
function Set-RKPermissions {
    Takes the contents of a json permissions files and applies the permissions


    foreach ($Permission in $Permissions) {
        Write-Verbose "applyPermissionSet: $($Permission | ConvertTo-Json)"

        switch ($Permission.type) {
            "rbac" { Set-RKRbacPermission $Permission }
            "sql" { Set-RKSQLPermission $Permission}
            "datalake" { Set-RKDataLakeAcl $Permission }
            Default { throw "Unknown Type - $($Permission.type)" }

        Write-Verbose "applyPermissionSet: $($Permission | ConvertTo-Json)...done"


function Set-RKDataLakeAcl {
    Set the permission on a Data Folder and parent folders (to reach the folder)

    $ctx = Get-RKStorageContext -StorageAccountName $Permission.dataLakeName -ContainerName $Permission.containerName
    Write-Verbose "applyLakePermission: objectType: '$($Permission.principalType)', DisplayName: '$($Permission.principalName)', Permission: '$($Permission.permission)', path: '$($Permission.path)'"
    Set-RKLakePathAcl -ctx $ctx -Permission $Permission

function Confirm-RKPermissions {
    Tests permissions conform to target schema.


    $jsonErrList = [ordered]@{}
    $index = 0

    foreach ($Permission in $Permissions) {
        Write-Verbose "Confirming Permission: $($Permission | ConvertTo-Json)"
        #$schema = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot/../Schemas/$($Permission.type).schema.json" -Raw

        # for some daft reason Test-Json is a noisy command that needs to be piped to null on the stderr and stdout to keep the console clear.
        ( Test-Json -Json ( $Permission | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 ) -SchemaFile "$PSScriptRoot/../Schemas/$($Permission.type).schema.json" -ErrorVariable jsonErr 2> $null ) > $null

        if ($jsonErr.Count -gt 0) {
            $jsonErrList.Add($index, $jsonErr)

    return $jsonErrList