
function Out-Notepad {
        Redirect string data to the Notepad.
        `Out-Notepad` is useful when you want to edit the contents of a
        file without changing the original. But be warned, if the Notepad
        has been removed or replaced with an alternative text processor,
        an exception will occur.
        Some alternative text processor, such as Vim, have the feature of
        insertion from a pipeline, for example:
        echo test string | vim -
        Out-Notepad 'test', 'string'
        Get-Content .\file.txt | Out-Notepad
        Get-Content .\file.txt -Raw | Out-Notepad
        Same that above.

    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

  begin {
    New-Delegate user32 {
      ptr FindWindowExW([ptr, ptr, buf, buf])
      int SendMessageW([ptr, uint, ptr, buf])
# process {}
  end {
    $notepad = Start-Process notepad -PassThru
        $notepad.MainWindowHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [buf].Uni('Edit'), $null
      ), 0xC, 0, [buf].Uni((
        ($Text, $input)[[Int32]$MyInvocation.ExpectingInput] -join "`n"