
Publish a Powershell module to a Nuget feed such as the Powershell Gallery.
To use directly:

cd c:\source\devops\quandis\qbo4.Infrastructure\src\qbo4.Infrastructure.Powershell\bin\debug\net48

Import-Module (Resolve-Path('c:\source\devops\quandis\qbo4.Infrastructure\src\qbo4.Infrastructure.Powershell\bin\debug\net48\qbo4.Infrastructure.psd1')) -verbose

Import-Module .\qbo4.PublishModule.ps1
import-qboModule qbo4.Infrastructure . -verbose
publish-qboModule qbo4.Infrastructure

function Import-qboModule
        Publishes a Powershell module to a Nuget feed.
        Intended for use after a build, either on a developer's machine or via DevOps release pipeline.
        Name: name of the powershell module (must have a matching .psd1 files)
        Path: path to the Output Directory from a build.
        ApiKey: api key to the Nuget repo for publishing

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]

    $folder = "$($env:temp)\$($name)"
    Write-Verbose "Copying output folder to $folder"
    md $folder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    del $folder\*    
    copy $path\* $folder

    Write-Verbose "Importing $name.psd1"
    import-module -FullyQualifiedName $folder\$name.psd1

function Publish-qboModule
        Publishes a Powershell module to a Nuget feed.
        Intended for use after a build, either on a developer's machine or via DevOps release pipeline.
        Name: name of the powershell module (must have a matching .psd1 files)
        Path: path to the Output Directory from a build.
        ApiKey: api key to the Nuget repo for publishing

    Import-qboModule $name $path 

    if ($ApiKey -eq $null) {
        $ApiKey = read-qboConfig -key NugetApiKey -promptsecure "Nuget repo API key"

    $version = (get-module qbo4.Infrastructure).Version
    $newVersion = [version]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor, $version.Build, $version.Revision + 1)

    Write-Verbose "Updating version from $version to $newVersion"
    Update-ModuleManifest -Path $folder\$name.psd1 -ModuleVersion $newVersion

    Write-Verbose "Publishing module"
    Publish-Module -Path $folder -NuGetApiKey $ApiKey