarterly review, the interval is 3 for type : absoluteMonthly.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The DateTime when the review is scheduled to end. Required if type is endDate)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='This specifies the behavior for the autoReview feature when an access review completes.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('Approve', 'Deny', 'Recommendation')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Flag to indicate whether sending reminder emails to reviewers are enabled.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Duration users are inactive for. The value should be in ISO 8601 format ( code can be used to convert TimeSpan to a valid interval string: XmlConvert.ToString(new TimeSpan(hours, minutes, seconds)))')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The display name for the schedule definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='This is the collection of backup reviewers.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The DateTime when the review is scheduled to be start. This could be a date in the future. Required on create.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='This is the collection of reviewers.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The description provided by the access review creator and visible to admins.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Flag to indicate whether reviewers are required to provide a justification when reviewing access.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Flag to indicate whether showing recommendations to reviewers is enabled.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The recurrence range type. The possible values are: endDate, noEnd, numbered.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('endDate', 'noEnd', 'numbered')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The id of the access review schedule definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The number of times to repeat the access review. Required and must be positive if type is numbered.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The duration in days for an instance.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Flag to indicate whether sending mails to reviewers and the review creator is enabled.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The description provided by the access review creator to be shown to reviewers.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Flag to indicate whether the reviewer is required to pass justification when recording a decision.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='This is the collection of instances returned when one does an expand on it.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:AccessReviewScheduleDefinitionById")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'autoApplyDecisionsEnabled')
            $["autoApplyDecisionsEnabled"] = $autoApplyDecisionsEnabled

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'interval')
            $["interval"] = $interval

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'endDate')
            $["endDate"] = $endDate

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'defaultDecision')
            $["defaultDecision"] = $defaultDecision

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'reminderNotificationsEnabled')
            $["reminderNotificationsEnabled"] = $reminderNotificationsEnabled

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'inactiveDuration')
            $["inactiveDuration"] = $inactiveDuration

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'displayName')
            $["displayName"] = $displayName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'backupReviewers')
            $["backupReviewers"] = $backupReviewers

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'startDate')
            $["startDate"] = $startDate

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'reviewers')
            $["reviewers"] = $reviewers

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'descriptionForAdmins')
            $["descriptionForAdmins"] = $descriptionForAdmins

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'defaultDecisionEnabled')
            $["defaultDecisionEnabled"] = $defaultDecisionEnabled

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'recommendationsEnabled')
            $["recommendationsEnabled"] = $recommendationsEnabled

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'type')
            $["type"] = $type

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'scheduleDefinitionId')
            $["scheduleDefinitionId"] = $scheduleDefinitionId

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'numberOfOccurrences')
            $["numberOfOccurrences"] = $numberOfOccurrences

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'instanceDurationInDays')
            $["instanceDurationInDays"] = $instanceDurationInDays

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'mailNotificationsEnabled')
            $["mailNotificationsEnabled"] = $mailNotificationsEnabled

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'descriptionForReviewers')
            $["descriptionForReviewers"] = $descriptionForReviewers

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'justificationRequiredOnApproval')
            $["justificationRequiredOnApproval"] = $justificationRequiredOnApproval

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'instances')
            $["instances"] = $instances

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationPolicyExemption
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy exemption to delete.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The expiration date and time (in UTC ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) of the policy exemption.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The description of the policy exemption.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The display name of the policy exemption.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy exemption metadata. Metadata is an open ended object and is typically a collection of key value pairs.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the policy assignment that is being exempted.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope of the policy exemption. Valid scopes are: management group (format: ''/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managementGroup}''), subscription (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}''), resource group (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}'', or resource (format: ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/[{parentResourcePath}/]{resourceType}/{resourceName}'')')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy definition reference ID list when the associated policy assignment is an assignment of a policy set definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy exemption category. Possible values are Waiver and Mitigated.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('Waiver', 'Mitigated')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:PolicyExemption")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["exemptionCategory"] = $exemptionCategory
        $["policyAssignmentId"] = $policyAssignmentId
        $["scope"] = $scope

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyExemptionName')
            $["policyExemptionName"] = $policyExemptionName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'expiresOn')
            $["expiresOn"] = $expiresOn

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'description')
            $["description"] = $description

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'displayName')
            $["displayName"] = $displayName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'metadata')
            $["metadata"] = $metadata

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyDefinitionReferenceIds')
            $["policyDefinitionReferenceIds"] = $policyDefinitionReferenceIds

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationManagementLockByScope
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The scope for the lock. When providing a scope for the assignment, use ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'' for subscriptions, ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}'' for resource groups, and ''/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePathIfPresent}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}'' for resources.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Notes about the lock. Maximum of 512 characters.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The owners of the lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The level of the lock. Possible values are: NotSpecified, CanNotDelete, ReadOnly. CanNotDelete means authorized users are able to read and modify the resources, but not delete. ReadOnly means authorized users can only read from a resource, but they can''t modify or delete it.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('NotSpecified', 'CanNotDelete', 'ReadOnly')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:ManagementLockByScope")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["level"] = $level
        $["scope"] = $scope

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'lockName')
            $["lockName"] = $lockName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'notes')
            $["notes"] = $notes

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'owners')
            $["owners"] = $owners

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationManagementLockAtResourceGroupLevel
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The lock name. The lock name can be a maximum of 260 characters. It cannot contain <, > %, &, :, \, ?, /, or any control characters.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the resource group to lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Notes about the lock. Maximum of 512 characters.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The owners of the lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The level of the lock. Possible values are: NotSpecified, CanNotDelete, ReadOnly. CanNotDelete means authorized users are able to read and modify the resources, but not delete. ReadOnly means authorized users can only read from a resource, but they can''t modify or delete it.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('NotSpecified', 'CanNotDelete', 'ReadOnly')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:ManagementLockAtResourceGroupLevel")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["level"] = $level
        $["resourceGroupName"] = $resourceGroupName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'lockName')
            $["lockName"] = $lockName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'notes')
            $["notes"] = $notes

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'owners')
            $["owners"] = $owners

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationManagementLockAtSubscriptionLevel
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of lock. The lock name can be a maximum of 260 characters. It cannot contain <, > %, &, :, \, ?, /, or any control characters.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='Notes about the lock. Maximum of 512 characters.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The owners of the lock.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The level of the lock. Possible values are: NotSpecified, CanNotDelete, ReadOnly. CanNotDelete means authorized users are able to read and modify the resources, but not delete. ReadOnly means authorized users can only read from a resource, but they can''t modify or delete it.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('NotSpecified', 'CanNotDelete', 'ReadOnly')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:ManagementLockAtSubscriptionLevel")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["level"] = $level

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'lockName')
            $["lockName"] = $lockName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'notes')
            $["notes"] = $notes

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'owners')
            $["owners"] = $owners

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationPolicySetDefinitionAtManagementGroup
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy set definition to create.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy set definition parameters that can be used in policy definition references.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The metadata describing groups of policy definition references within the policy set definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy set definition description.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The display name of the policy set definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy set definition metadata. Metadata is an open ended object and is typically a collection of key value pairs.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the management group.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='An array of policy definition references.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The type of policy definition. Possible values are NotSpecified, BuiltIn, Custom, and Static.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('NotSpecified', 'BuiltIn', 'Custom', 'Static')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:PolicySetDefinitionAtManagementGroup")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["managementGroupId"] = $managementGroupId
        $["policyDefinitions"] = $policyDefinitions

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policySetDefinitionName')
            $["policySetDefinitionName"] = $policySetDefinitionName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'parameters')
            $["parameters"] = $parameters

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyDefinitionGroups')
            $["policyDefinitionGroups"] = $policyDefinitionGroups

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'description')
            $["description"] = $description

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'displayName')
            $["displayName"] = $displayName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'metadata')
            $["metadata"] = $metadata

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyType')
            $["policyType"] = $policyType

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationPolicyDefinitionAtManagementGroup
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The parameter definitions for parameters used in the policy rule. The keys are the parameter names.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of the policy definition to create.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy definition description.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The display name of the policy definition.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy definition metadata. Metadata is an open ended object and is typically a collection of key value pairs.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy definition mode. Some examples are All, Indexed, Microsoft.KeyVault.Data.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The ID of the management group.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy rule.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The type of policy definition. Possible values are NotSpecified, BuiltIn, Custom, and Static.)')]
        [ArgumentCompletions('NotSpecified', 'BuiltIn', 'Custom', 'Static')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:PolicyDefinitionAtManagementGroup")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["managementGroupId"] = $managementGroupId

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'parameters')
            $["parameters"] = $parameters

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyDefinitionName')
            $["policyDefinitionName"] = $policyDefinitionName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'description')
            $["description"] = $description

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'displayName')
            $["displayName"] = $displayName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'metadata')
            $["metadata"] = $metadata

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'mode')
            $["mode"] = $mode

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyRule')
            $["policyRule"] = $policyRule

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyType')
            $["policyType"] = $policyType

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource
function New-AzureNativeAuthorizationRoleManagementPolicyAssignment
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The role management policy scope.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The role definition of management policy assignment.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The name of format {guid_guid} the role management policy assignment to upsert.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory=$False,HelpMessage='The policy id role management policy assignment.)')]
        [parameter(mandatory,HelpMessage='The reference to call when you want to make a dependency to another resource')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of named output properties that should be treated as secrets, which means they will be encrypted. It augments the list of values that Pulumi detects, based on secret inputs to the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The aliases parameter provides a list of aliases for a resource or component resource. If youre changing the name, type, or parent path of a resource or component resource, you can add the old name to the list of aliases for a resource to ensure that existing resources will be migrated to the new name instead of being deleted and replaced with the new named resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='The customTimeouts parameter provides a set of custom timeouts for create, update, and delete operations on a resource. These timeouts are specified using a duration string such as 5m (5 minutes), 40s (40 seconds), or 1d (1 day). Supported duration units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h (nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, respectively).')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Setting the PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace parameter to true means that Pulumi will delete the existing resource before creating its replacement. Be aware that this behavior has a cascading impact on dependencies so more resources may be replaced, which can lead to downtime. However, this option may be necessary for some resources that manage scarce resources behind the scenes, and/or resources that cannot exist side-by-side.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Creates a list of explicit dependencies between resources.The DependsOn parameter ensures that resource creation, update, and deletion operations are done in the correct order.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a list of properties that Pulumi will ignore when it updates existing resources. Any properties specified in this list that are also specified in the resources arguments will only be used when creating the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Imports an existing cloud resource so that Pulumi can manage it. To import a resource, first specify the PulumiImport parameter with the resources ID')]
        $PulumiImport = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a parent for a resource. It is used to associate children with the parents that encapsulate or are responsible for them.')]
        $PulumiParent = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource as protected. A protected resource cannot be deleted directly, and it will be an error to do a Pulumi deployment which tries to delete a protected resource for any reason.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a provider for the resource. The default is to inherit this value from the parent resource, and to use the ambient provider specified by Pulumi configuration for resources without a parent.')]
        $PulumiProvider = [NullString]::Value,
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Sets a list of providers for the resource and its children. This list is combined with resource parents providers lists. If no value is provided, the providers list is identical to the parent. When determining which provider to use for a resource, the providers list is used if provider is not supplied.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Used to indicate that changes to certain properties on a resource should force a replacement of the resource instead of an in-place update. Typically users rely on the resource provider to make this decision based on whether the input property is one that the provider knows how to update in place, or if not, requires a replacement to modify. However, there are cases where users want to replace a resource on a change to an input property even if the resource provider itself doesnt believe it has to replace the resource.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Marks a resource to be retained. If this option is set then Pulumi will not call through to the resource providers Delete method when deleting or replacing the resource during pulumi up or pulumi destroy. As a result, the resource will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.')]
        [parameter(HelpMessage='Specifies a provider version to use when operating on a resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package. This option should be used rarely.')]
        $PulumiProviderVersion = [NullString]::Value

        $resource = [pulumiresource]::new($pulumiid, "azure-native:authorization:RoleManagementPolicyAssignment")

        $resource.options.additionalSecretOutputs = $PulumiSecretOutputs
        $resource.options.aliases = $PulumiAliases
        $resource.options.customTimeouts = $PulumiCustomTimeouts
        $resource.options.deleteBeforeReplace = $PulumiDeleteBeforeReplace
        $resource.options.ignoreChanges = $PulumiIgnoreChanges
        $resource.options.import = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiImport)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiImport }
        $resource.options.protect = $PulumiProtect
        $resource.options.replaceOnChanges = $PulumiReplaceOnChanges
        $resource.options.retainOnDelete = $PulumiRetainOnDelete
        $resource.options.version = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PulumiProviderVersion)) { [NullString]::Value } else { $PulumiProviderVersion }

        foreach($Dependency in $DependsOn)
            if($Dependency -is [pulumiresource])
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.dependson += $Dependency
        if($PulumiParent -is [pulumiresource])
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.parent = $PulumiParent
        foreach($provider in $PulumiProviders)
            if($provider -is [pulumiprovider])
                $resource.options.providers += $provider.Reference()
            } else
                $resource.options.providers += $provider
        if($PulumiProvider -is [pulumiprovider])
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider.Reference()
        } else
            $resource.options.provider = $PulumiProvider
        $["scope"] = $scope

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'roleDefinitionId')
            $["roleDefinitionId"] = $roleDefinitionId

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'roleManagementPolicyAssignmentName')
            $["roleManagementPolicyAssignmentName"] = $roleManagementPolicyAssignmentName

        if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -icontains 'policyId')
            $["policyId"] = $policyId

        $global:pulumiresources += $resource
        return $resource