
Set-Alias -Name clpws -Value Clear-PsWorkingSet
function Clear-PsWorkingSet {
        Sets the minimum working set size for the specified process.
        The working set of a process is the set of memory pages in the virual address
        space of the process that are currently resident in physical memory. These pages
        are available for an application to use without triggering a page fault.
        Clear-PsWorkingSet explorer
        (Get-Process).Where{$_.WorkingSet64 -gt 100Mb}.ForEach{Clear-PsWorkingSet $_.Id}
        System.Boolean if successed otherwise null.


  end {
    New-Delegate kernel32 {
      bool SetProcessWorkingSetSize([ptr, int, int])

    New-PsProxy $PSBoundParameters -Callback {
      !$_.Handle ? (
        Write-Verbose "$($_.ProcessName) ($(
          $_.Id)): cannot clear working set."

      ) : (
        "$($_.ProcessName) ($($_.Id
        )) : {0}"
 -f $kernel32.SetProcessWorkingSetSize.Invoke(
        $_.Handle, -1, -1

Export-ModuleMember -Alias clpws -Function Clear-PsWorkingSet