
  # Configuration #
    # Change these values to suit your datasource

    # Database server:
    $server = 'brumd09515rem';

    # Datasource description (must be unique):
    $dsDescription = 'Test06';

    # ODBC name (I always make the ds name and odbc name match)
    $dsOdbcName = 'Test06'; 

    # Database username:
    $dsDBUsername = 'sa';

    # Database user password:
    # If you want the script to prompt for the password, do not change anything.
    # Otherwise, use the commented-out method instead:
    $dsDBPassword =  Read-Host -Prompt "Enter database password" -AsSecureString
    #$dsDBPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "your_db_password" -AsPlainText -Force
    $dsDBPasswordText = ConvertFrom-SecureString $dsDBPassword

    # ProjectWise administrator username (to be created):
    $adminUsername = 'pwadmin';

    # ProjectWise administrator password (to be created):
    # If you want the script to prompt for the password, do not change anything.
    # Otherwise, use the commented-out method instead:
    $adminPassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter ProjectWise admin user password (to be used later on)" -AsSecureString
    #$adminPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "admin" -AsPlainText -Force

    # ProjectWise storage name (must be unique in datasource):
    $storageName = 'Storage01'

    # ProjectWise storage host:
    $storageHost = 'brumd09515rem';

    # ProjectWise storage description (must be unique):
    $storageDescription = 'ProjectWise Storage';

    # Path to ProjectWise storage (must not exit - do not create this folder manually, doing so will break the script):
    $storagePath = ("c:\pwstore\" + $dsDescription + "_" + $storageName)

  # END Configuration #

  #See CreateODBC64.ps1 to create a new ODBC Connection. Needs to be run in 64-bit PowerShell.

    # Continue this script if there are any errors
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

    # Write out all debug and verbose messages
    $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
    $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'

    # This script must be run as Administrator
    $windowsIdentity = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
    if (!$windowsIdentity.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))
        throw 'Insufficient privileges. This script must be run as Administrator.'

    # Create datasource
    New-PWDatasource -DatasourceName $dsDescription -OdbcName $dsOdbcName -DatabaseUserName $dsDBUsername -DatabasePassword $dsDBPassword -AdminUserName $adminUsername -AdminPassword $adminPassword -StorageHost $storageHost -StoragePath $storagePath -LoginSSO -AdminGroupName Administrator -RestrictedAdminGroupName 'Restricted Administrators' -StorageName $storageName -KeepOpenConnection

    Get-PWUsersByMatch | Get-PWUserWorkingDirectory

    Get-PWUsersByMatch $adminUsername | Set-PWUserWorkingDirectory "c:\pwwork\$dsOdbcName\$adminUsername"

    Get-PWUsersByMatch | Get-PWUserWorkingDirectory