
function New-ApplicationTemplate {
  Create new application template file for writing a new "scrapp" (script + application)

    [String] $Name = 'app',
    [Switch] $Save
  $Data = @{ Name = $Name; Dollar = '$'; Grave = '`' }
  $Template = " [CmdletBinding()]
    [String] {{ Dollar }}Id,
    [Switch] {{ Dollar }}Clear
  {{ Dollar }}InitialState = @{ Data = 0 }
  {{ Dollar }}Init = {
    {{ Dollar }}State = {{ Dollar }}args[0]
    {{ Dollar }}Id = {{ Dollar }}State.Id
    'Application Information:' | Write-Color
    `"ID = {{#green {{ Dollar }}Id}}`" | Write-Label -Color Gray -Indent 2 -NewLine
    'Name = {{#green {{ Name }}}}' | Write-Label -Color Gray -Indent 2 -NewLine
      Invoke-Speak 'Goodbye'
      {{ Dollar }}Id = {{ Dollar }}Event.MessageData.State.Id
      `"`{{ Grave }}nApplication ID: {{ Dollar }}Id`{{ Grave }}n`" | Write-Color -Magenta
    } | Invoke-ListenTo 'application:exit' | Out-Null
    '' | Write-Color
    Start-Sleep 2
  {{ Dollar }}Loop = {
    {{ Dollar }}State = {{ Dollar }}args[0]
    {{ Dollar }}Count = {{ Dollar }}State.Data
    `"Current count is {{#green {{ Dollar }}Count}}`" | Write-Color -Cyan
    {{ Dollar }}State.Data++
    Save-State {{ Dollar }}State.Id {{ Dollar }}State | Out-Null
    Start-Sleep 1
  Invoke-RunApplication {{ Dollar }}Init {{ Dollar }}Loop {{ Dollar }}InitialState -Id {{ Dollar }}Id -ClearState:{{ Dollar }}Clear
 | New-Template -Data $Data | Remove-Indent
  if ($Save) {
    $Template | Out-File "${Name}.ps1"
  } else {
function Invoke-RunApplication {
  Entry point for Powershell CLI application
  Function to initialize application, executed when application is started.
  Code to execute during every application loop, executed when ShouldContinue returns True.
  .PARAMETER BeforeNext
  Code to execute at the end of each application loop. It should be used to update the return of ShouldContinue.
  .PARAMETER SingleRun
  As its name implies - use this flag to execute one loop of the application
  .PARAMETER NoCleanup
  Use this switch to disable removing the application event listeners when the application exits.
  Application event listeners can be removed manually with: 'application:' | Invoke-StopListen
  # Make a simple app

  # Initialize your app - $Init is only run once
  $Init = {
    'Getting things ready...' | Write-Color -Green

  # Define what your app should do every iteration - $Loop is executed until ShouldContinue returns False
  $Loop = {
    'Doing something super important...' | Write-Color -Gray
    Start-Sleep 5

  # Start your app
  Invoke-RunApplication $Init $Loop

  # Make a simple app with state
  # Note: State is passed to Init, Loop, ShouldContinue, and BeforeNext

  New-ApplicationTemplate -Save

  # Applications trigger events throughout their lifecycle which can be listened to (most commonly within the Init scriptblock).
  { say 'Hello' } | on 'application:init'
  { say 'Wax on' } | on 'application:loop:before'
  { say 'Wax off' } | on 'application:loop:after'
  { say 'Goodbye' } | on 'application:exit'

  # The triggered event will include State as MessageData

    $Id = $Event.MessageData.State.Id
    "`nApplication ID: $Id" | Write-Color -Green

  } | Invoke-ListenTo 'application:init'

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    [ScriptBlock] $Init,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
    [ScriptBlock] $Loop,
    [ApplicationState] $State,
    [String] $Id,
    [ScriptBlock] $ShouldContinue,
    [ScriptBlock] $BeforeNext,
    [Switch] $ClearState,
    [Switch] $SingleRun,
    [Switch] $NoCleanup
  if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {
    $Path = Join-Path $Env:temp "state-$Id.xml"
    if ($ClearState -and (Test-Path $Path)) {
      Remove-Item $Path
    if (Test-Path $Path) {
      "==> Resolved state with ID: $Id" | Write-Verbose
      try {
        [ApplicationState]$State = Get-State $Id
        $State.Id = $Id
      } catch {
        "==> Failed to get state with ID: $Id" | Write-Verbose
        $State = [ApplicationState]@{ Id = $Id }
    } else {
      $State = [ApplicationState]@{ Id = $Id }
  if (-not $State) {
    $State = [ApplicationState]@{}
  if (-not $ShouldContinue) {
    $ShouldContinue = { $State.Continue -eq $true }
  if (-not $BeforeNext) {
    $BeforeNext = {
      "`n`nContinue?" | Write-Label -NewLine
      $State.Continue = ('yes','no' | Invoke-Menu) -eq 'yes'
  "Application ID: $($State.Id)" | Write-Verbose
  'application:init' | Invoke-FireEvent
  & $Init $State
  if ($SingleRun) {
    'application:loop:before' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State }
    & $Loop $State
    'application:loop:after' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State }
  } else {
    While (& $ShouldContinue $State) {
      'application:loop:before' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State }
      & $Loop $State
      'application:loop:after' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State }
      & $BeforeNext $State
  'application:exit' | Invoke-FireEvent -Data @{ State = $State }
  if (-not $NoCleanup) {
    'application:' | Invoke-StopListen
enum ApplicationStatus { Init; Busy; Idle; Done }
class ApplicationState {
  [String] $Id = (New-Guid)
  [ApplicationStatus] $Status = 0
  [Bool] $Continue = $true
  [String] $Name = 'Application Name'
function Save-State {

  Set-State -Id 'abc-def-ghi' -State @{ Data = 0 }

  Set-State 'abc-def-ghi' @{ Data = 0 }

  [ApplicationState]@{ Data = 0 } | Set-State 'abc-def-ghi'


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    [String] $Id,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
    [ApplicationState] $State,
    [String] $Path
  if (-not $Path) {
    $Path = Join-Path $Env:temp "state-$Id.xml"
  if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path)) {
    $State | Export-Clixml -Path $Path
    "==> Saved state to $Path" | Write-Verbose
  } else {
    "==> Would have saved state to $Path" | Write-Verbose
function Get-State {

  $State = Get-State -Id 'abc-def-ghi'

  $State = 'abc-def-ghi' | Get-State


    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    [String] $Id,
    [String] $Path
  if ($Path.Length -gt 0 -and (Test-Path $Path)) {
    "==> Resolved $Path" | Write-Verbose
  } else {
    $Path = Join-Path $Env:temp "state-$Id.xml"
  "==> Loading state from $Path" | Write-Verbose
  Import-Clixml -Path $Path