
##############################| |####################################################################################################################################################################################
##############################| |#
############## ########| |# Name : CDOT_UpdatePWAssetCatalogDocs_v01
########### #####| |# Type : Script
######### ####### ####| |# Purpose : Update ProjectWise Documents with Asset Info from a SQL Query
######## ############ ####| |# Author : Adrian J. Crowfoot
####### ##### ##### ####| |# Creation Date : 10/23/2019
############## ##### #####| |# Modified By : Adrian J. Crowfoot
############# ### ######| |# Modified Date : 12/04/2019
########## #######| |# Script Version : 1.2
######## ##########| |# PowerShell Version : 5.1.16299.1146
######## ##############| |# ProjectWise Version :
######### #########| |# PWPS Module Version :
######## ###### ########| |# PWPS_DAB Module Version :
####### ######### #######| |# PWPS_CDOT Module Version :
####### ########## #######| |#
###### ######### ########| |# Requirements:
###### #### ########| |# - Ability to log into a ProjectWise Datasource with Administrative privileges.
###### ##########| |# - Data Table using Get-PWRichProjectReport and other parameters
######### #############| |# - Logged into a ProjectWise datasource.
##############################| |# -
##############################| |#
## Description/Notes:
## -
## - [AJC 20191122] Reworked script to require an active PW Login and to simplify logging.
## - [AJC 20191203] Finished BEGIN block
## - [AJC 20191204] Finished PROCESS Block to create and/or update Project Catalog documents
## - [AJC 20200127] Reworked to accept two parameter sets: DataTable ($dtPWRichProjects, $PWProjectNumberProperty) or ArrayList ($ProjectCodes)
## This script is provided for example purposes only. Bentley makes no warranty as to the effectiveness of this script in a specific situation or for a specific user.
## Use of this script or a similar script in a production environment is entirely at the risk of the user. Bentley suggests extensive testing before deployment.

#Requires -Version 5.0
#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="PWPS_DAB";ModuleVersion=''}
#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="PWPS_CDOT";ModuleVersion=''}
##Requires -RunAsAdministrator

.GUID 10ec7184-50aa-4e4f-87b4-9d571a2782fd
.TAGS ProjectWise

 Update ProjectWise Documents with Asset Info from a SQL Query


    # Parameters to select pertinent data from a Data Table (DataTable Parameter Set)
            HelpMessage = 'Datatable listing input project paths and project numbers',
            Mandatory =$true,
            ParameterSetName ='DataTable')]
    [System.Data.DataTable] $dtPWRichProjects, # Input Rich Project Datatable
            HelpMessage = 'Work Area Properties Type',
            Mandatory =$true,
            ParameterSetName ='DataTable')]

    # Parameters to select pertinent data from a list of projects (ArrayList Parameter Set)
            HelpMessage = 'Array listing input project numbers',
            Mandatory =$true,
            ParameterSetName ='ArrayList')]
    [String[]] $ProjectCodes, # Input Rich Project Datatable
    # Parameters for Comparing Asset Data in CDOTDATA vs. ProjectWise Environment
            HelpMessage = "Name of Environment that contains Asset Information",
            Mandatory =$true)]
    [string] $PWEnvironmentName, # = 'CDOT Data - Project Catalog',
            HelpMessage = "Project Number Attribue Name",
            Mandatory =$true)]
    [string] $PWProjectNumberAttribute, # = 'projCode',
            HelpMessage = "Name of attribute to compare",
            Mandatory =$true)]
    [string] $PWProjectTimeStampUpdateAttribute, # = 'projChangeDate',
    [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )]
    [string] $PWFolderRootPath = "04 Admin Configuration\Project Catalog",
    [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )]
    [string] $PWAssetDocumentPrefix = "PRJ",
    # Define SQL Parameters

    # SQL Server Information (uses Windows Authentication)
            HelpMessage = "SQL Server that houses input database and table",
            Mandatory = $true )]
    [string] $SQLServer, # = 'IntProdListener',
            HelpMessage = "SQL Server Instance that houses input database and table",
            Mandatory = $true )]
    [string] $SQLInstanceName, # = 'Default',
            HelpMessage = "SQL database that contains input table(s)",
            Mandatory = $true )]
    [string] $SQLDatabase, # = 'CDOTDATA',

    # Edit the SQL Query file to get the correct columns from CDOTDATA
            HelpMessage = "SQL Query file that returns the input datatable",
            Mandatory = $true )]
    [string] $SqlQueryFile, # = "$(Get-CDOTModuleLocation)\CDOTDATA_ProjectInfo.sql",

    # Script and Log File Information
    [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container })]
            HelpMessage = "Location of script file and log folder.",
            Mandatory = $true,
        Position = 3 )]
    [string] $Path,    
            HelpMessage = "Log file to be generated for each run of the script.",
            Mandatory = $true,
        Position = 7 )]
    [string] $LogFilePathName


    $CmdletName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    Write-PWPSLog -Message " - " -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] Entering Update ProjCatalog Documents script." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
    $ScriptStartTime = Get-Date
    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] Start time: $ScriptStartTime" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
    #region Check Datatable for Unique Values and rows
        try {
            if ($dtPWRichProjects) { # Process datatable
                $projectList = $dtPWRichProjects.Rows.$PWProjectNumberProperty | Sort-Object -Unique | Where-Object $PWProjectNumberProperty -ne 0 | Where-Object $PWProjectNumberProperty -ne ''
                if($projectList.Count -eq 0) {
                    throw "No Projects to Process"
                $SqlWhereCondition = "WHERE $PWProjectNumberAttribute IN (" + "'$($projectList -join "','")'" + ")"
                Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] $($projectList.Count) distinct $PWProjectNumberAttribute values in Data table" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
            else { # Process array
                $projectList = $ProjectCodes | Sort-Object -Unique
                if($projectList.Count -eq 0) {
                    throw "No Projects to Process"
                $SqlWhereCondition = "WHERE $PWProjectNumberAttribute IN (" + "'$($projectList -join "','")'" + ")"
                Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] $($projectList.Count) distinct Project Codes in Array" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

            # SQL Connection string to load from correct instance of CDOTDATA
            $SQLConnectionString = "Server=$SQLServer; Database=$SQLDatabase; Integrated Security=true;Connect Timeout=30"

            # A. Build the SQL Query from the SQL Query File and the SQL Where Condition
            $SqlQuery = $(Get-Content $SqlQueryFile -Raw) + $SqlWhereCondition

            # B. Create Data Table using Select-SQLDataTable function in PWPS_CDOT

            $dtCDOTDATA = Select-CDOTSQLDataTable -SQLConnectionString $SQLConnectionString -SqlQuery $SqlQuery -TableName 'Properties'

            if($dtCDOTDATA.Rows.Count -eq 0) {
                throw "No Rows in Data table"
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] $($dtCDOTDATA.Rows.Count) Distinct Projects in Data table" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
        catch {
            $Line = $($Error[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)
            $ErrorMessage = $($Error[0].Exception.Message)      
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] Occurred on line: $Line. $ErrorMessage" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Warn -Cmdlet $CmdletName
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] Exiting Script." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Warn -Cmdlet $CmdletName
        } # End Try Catch
    #endregion Check Datatable for Unique Values and rows
    #region Check ProjectWise Environment and Column Name
        try {
            if ($PWEnvironmentName -notin $(Get-PWEnvironments).Name) {
                throw "$PWEnvironmentName NOT found. Please add it to $PWDatasource."
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] $PWEnvironmentName found in ProjectWise datasource" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
            # Find $PWProjectNumberAttribute in list of $PWEnvironmentName columns. If not, exit script.
            $PWEnvironmentAttributeNames = $(Get-PWEnvironmentColumns -EnvironmentName $PWEnvironmentName).Name

            if($PWProjectNumberAttribute -notin $($PWEnvironmentAttributeNames)) {
                throw "$PWProjectNumberAttribute NOT found in $PWEnvironmentName. Please add it to $PWEnvironmentName."
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] $PWProjectNumberAttribute found in $PWEnvironmentName." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

        catch {
            $Line = $($Error[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)
            $ErrorMessage = $($Error[0].Exception.Message)      
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] Occurred on line: $Line. $ErrorMessage" -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Warn -Cmdlet $CmdletName
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[BEGIN] Exiting Script." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Warn -Cmdlet $CmdletName
        } # End Try Catch

    #endregion Check ProjectWise Environment and Column Name

} # end BEGIN

    # ALL INFORMATION IS LOADED IN $dtCDOTDATA but does not include rogue project numbers
    # $projectList contains all unique project codes (including bogus ones) - only use real ones

    # Process each Project Code in Project Array to find which ones need SAP Update
    foreach ($row in $dtCDOTDATA.Rows) {

        $projectCode = $row.$PWProjectNumberAttribute
        # Create new document if not exists - store document in $docToUpdate
        if ( -not ($docToUpdate = Get-PWDocumentsBySearch -Environment $PWEnvironmentName -Attributes @{$PWProjectNumberAttribute = $projectCode } -FolderPath $PWFolderRootPath -GetAttributes)) {

            $Splat_NewDoc = @{
                InputFolders = (Get-PWFolders -FolderPath $PWFolderRootPath -JustOne)
                DocumentName = "$PWAssetDocumentPrefix$projectCode"
                Description = "$PWAssetDocumentPrefix$projectCode"
                Count = 1
                DoNotAddSuffix = $true
            $docToUpdate = New-PWDocumentAbstract @Splat_NewDoc -Verbose


        if ($docToUpdate) {
            # Get update date in CDOTDATA
            $databaseAttributeValue = $row.$PWProjectTimeStampUpdateAttribute
            $PWAttributeValue = $docToUpdate.CustomAttributes.$PWProjectTimeStampUpdateAttribute
            if ($databaseAttributeValue -ne $PWAttributeValue) {

                # Reset HashTable for PW Document Attributes
                $PWDoc_Attributes = @{}

                # Extract one Row from Datatable
                $drProject = $dtCDOTDATA.Select("$PWProjectNumberAttribute = $projectCode")

                foreach ($attribute in $PWEnvironmentAttributeNames){
                    if ($drProject.$attribute) {
                        $PWDoc_Attributes.$attribute = $drProject.$attribute

                if( -not (Update-PWDocumentAttributes -Attributes $PWDoc_Attributes -InputDocuments $docToUpdate -ReturnBoolean)){
                    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[PROCESS] Failed to update attributes for $($docToUpdate.Name)." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Warn -Cmdlet $CmdletName
                else {
                    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[PROCESS] $($docToUpdate.Name) was changed." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

            else {
                Write-PWPSLog -Message "[PROCESS] No changes for $($docToUpdate.Name)." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

        } # end if $docToUpdate exists
        else {
            # Document was not found and not created properly
            Write-PWPSLog -Message "[PROCESS] Failed to find or create document for $projectCode." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Warn -Cmdlet $CmdletName
    } # end for $row

} # end PROCESS

    $ScriptEndTime = Get-Date
    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[END] It took $([Math]::Round($ScriptEndTime.Subtract($ScriptStartTime).TotalMinutes, 2)) minutes to complete the process." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName

    Write-PWPSLog -Message "[END] Leaving script." -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
    Write-PWPSLog -Message " - " -Path $LogFilePathName -Level Info -Cmdlet $CmdletName
} # end END