
class Options {
  [String[]] GetProperties() {
    return $this | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
  [PSObject] SetProperties($Object) {
    $this.GetProperties() | ForEach-Object { $Object.$_ = $this.$_ }
    return $Object
class FormOptions: Options {
  [Int] $Width = 960
  [Int] $Height = 700
  [Int] $FormBorderStyle = 3
  [Double] $Opacity = 1.0
  [Bool] $ControlBox = $True
  [Bool] $MaximizeBox = $False
  [Bool] $MinimizeBox = $False
class BrowserOptions: Options {
  [String] $Anchor = 'Left,Top,Right,Bottom'
  [PSObject] $Size = @{ Height = 700; Width = 960 }
  [Bool] $IsWebBrowserContextMenuEnabled = $False
function ConvertFrom-ByteArray {
  Converts bytes to human-readable text

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
    [Array] $Data
  Begin {
    function Invoke-Convert {
      if ($Data.Length -gt 0) {
        if ($Data -is [Byte] -or $Data[0] -is [Byte]) {
        } else {
    Invoke-Convert $Data
  End {
    Invoke-Convert $Input
function ConvertFrom-Html {
  Convert HTML string into object.
  '<html><body><h1>hello</h1></body></html>' | ConvertFrom-Html

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
    [String] $Value
  $Html = New-Object -ComObject 'HTMLFile'
  if ($Null -ne $Html) {
function ConvertFrom-QueryString {
  Returns parsed query parameters

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
    [String] $Query
  Begin {
  Process {
    $Decoded = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($Query)
    if ($Decoded -match '=') {
      $Decoded -split '&' | Invoke-Reduce {
        Param($Acc, $Item)
        $Key,$Value = $Item -split '='
        $Acc.$Key = $Value
      } -InitialValue @{}
    } else {
function ConvertTo-Iso8601 {
    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
    [String] $Value
  Process {
    $Value | Get-Date -UFormat '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z'
function ConvertTo-QueryString {
  Returns URL-encoded query string

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
    [PSObject] $InputObject,
    [Switch] $UrlEncode
  Begin {
  Process {
    $Callback = {
      Param($Acc, $Item)
      $Key = $Item.Name
      $Value = $Item.Value
      "${Acc}$(if ($Acc -ne '') { '&' } else { '' })${Key}=${Value}"
    $QueryString = $InputObject.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name | Invoke-Reduce $Callback ''
    if (-not $QueryString) {
      $QueryString = ''
    if ($UrlEncode) {
      Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
    } else {
function Get-GithubOAuthToken {
  Obtain OAuth token from
  This function enables obtaining an OAuth token from

  Github provides multiple ways to obtain authentication tokens. This function implements the "device flow" method of authorizing an OAuth app.

  Before using this function, you must:
  1. Create an OAuth app on
  2. Record app "Client ID" (passed as -ClientID)
  3. Opt-in to "Device Authorization Flow" beta feature

  This function will attempt to open a browser and will require the user to login to his/her Github account to authorize access.
  The one-time device code will be copied to the clipboard for ease of use.

  Note: For basic authentication scenarios, please use Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth

  $Token = Get-GithubOAuthToken -ClientId $ClientId -Scope 'notifications'
  $Request = BasicAuth $Token -Uri ''


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
    [String] $ClientId,
    [String[]] $Scope
  $DeviceRequestParameters = @{
    Post = $True
    Uri = ''
    Query = @{
      client_id = $ClientId
      scope = $Scope -join '%20'
  $DeviceData = Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth @DeviceRequestParameters |
    ForEach-Object -MemberName 'Content' |
    ConvertFrom-ByteArray |
  $DeviceData | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose
  $TokenRequestParameters = @{
    Post = $True
    Uri = ''
    Query = @{
      client_id = $ClientId
      device_code = $DeviceData['device_code']
      grant_type = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code'
  $DeviceData['user_code'] | Write-Title -Green -PassThru | Set-Clipboard
  Start-Process $DeviceData['verification_uri']
  $Success = $False
  while (-not $Success) {
    Start-Sleep $DeviceData.interval
    $TokenData = Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth @TokenRequestParameters |
      ForEach-Object -MemberName 'Content' |
      ConvertFrom-ByteArray |
    $Success = $TokenData['token_type'] -eq 'bearer'
  $TokenData | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose
function Import-Html {
  Import and parse an a local HTML file or web page.
  Import-Html | ForEach-Object { $_.body.innerHTML }
  Import-Html .\bookmarks.html | ForEach-Object { $_.all.tags('a') } | Selelct-Object -ExpandProperty textContent

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
    [String] $Path
  if (Test-Path $Path) {
    $Content = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw
  } else {
    $Content = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Path).Content
  ConvertFrom-Html $Content
function Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth {
  Invoke-WebRequest wrapper that makes it easier to use basic authentication
  .PARAMETER TwoFactorAuthentication
  Name of API that requires 2FA. Use 'none' when 2FA is not required.

  Possible values:
  - 'Github'
  - 'none' [Default]

  Data (Body) payload for HTTP request. Will only function with PUT and POST requests.
  ==> Analogous to the '-d' cURL flag
  ==> Data object will be converted to JSON string
  # Authenticate a GET request with a token
  $Uri = ''
  $Query = @{ per_page = 100; page = 1 }
  $Request = Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth $Token -Uri $Uri -Query $Query
  $Request.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Format-Table -AutoSize

  # Use basic authentication with a username and password
  $Uri = ''
  $Query = @{ per_page = 100; page = 1 }
  $Request = Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth $Username -Password $Token -Uri $Uri -Query $Query
  $Request.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Format-Table -AutoSize

  # Execute a PUT request with a data payload
  $Uri = ''
  @{ last_read_at = '' } | BasicAuth $Token -Uri $Uri -Put


  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Scope='Function')]
  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingUsernameAndPasswordParams', '')]
  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword', 'Password')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='basic', Position=0)]
    [String] $Username,
    [String] $Password,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='token', Position=0)]
    [String] $Token,
    [UriBuilder] $Uri,
    [PSObject] $Query = @{},
    [Switch] $UrlEncode,
    [Switch] $ParseContent,
    [String] $TwoFactorAuthentication = 'none',
    [Switch] $Get,
    [Switch] $Post,
    [Switch] $Put,
    [Switch] $Delete,
    [PSObject] $Data = @{}
  Process {
    $Authorization = if ($Token.Length -gt 0) {
      "Bearer $Token"
    } else {
      $Credential = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Ascii.GetBytes("${Username}:${Password}"))
      "Basic $Credential"
    $Headers = @{
      Authorization = $Authorization
    switch ($TwoFactorAuthentication) {
      'github' {
        'GitHub 2FA' | Write-Title -Green
        $Code = 'Code:' | Invoke-Input -Number -Indent 4
        $Headers.Accept = 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
        $Headers['x-github-otp'] = $Code
      Default {
        # Do nothing
    $Method = Find-FirstTrueVariable 'Get','Post','Put','Delete'
    $Uri.Query = $Query | ConvertTo-QueryString -UrlEncode:$UrlEncode
    $Parameters = @{
      Headers = $Headers
      Method = $Method
      Uri = $Uri.Uri
    "==> Headers: $($Parameters.Headers | ConvertTo-Json)" | Write-Verbose
    "==> Method: $($Parameters.Method)" | Write-Verbose
    "==> URI: $($Parameters.Uri)" | Write-Verbose
    if ($Method -in 'Post','Put') {
      $Parameters.Body = $Data | ConvertTo-Json
      "==> Data: $($Data | ConvertTo-Json)" | Write-Verbose
    $Request = Invoke-WebRequest @Parameters
    if ($ParseContent) {
      $Request.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
    } else {
function Out-Browser {
  Display HTML content (string, file, or URI) in a web browser Windows form. Out-Browser will auto-detect content type.
  Returns [System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument] object
  Function to be executed once form is shown. $Form and $Browser variables are available within function scope.
  .PARAMETER OnComplete
  Function to be executed whenever the Document within the browser is loaded. $Form and $Browser variables are available within function scope.
  Function to be executed immediately before form is disposed. $Form and $Browser variables are available within function scope.
  '<h1>Hello World</h1>' | Out-Browser
  '' | Out-Browser
  '.\file.html' | Out-Browser
  $OnClose = {
    $Browser.Document.GetElementsByTagName('h1').innerText | Write-Color -Green
  '<h1 contenteditable="true">Type Here</h1>' | Out-Browser -OnClose $OnClose | Out-Null

  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Scope='Function')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
    [String] $Content,
    [FormOptions] $FormOptions = @{},
    [BrowserOptions] $BrowserOptions = @{},
    [ScriptBlock] $OnShown = {},
    [ScriptBlock] $OnComplete = {},
    [ScriptBlock] $OnClose = {}
  Begin {
    Use-Web -Browser
    $Form = $FormOptions.SetProperties(([Windows.Forms.Form]::New()))
    $Browser = $BrowserOptions.SetProperties(([Windows.Forms.WebBrowser]::New()))
    $Browser.Size = @{ Width = $Form.Width; Height = $Form.Height }
      '==> Form shown' | Write-Verbose
      & $OnShown -Form $Form -Browser $Browser
      "==> Document load complete ($($_.Url))" | Write-Verbose
      & $OnComplete -Form $Form -Browser $Browser
  Process {
    "==> Browser is $(if($Browser.IsOffline) { 'OFFLINE' } else { 'ONLINE' })" | Write-Verbose
    $IsFile = if (Test-Path $Content -IsValid) { Test-Path $Content } else { $False }
    $IsUri = ([Uri]$Content).IsAbsoluteUri
    if ($IsFile) {
      "==> Opening ${Content}..." | Write-Verbose
      $Browser.Navigate("file:///$((Get-Item $Content).Fullname)")
    } elseif ($IsUri) {
      "==> Navigating to ${Content}..." | Write-Verbose
    } else {
      '==> Opening HTML in browser...' | Write-Verbose
      $Browser.DocumentText = "$Content"
    if ($Form.ShowDialog() -ne 'OK') {
      $Document = $Browser.Document
      '==> Browser closing...' | Write-Verbose
      & $OnClose -Form $Form -Browser $Browser
      '==> Form disposed' | Write-Verbose
      return $Document
function Use-Web {
  Load related types for using web (with or without a web browser), if types are not already loaded.
  .PARAMETER Browser
  Whether or not to load WebBrowser type

    [Switch] $Browser
  if (-not ('System.Web.HttpUtility' -as [Type])) {
    '==> Adding System.Web types' | Write-Verbose
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
  } else {
    '==> System.Web is already loaded' | Write-Verbose
  if ($Browser) {
    if (-not ('System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser' -as [Type])) {
      '==> Adding System.Windows.Forms types' | Write-Verbose
      Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    } else {
      '==> System.Windows.Forms is already loaded' | Write-Verbose