
if ($global:cache -eq $null) {
    $global:cache = @{}

function import-publishmap {
    param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $maps = $null, [alias("nocache")][switch][bool]$force)
    if ($force) {
            $global:cache = @{}

    if ($maps -is [System.Collections.IDictionary] ) {
        return import-publishmapobject $maps
    else {
        return import-publishmapfile $maps

function import-publishmapfile {
     write-verbose "processing publishmap..."

    $global:publishmap = $null

    if ($maps -ne $null) {
        $maps = @($maps)
    else {
        $maps = gci . -filter "publishmap.*.config.ps1"

    $publishmap = @{}

    foreach($file in $maps) {
        try {
            $fullname = $file
            if ($fullname.FullName -ne $null) { $Fullname =$Fullname.FullName }
            $cached = get-cachedobject $fullname
            if ($cached -ne $null) {
                write-verbose "loading publishmap '$fullname' from cache"
                $pmap = $cached.value
            else {
                $map = & "$FullName"
                #$publishmap_obj = ConvertTo-Object $publishmap
                $pmap = import-publishmapobject $map
                set-cachedobject $fullname $pmap
            $publishmap += $pmap
        } catch {
            write-error "failed to import map file '$file'"

    $global:publishmap = $publishmap
    $global:pmap = $global:publishmap 

    write-verbose "processing publishmap... DONE"

    return $publishmap

function import-publishmapobject {
    $map = preporcess-publishmap $map
    $pmap = import-mapobject $map
    $pmap = postprocess-publishmap $pmap
    return $pmap           

function preporcess-publishmap($map) {
    $globalprofilesname = "global_profiles"
    foreach($groupk in get-propertynames $map) {
        if ($map.$groupk.$globalprofilesname -ne $null) {
            $settings = @{     
                profiles = $map.$groupk.$globalprofilesname 
                _strip = $true
            $null = add-property $map.$groupk -name "settings" -value $settings -merge
    foreach($groupk in get-propertynames $map) {
        foreach($projk in get-propertynames $map.$groupk) { 
            foreach($profk in get-propertynames $map.$groupk.$projk.profiles) { 
                $shouldcreatestaging = $profk -notmatch "_staging" -and $profk -notmatch "swap_" 
                if ($shouldcreatestaging) {
                    $stagingkey = "$($profk)_staging"    
                    $swapkey= "swap_$($profk)"
                    if ($map.$groupk.$projk.profiles.$stagingkey -eq $null) { $map.$groupk.$projk.profiles.$stagingkey = @{ "_autogenerated" = $true } }
                    if ($map.$groupk.$projk.profiles.$swapkey -eq $null) { $map.$groupk.$projk.profiles.$swapkey = @{ "_autogenerated" = $true } } 
    return $map

function postprocess-publishmap($map) {    
    foreach($groupk in get-propertynames $map) {
        # remove generated properties from top-level
        if ($groupk.startswith("_")) {
        $group = $map.$groupk
        foreach($projk in get-propertynames $group) {
            $proj = $group.$projk
            if ($proj.profiles -ne $null) {
                foreach($profk in get-propertynames $proj.profiles) {
                    $prof = $proj.profiles.$profk
                    if ($prof -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
                        # set full path as if profiles were created at project level
                        $null = add-property $prof -name _fullpath -value "$groupk.$projk.$profk" -overwrite
                        $null = add-property $prof -name _name -value "$profk" -overwrite
                        # use fullpath for backward compatibility
                        $null = add-property $prof -name fullpath -value $prof._fullpath -overwrite
                        # expose project at profile level
                        $null = add-property $prof -name project -value $proj
                    } else {
                        #remove every property that isn't a real profile
                # expose profiles at project level
                $null = add-properties $proj $proj.profiles -merge -ifNotExists

            # use fullpath for backward compatibility
            if ($proj._fullpath) {
                $null = add-property $proj -name fullpath -value $proj._fullpath -overwrite

        # use fullpath for backward compatibility
        if ($group._fullpath) {
            $null = add-property $group -name fullpath -value $group._fullpath -overwrite
    return $pmap

function get-profile($name, $map = $null) {
            $pmap = $map
            if ($map -eq $null) {
                $pmap = $global:pmap

            $profName = $name
            $splits = $profName.Split('.')

            $map = $pmap
            $entry = $null
            $parent = $null
            $isGroup = $false
            for($i = 0; $i -lt $splits.length; $i++) {
                $split = $splits[$i]
                $parent = $entry
                if ($i -eq $splits.length-1) {
                    $entry = get-entry $split $map -excludeProperties @("project")             
                else {
                    $entry = $map.$split
                if ($entry -eq $null) {
                if ($entry -ne $null -and $ -ne $null) {
                    $isGroup = $true
                $map = $entry
            $profile = $entry
            if ($profile -eq $null)  {
                if ($splits[1] -eq "all") {
                    $isGroup = $true
                    $profile = $parent
                else {
                    #write-host "unknown profile $profName"
                    return $null

            return new-object -Type pscustomobject -Property @{
                Profile = $profile
                IsGroup = $isGroup
                Project = $splits[0]
                Group = $splits[1]
                TaskName = $splits[2]

function check-profileName($proj, $profk) {
                $prof = $proj.profiles.$profk
                if ($prof -eq $null) {
                    if ($proj.inherit -ne $false) {
                        $prof = @{}
                        if ($proj.profiles -eq $null) {
                            $null = add-property $proj -name "profiles" -value @{}
                        $null = add-property $proj.profiles -name $profk -value $prof
                    else {


function __import-mapproject($proj) {
            #proj = viewer,website,drmserver,vfs, etc.
            #$proj = $group[$projk]
            inherit-globalsettings $proj $settings $stripsettingswrapper
            $profiles = @()
            if ($proj.profiles -ne $null) {
                $profiles += get-propertynames $proj.profiles
            if ($globalProffiles -ne $null) {
                $profiles += get-propertynames $globalProffiles
            $profiles = $profiles | select -Unique
            #write-host "$groupk.$projk"
            foreach($profk in $profiles) {
                  check-profileName $proj $profk
                  $prof = $proj.profiles.$profk
                  import-mapprofile $prof -parent $proj
                  $null = add-property $proj -name $profk -value $prof

function __import-mapprofile($prof, $parent) {
   # make sure all profiles exist
                #inherit settings from project
                inherit-properties -from $parent -to $prof -exclude (@("profiles") + $profiles + @("level","fullpath"))

                #inherit global profile settings
                if ($globalProffiles -ne $null -and $globalProffiles.$profk -ne $null -and $prof.inherit -ne $false -and $parent.inherit -ne $false) {
                    # inherit project-specific settings
                    #foreach($prop in $globalProffiles.$ | ? { $ -eq $projk }) {
                    # if ($ -eq $projk) {
                    $global = $globalProffiles.$profk
                    inherit-properties -from $global -to $prof
                    # }
                    # inherit generic settings
                    inherit-properties -from $settings -to $prof
                $null = add-property $prof "_level" 3

                #fill meta properties
                $null = add-property $prof -name _parent -value $parent
                #add-property $prof -name fullpath -value "$groupk.$projk.$profk"
                $null = add-property $prof -name _name -value "$profk"
