
#region Function Resolve-Error
Function Resolve-Error {
    Enumerate error record details.
    Enumerate an error record, or a collection of error record, properties. By default, the details for the last error will be enumerated.
.PARAMETER ErrorRecord
    The error record to resolve. The default error record is the latest one: $global:Error[0]. This parameter will also accept an array of error records.
    The list of properties to display from the error record. Use "*" to display all properties.
    Default list of error properties is: Message, FullyQualifiedErrorId, ScriptStackTrace, PositionMessage, InnerException
.PARAMETER GetErrorRecord
    Get error record details as represented by $_.
.PARAMETER GetErrorInvocation
    Get error record invocation information as represented by $_.InvocationInfo.
.PARAMETER GetErrorException
    Get error record exception details as represented by $_.Exception.
.PARAMETER GetErrorInnerException
    Get error record inner exception details as represented by $_.Exception.InnerException. Will retrieve all inner exceptions if there is more than one.
    Resolve-Error -Property *
    Resolve-Error -Property InnerException
    Resolve-Error -GetErrorInvocation:$false

    Param (
        [string[]]$Property = ('Message','InnerException','FullyQualifiedErrorId','ScriptStackTrace','PositionMessage'),
        [switch]$GetErrorRecord = $true,
        [switch]$GetErrorInvocation = $true,
        [switch]$GetErrorException = $true,
        [switch]$GetErrorInnerException = $true

    Begin {
        ## If function was called without specifying an error record, then choose the latest error that occurred
        If (-not $ErrorRecord) {
            If ($global:Error.Count -eq 0) {
                #Write-Warning -Message "The `$Error collection is empty"
            Else {
                [array]$ErrorRecord = $global:Error[0]

        ## Allows selecting and filtering the properties on the error object if they exist
        [scriptblock]$SelectProperty = {
            Param (

            [string[]]$ObjectProperty = $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType '*Property' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
            ForEach ($Prop in $Property) {
                If ($Prop -eq '*') {
                    [string[]]$PropertySelection = $ObjectProperty
                ElseIf ($ObjectProperty -contains $Prop) {
                    [string[]]$PropertySelection += $Prop
            Write-Output -InputObject $PropertySelection

        # Initialize variables to avoid error if 'Set-StrictMode' is set
        $LogErrorRecordMsg = $null
        $LogErrorInvocationMsg = $null
        $LogErrorExceptionMsg = $null
        $LogErrorMessageTmp = $null
        $LogInnerMessage = $null
    Process {
        If (-not $ErrorRecord) { Return }
        ForEach ($ErrRecord in $ErrorRecord) {
            ## Capture Error Record
            If ($GetErrorRecord) {
                [string[]]$SelectedProperties = & $SelectProperty -InputObject $ErrRecord -Property $Property
                $LogErrorRecordMsg = $ErrRecord | Select-Object -Property $SelectedProperties

            ## Error Invocation Information
            If ($GetErrorInvocation) {
                If ($ErrRecord.InvocationInfo) {
                    [string[]]$SelectedProperties = & $SelectProperty -InputObject $ErrRecord.InvocationInfo -Property $Property
                    $LogErrorInvocationMsg = $ErrRecord.InvocationInfo | Select-Object -Property $SelectedProperties

            ## Capture Error Exception
            If ($GetErrorException) {
                If ($ErrRecord.Exception) {
                    [string[]]$SelectedProperties = & $SelectProperty -InputObject $ErrRecord.Exception -Property $Property
                    $LogErrorExceptionMsg = $ErrRecord.Exception | Select-Object -Property $SelectedProperties

            ## Display properties in the correct order
            If ($Property -eq '*') {
                # If all properties were chosen for display, then arrange them in the order the error object displays them by default.
                If ($LogErrorRecordMsg) { [array]$LogErrorMessageTmp += $LogErrorRecordMsg }
                If ($LogErrorInvocationMsg) { [array]$LogErrorMessageTmp += $LogErrorInvocationMsg }
                If ($LogErrorExceptionMsg) { [array]$LogErrorMessageTmp += $LogErrorExceptionMsg }
            Else {
                # Display selected properties in our custom order
                If ($LogErrorExceptionMsg) { [array]$LogErrorMessageTmp += $LogErrorExceptionMsg }
                If ($LogErrorRecordMsg) { [array]$LogErrorMessageTmp += $LogErrorRecordMsg }
                If ($LogErrorInvocationMsg) { [array]$LogErrorMessageTmp += $LogErrorInvocationMsg }

            If ($LogErrorMessageTmp) {
                $LogErrorMessage = 'Error Record:'
                $LogErrorMessage += "`n-------------"
                $LogErrorMsg = $LogErrorMessageTmp | Format-List | Out-String
                $LogErrorMessage += $LogErrorMsg

            ## Capture Error Inner Exception(s)
            If ($GetErrorInnerException) {
                If ($ErrRecord.Exception -and $ErrRecord.Exception.InnerException) {
                    $LogInnerMessage = 'Error Inner Exception(s):'
                    $LogInnerMessage += "`n-------------------------"

                    $ErrorInnerException = $ErrRecord.Exception.InnerException
                    $Count = 0

                    While ($ErrorInnerException) {
                        [string]$InnerExceptionSeperator = '~' * 40

                        [string[]]$SelectedProperties = & $SelectProperty -InputObject $ErrorInnerException -Property $Property
                        $LogErrorInnerExceptionMsg = $ErrorInnerException | Select-Object -Property $SelectedProperties | Format-List | Out-String

                        If ($Count -gt 0) { $LogInnerMessage += $InnerExceptionSeperator }
                        $LogInnerMessage += $LogErrorInnerExceptionMsg

                        $ErrorInnerException = $ErrorInnerException.InnerException

            If ($LogErrorMessage) { $Output = $LogErrorMessage }
            If ($LogInnerMessage) { $Output += $LogInnerMessage }

            Write-Output -InputObject $Output

            If (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'variable:Output') { Clear-Variable -Name 'Output' }
            If (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'variable:LogErrorMessage') { Clear-Variable -Name 'LogErrorMessage' }
            If (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'variable:LogInnerMessage') { Clear-Variable -Name 'LogInnerMessage' }
            If (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'variable:LogErrorMessageTmp') { Clear-Variable -Name 'LogErrorMessageTmp' }
    End {