
using namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices

Set-Alias -Name streams -Value Get-Streams
function Get-Streams {
        Search alternate data streams of files or folders.
        `Get-Streams` just scans the (file|directory) you pass it for alternate data streams.
        Specifies a (file|directory) location. Wildcards are accepted.
    .PARAMETER LiteralPath
        Specifies a (file|directory) location. The value of LiteralPath is used exactly as it
        is typed. No characters are interpreted as wildcards.
    .PARAMETER Delete
        Indicates the deletion of the found alternative stream(s).
        Get-Streams .\regular.txt
        Name Size Allocation
        ---- ---- ----------
        :stream1:$DATA 14 16
        Totally found: 1 stream(s).
        Get-Streams .\regular.txt -Delete
        Same that above but it also removes founded alternate stream.
        Get-Streams E:\folder
        Checks alternate streams of folder.




  begin {
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') {
      $PipelineInput = !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')

    function private:Find-Streams([Object]$Target) { # IO.(Directory|File)Info
      process {
        New-Delegate kernel32 {
          sfh CreateFileW([buf, int, IO.FileShare, ptr, IO.FileMode, int, ptr])

        New-Delegate ntdll {
          int NtQueryInformationFile([sfh, buf, ptr, int, int])

        if (($sfh = $kernel32.CreateFileW.Invoke(
          [buf].Uni($Target), 0x80000000, [IO.FileShare]::Read,
          [IntPtr]::Zero, [IO.FileMode]::Open, 0x02000000, [IntPtr]::Zero
        )).IsInvalid) {
          throw [InvalidOperationException]::new("File object is unavailable.")

        $sz, $isb = 0x4000, [Byte[]]::new([IntPtr]::Size * 2) # IO_STATUS_BLOCK
        try {
          $ptr = [Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($sz)

          while ($ntdll.NtQueryInformationFile.Invoke($sfh, $isb, $ptr, $sz, 0x16) -ne 0) {
            $ptr = [Marshal]::ReAllocHGlobal($ptr, [IntPtr]($sz *= 2))

          $tmp = $ptr
          for ($i = 0;;) {
            $fsi = Read-DataValues -Handle $tmp -Map I2 # getting StreamNameLength
            if ($fsi[1] -gt [UInt16]::MaxValue) { break } # directory
            $fsi = Read-DataValues -Handle $tmp -Map "I2l2B$($fsi[1] / 2)"

            if ($fsi[4] -ne '::$DATA') {
                Name = $fsi[4]
                Size = $fsi[2]
                Allocation = $fsi[3]

              if ($Delete) {
                Remove-Item "$(Get-Item $Target)$(
                  [Regex]::Match($fsi[4], '^:([^:]*)').Value
              ++$i # stream found

            if ($fsi[0] -eq 0) { break }
            $tmp = [ptr].Mov($tmp, $fsi[0])
        catch { Write-Verbose $_ }
        finally { if ($ptr) { [Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($ptr) } }

        Write-Verbose "$($sfh.IsClosed)"
        "$('-' * 13)`n`e[35;1mTotally found`e[33;0m: $i stream(s)."
  process {}
  end {
    .({Find-Streams (Get-Item -LiteralPath $LiteralPath)},{
      Find-Streams ((Get-Item $Path -ErrorAction 0), $Path)[$PipelineInput]
    })[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path']

Export-ModuleMember -Alias streams -Function Get-Streams