
    "VERSION": "1.0.0",
    "GUID": "9260581f-5e20-49b3-9b64-7c1b62eaea9e",
    "FILENAME": "Test-SortingAlgorithms.ps1",
    "AUTHOR": "Hannes Palmquist",
    "AUTHOREMAIL": "",
    "CREATEDDATE": "2021-01-03",
    "COMPANYNAME": "Personal",
    "COPYRIGHT": "(c) 2021, Hannes Palmquist, All Rights Reserved"

function Test-SortingAlgorithms
        Runs all sorting functions
        Description of example

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '', Justification = 'This function calls module cmdlets from a list to simplyfy code. non-production')]
    [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support

        Write-Host 'NOTE: The built in Sort-Object is a compiled cmdlet and will be much faster compared to script based implementations of sorting algoritms. A fair comparison can be made between all other script based algorithms'

        $List = 1..1000 | Get-Random -Shuffle

        $SortAlgorithms = @(

        foreach ($Object in $SortAlgorithms)
            $measure = Measure-Command -Expression {
                $SortedList = Invoke-Expression -Command ('{0} | {1} -Verbose' -f (([string[]]$List) -join ','), $Object )
                Algorithm = $Object
                Time      = $Measure.TotalMilliseconds
                Result    = $SortedList

