
  "VERSION": "",
  "GUID": "a0e2a1b6-0a1d-4a6f-bf07-ff45a1d75e20",
  "FILENAME": "New-DataTable.ps1",
  "AUTHOR": "Hannes Palmquist",
  "CREATEDDATE": "2020-10-13",
  "COPYRIGHT": "(c) 2020, Hannes Palmquist, All Rights Reserved"

function New-DataTable {
        Creating a DataTable object
    .PARAMETER TableName
        Defines the data table name. This property is used when referencing the table in a dataset for instance.
        $OrderTable = New-DataTable -TableName 'Orders'
        This example will create a datatable and return the datatable object.

    [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support

        $DataTable = New-Object System.Data.Datatable
        $DataTable.TableName = $TableName

        # As the type DataTable is not enumerable, use the unary operator to return the DataTable as an one element array which is enumerable.
        return ,$DataTable