
Imports a module (similar to Import-Module), but will try to install it if it's not available
Imports a module (similar to Import-Module), but will try to install it if it's not available
Combines checking for module, installing it and importing into one handy command.
Can also update a module and reload it if a newer version is requested.
.PARAMETER modules
List of modules to load.
.PARAMETER version
Require specific version of the package. Can be a SemVer number, or 'latest'.
If a newer version is requested (than the one that's available on the system), the module will be updated and reloaded.
.PARAMETER package
Name of the package that contains the requested module (i.e. name of choco package to install)
.PARAMETER package
Forces reload of the module, even if an appropriate version is already loaded.
If the module needs updating (i.e. because requested version is higher than the loaded one),
then the module will be reloaded irrespectively of this flag.
The source to get the package from.
Valid values:
'oneget', 'psgallery', 'choco',
'choco:{url_of_repository}', 'psgallery:{urlofrepository}'
Default: oneget.
In some scenarios, there's a need to invoke an elevated command to install additional tools (i.e.: chocolatey).
Use -Wait switch to wait for user input after running these commands.
The scope in which the module will be installed (same as Scope of Install-Module)
.PARAMETER SkipPublisherCheck
Pass -SkipPublisherCheck to Install-Module
.PARAMETER AllowClobber
Pass -AllowClobber to Install-Module
Pass -Force to Install-Module
PS> Request-Module Pester -version 4.4

function Request-Module { 
        $version = $null,
        $package = $null,
        [switch][bool] $reload,
        $source = "oneget",
        [switch][bool] $wait = $false,
        [string] $scope = "CurrentUser",
        [switch][bool] $SkipPublisherCheck,
        [switch][bool] $AllowClobber = $true,
        [switch][bool] $Force

    $original_version = $version
    if ($version -eq "latest") {
        $version = "999.999.999"
    import-module process -Global -Verbose:$false
    if ($scope -eq "Auto") {
        $scope = "CurrentUser"
        if (test-IsAdmin) { $scope = "AllUsers" }

    foreach($_ in $modules)
        $name = $_
        $currentversion = $null
        $mo = gmo $_
        $loaded = $mo -ne $null
        $found = $loaded
        if ($loaded) { $currentversion = $mo.Version[0] }
        if ($loaded -and !$reload -and ($mo.Version[0] -ge $version -or $version -eq $null)) { 
            write-verbose "module $_ is loaded with version $($mo.version). Nothing to do here"
        if (!$loaded) {
            try {
                write-verbose "module $_ is not loaded. trying to load."
                ipmo $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Global -Verbose:$false
                $mo = gmo $_
                $loaded = $mo -ne $null
                if ($loaded) {
                    write-verbose "loaded"
                $found = $loaded
            } catch {
                write-verbose "failed to load module $name : $($_.Exception.Message)"
        if(!$found) {
            $mo = gmo $_ -ListAvailable | sort version -Descending
            write-verbose "module $_ not found"
        $found = $mo -ne $null -and $mo.Version[0] -ge $version
        if ($mo -ne $null) {
            write-verbose "found module $($ version $($mo.version). found=$found reload=$reload"
        else {
            write-verbose "module $_ not found"

        if(!$found -and $mo -ne $null) {
            $available = @(gmo $_ -ListAvailable | sort version -Descending)
            $mo = $available
            $matchingVers = @($available | ? { $_.Version -ge $version })
            $found = ($matchingVers.Length -gt 0)
            write-verbose "found $($matchingVers.count) matching versions from total $($available.count)"
            #$found = $available -ne $null
        if ($mo -ne $null) {
            write-verbose "version=$version mo=$mo mo.version=$($mo.Version[0]) requested version = $version"
        if ($reload -or ($loaded -and $version -ne $null -and $currentversion -lt $version)) {
            write-verbose "removing module $_"
            if (gmo $_) { rmo $_ -Verbose:$false }
        function init-psget {
            if ($global:psgetready) {
            write-verbose "initializing psget"
            if ((get-command Install-PackageProvider -module PackageManagement -ErrorAction Ignore) -ne $null) {
               import-module PackageManagement -Verbose:$false
               $nuget = get-packageprovider -Name Nuget -force -forcebootstrap
               if ($nuget -eq $null) {
                   write-host "installing nuget package provider"
                   # this isn't availalbe in the current official release of oneget (?)
                   install-packageprovider -Name NuGet -Force -MinimumVersion -verbose
           import-module powershellget -Verbose:$false
           if ((get-PSRepository -Name PSGallery).InstallationPolicy -ne "Trusted") {
               Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
           $global:psgetready = $true
       function RequestPowershellModule($name) {
           $psrepository = $null
           if ($source.startswith("psgallery:")) {
               $psrepository = $source.substring("psgallery:".Length)
           write-warning "trying powershellget package manager repository='$psrepository'"
           $islinked = $false
           if ($mo -eq $null) {
               $p = @{
                   Name = $name
                   Verbose = $true
                   Scope = $scope
                   ErrorAction = "Stop"
               if ($AllowClobber -and ((get-command install-module).Parameters.AllowClobber) -ne $null) {
                   $p += @{ AllowClobber = $true }  
               if ($SkipPublisherCheck -and ((get-command install-module).Parameters.SkipPublisherCheck) -ne $null) {
                   $p += @{ SkipPublisherCheck = $true }  
               if ($Force) {
                   $p += @{ Force = $true }

               if ($psrepository -ne $null) {
                   $p += @{ Repository = $psrepository }
               $cmd = "install-module"
               write-warning "$cmd [scope=$scope]"                       
               foreach($kvp in $p.GetEnumerator()) {
                   $val = $kvp.value
                   if ($val -eq $true) { $val = "`$true" }
                   $cmd += " -$($kvp.key):$($val)"
               if ($scope -eq "CurrentUser") {                       
                   install-module @p
               } else {
                   Invoke-AsAdmin -ArgumentList @("-Command", $cmd) -wait       
                   if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { write-error "install-module failed" }                 
           else {
               # remove module to avoid loading multiple versions
               rmo $name -erroraction Ignore
               $toupdate = $name
               $p = @{
                   Name = $toupdate
                   Verbose = $true
                   ErrorAction = "Stop"
               if ($psrepository -ne $null) {
                   # update-module has no repository parameter
                 # $p += @{ Repository = $psrepository }
               $cmd = "update-module"
               foreach($kvp in $p.GetEnumerator()) {
                   $val = $kvp.value
                   if ($val -eq $true) { $val = "`$true" }
                   $cmd += " -$($kvp.key):$($val)"
               write-warning "$cmd [scope=$scope]"                    
               if ($scope -eq "CurrentUser") {
                   try {   
                       ipmo pathutils -Verbose:$false
                       $path = $mo.path                       
                       try {
                           $target = pathutils\Get-JunctionTarget (split-path -parent $path)
                           $islinked = $target -ne $null
                       } catch {
                           write-warning $_.Exception.message
                       if ($islinked) {
                           write-verbose "module $toupdate is linked to path $target. updating from source control"
                           pathutils\update-modulelink $toupdate -ErrorAction stop
                       } else {
                            write-verbose "updating module $toupdate"
                           update-module @p                                      
                   } catch {
                       if ($_.Exception.Message.Contains("Install-Module")) { 
                           # "was not installed by using Install-Module"
                       elseif ($_.Exception.Message.Contains("Administrator")) {
                           # "cannot be updated because Administrator rights are required"
                           write-warning "need to update module as admin"
                           # if module was installed as Admin, try to update as admin
                           Invoke-AsAdmin -ArgumentList @("-Command", $cmd) -wait    
                           if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { write-error "update-module failed" }
                       else {
               } else {
                   Invoke-AsAdmin -ArgumentList @("-Command", $cmd) -wait
                   if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { write-error "update-module failed" }
           $mo = gmo $name -ListAvailable | sort version -Descending | select -first 1   
           if ($mo -ne $null -and $mo.Version[0] -lt $version -and !$islinked) {
               # ups, update-module did not succeed?
               # if module is already installed, oneget will try to update from same repositoty
               # if the repository has changed, we need to force install
               write-warning "requested module $name version $version, but found $($mo.Version[0])!"
               $p = @{
                   Name = $name
                   Verbose = $true
                   Scope = $scope
                   ErrorAction = "Stop"
                   Force = $true
               if ($AllowClobber -and ((get-command install-module).Parameters.AllowClobber) -ne $null) {
                   $p += @{ AllowClobber = $true }  
               if ($SkipPublisherCheck -and ((get-command install-module).Parameters.SkipPublisherCheck) -ne $null) {
                   $p += @{ SkipPublisherCheck = $true }  
               if ($psrepository -ne $null) {
                   $p += @{ Repository = $psrepository }
               $cmd = "install-module"
               write-warning "trying again: $cmd [scope=$scope]"
               foreach($kvp in $p.GetEnumerator()) {
                   $val = $kvp.value
                   if ($val -eq $true) { $val = "`$true" }
                   $cmd += " -$($kvp.key):$($val)"
               if ($scope -eq "CurrentUser") {                       
                   install-module @p
               } else {                      
                   Invoke-AsAdmin -ArgumentList @("-Command", $cmd) -wait    
                   if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { write-error "update-module failed" }                    
               $mo = gmo $name -ListAvailable | sort version -Descending | select -first 1  
           if ($mo -eq $null) { 
               Write-Warning "failed to install module $name through oneget"
               Write-Warning "available modules:"
               $list = find-module $name
           } elseif ($mo.Version[0] -lt $version -and $original_version -ne "latest") {
               Write-Warning "modules found:"
               $m = find-module $name
               $m | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Warning                    
               Write-Warning "sources:"
               $s = Get-PackageSource
               $s | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Warning
       function RequestChocoPackage($name) {
           if ($mo -eq $null) {
               # install
               $cmd = "Process\invoke choco install -y $package -verbose"
               if ($source.startswith("choco:")) {
                   $customsource = $source.substring("choco:".length)
                   $cmd = "Process\invoke choco install -y $package -source $customsource -verbose"
               $processModulePath = split-path -parent (gmo Process).path
               # ensure choco is installed, then install package
               Invoke-AsAdmin -ArgumentList @("-Command", "
                   try {
                      `$env:PSModulePath = `$env:PSModulePath + ';$processModulePath'
                   . '$PSScriptRoot\functions\helpers.ps1';
                   ipmo Require
                   req Process
                   write-host 'Ensuring chocolatey is installed';
                   write-host 'installing chocolatey package $package';
                   } finally {
                       if (`$$wait) { Read-Host 'press Enter to close this window and continue'; }
) -wait
               if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { write-error "choco install failed" }
               #refresh PSModulePath
               # throw "Module $name not found. `r`nSearched paths: $($env:PSModulePath)"
           elseif ($mo.Version[0] -lt $version) {
               # update
               write-warning "requested module $name version $version, but found $($mo.Version[0])!"
               # ensure choco is installed, then upgrade package
               $cmd = "Process\invoke choco upgrade -y $package -verbose"
               if ($source.startswith("choco:")) {
                   $customsource = $source.substring("choco:".length)
                   $cmd = "Process\invoke choco upgrade -y $package -source $customsource -verbose"
               $processModulePath = split-path -parent ((gmo Process).path)
               Invoke-AsAdmin -ArgumentList @("-Command", "
                   try {
                   `$ex = `$null;
                   `$env:PSModulePath = `$env:PSModulePath + ';$processModulePath'
                   ipmo Require
                   req Process
                   . '$PSScriptRoot\functions\helpers.ps1';
                   write-host 'Ensuring chocolatey is installed';
                   write-host 'updating chocolatey package $package';
                   if (`$$wait) { Read-Host 'press Enter to close this window and continue' }
                   } catch {
                       write-error `$_;
                       `$ex = `$_;
                       if (`$$wait) { Read-Host 'someting went wrong. press Enter to close this window and continue' }
                   finally {
) -wait  
               if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { write-error "choco upgrade failed" }
           if ($mo -ne $null) { rmo $name }
           ipmo $name -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (!$found) {
            . "$PSScriptRoot\functions\helpers.ps1";
            $verstring = "not found"
            if ($currentversion -ne $null) { $verstring = "is not satisfied by current version=$currentversion" }
            write-warning "module $_ version >= $version $verstring. installing from $source"
            if ($source -eq "choco" -or $source.startswith("choco:")) {
                requestchocopackage -name $_
            if ($source -in "oneget","psget","powershellget","psgallery" -or $source.startswith("psgallery:")) {
                RequestPowershellModule -name $_
            $mo = gmo $name -ListAvailable | sort version -Descending
            $found = $mo -ne $null -and $mo.Version[0] -ge $version
        } else {
            if (($matchingvers -ne $null) -and ($matchingvers.count -ge 0)) {
                ipmo $_ -MinimumVersion $version
                $mo = gmo $_

        if (!($mo)) {          
            throw "Module $_ not found. `r`nSearched paths: $($env:PSModulePath)"
        if ($original_version -eq "latest") {
            Import-Module $_ -DisableNameChecking -Global -ErrorAction stop
            $mo = gmo $_
            write-host "lastest version of module $_ : $($mo.version)"
        else {
            if ($mo.Version[0] -lt $version) {
                throw "requested module $_ version $version, but found $($mo.Version[0])!"
            Import-Module $_ -DisableNameChecking -MinimumVersion $version -Global -ErrorAction stop


if ((get-alias Require-Module -ErrorAction ignore) -eq $null) { new-alias Require-Module Request-Module }
if ((get-alias req -ErrorAction ignore) -eq $null) { new-alias req Request-Module }

Export-ModuleMember -Function "Request-Module" -Alias *