
function Get-ServiceNowChangeRequest {
        # Machine name of the field to order by
        # Direction of ordering (Desc/Asc)
        [ValidateSet("Desc", "Asc")]

        # Maximum number of records to return
        # Hashtable containing machine field names and values returned must match exactly (will be combined with AND)

        # Hashtable containing machine field names and values returned rows must contain (will be combined with AND)

        # Whether or not to show human readable display values instead of machine values
        [ValidateSet("true","false", "all")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory=$True)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory=$True)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UseConnectionObject', Mandatory=$True)] 
    $private:Query = New-ServiceNowQuery -OrderBy $private:OrderBy -OrderDirection $private:OrderDirection -MatchExact $private:MatchExact -MatchContains $private:MatchContains

    if ($Connection -ne $null) {
        $private:result = Get-ServiceNowTable -Table 'change_request' -Query $private:Query -Limit $private:Limit -DisplayValues $private:DisplayValues -Connection $Connection
    elseif ($ServiceNowCredential -ne $null -and $ServiceNowURL -ne $null) {
        $private:result = Get-ServiceNowTable -Table 'change_request' -Query $private:Query -Limit $private:Limit -DisplayValues $private:DisplayValues -ServiceNowCredential $ServiceNowCredential -ServiceNowURL $ServiceNowURL 
    else {
        $private:result = Get-ServiceNowTable -Table 'change_request' -Query $private:Query -Limit $private:Limit -DisplayValues $private:DisplayValues 

    # Add the custom type to the change request to enable a view
    $private:result | %{$_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSServiceNow.ChangeRequest")}
    return $private:result

    Update-ServiceNowChangeRequest -Values @{ 'state' = 3 } -SysId <sysid>

function Update-ServiceNowChangeRequest
    Param(  # sys_id of the caller of the incident (user Get-ServiceNowUser to retrieve this)
        [parameter(ParameterSetName='SpecifyConnectionFields', mandatory=$true)]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName='UseConnectionObject', mandatory=$true)]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName='SetGlobalAuth', mandatory=$true)]       

         # Hashtable of values to use as the record's properties

         # Credential used to authenticate to ServiceNow
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory=$True)]

        # The URL for the ServiceNow instance being used (eg:
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory=$True)]

        #Azure Automation Connection object containing username, password, and URL for the ServiceNow instance
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UseConnectionObject', Mandatory=$True)] 

    if ($Connection -ne $null)
       Update-ServiceNowTableEntry -Table 'change_request' -Values $Values -Connection $Connection -SysId $SysId 
    elseif ($ServiceNowCredential -ne $null -and $ServiceNowURL -ne $null) 
       Update-ServiceNowTableEntry -Table 'change_request' -Values $Values -ServiceNowCredential $ServiceNowCredential -ServiceNowURL $ServiceNowURL -SysId $SysId 
       Update-ServiceNowTableEntry -Table 'change_request' -Values $Values -SysId $SysId   