
function Read-Choice {
    Display a prompt like PowerShell does.
    Make a Powershell style prompt.
    You must provide the same number of options and help messages.
    The function returns an integer, the selected options.
    PS C:\> Read-Choice -Title 'Do you want to continue ?' -Prompt 'Answer yes or no'
    Do you want to continue ?
    Answer yes or no
    [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "Y"):
    PS C:\> Read-Choice -Title 'Do you want to continue ?' -Prompt 'Answer yes or no' -Options '&Yes','&No','Yes for &all','N&o for all' -HelpMessage 'Say yes','Say No','Say allways yes','Say allways no'
    Do you want to continue ?
    Answer yes or no
    [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "Y"):

    if ($Options.Count -ne $HelpMessages.Count) {
        Throw 'Please provide as much Options as HelpMessages'
    $tabOptions = @()
    foreach ($opt in $Options) {
        $tabOptions += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription $opt, $HelpMessages[$i]
    $Choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]] ($tabOptions)
    return $host.ui.PromptForChoice($Title,$Prompt,$Choices,0)

function Read-PopUp {
    Display a popup.
    Provides a wrapper for MessageBox.
    Returns the value of the selected button.
    PS C:\> Read-PopUp -Title Information -Message 'information to display'
    PS C:\> Read-PopUp -Title Question -Message 'Continue ?' -Buttons YesNo
    PS C:\> Read-PopUp -Title Question -Message "What to do?" -Buttons AbortRetryIgnore -Icon Error -DefaultButton Button3

        [ValidateSet('Ok', 'AbortRetryIgnore','OkCancel','RetryCancel','YesNo','YesNoCancel')]
    Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.Windows.Forms"
    $dlg = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]
    $btn = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::$Buttons
    $icn = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::$Icon
    $dfb = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton]::$DefaultButton
    return $dlg::Show($Message, $Title, $btn, $icn, $dfb)

function Remove-Diacritics {
    Function Designed for remove special characters and provides a string usable for login.

    return [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("Cyrillic").GetBytes($String))

function Clear-String {
    Function designed for remove special characters and provides a string usable for login.

        [string[]]$DeletedChars = @('-',' ',"'"),
        [string[]]$ReplacedChars = @('œ','æ'),
        [string[]]$ReplacedByChars = @('oe','ae'),
        [byte]$MaxLength = 20
    foreach ($char in $DeletedChars) {
        $String = $String -replace $char,''  # opérateur de remplacement

    $i = 0
    foreach ($char in $ReplacedChars) {
        $String = $String -replace $char,$ReplacedByChars[$i]
    if ($String.length -gt $MaxLength) { $String = $String.SubString(0, $MaxLength) }
    if ($LowerCase) { $String = $String.ToLower() }
    return $String

function Get-Password {
    Function returning a password according to complexity required in AD domain.
    You can change the numbers of letters, digits and non alpha-numeric characters required.
    You can modify the sets of allowed characters.

        [byte]$NumLetters = 5,
        [byte]$NumDigits = 2,
        [byte]$NumNonAlphaNum = 1,
        [string]$LettersAllowed = 'azertyuiopmlkjhgfdsqwxcvbn',
        [string]$DigitsAllowed = '0123456789',
        [string]$NonAlphNumAllowed = ':;,!*$=-'
    $LettersTab = $LettersAllowed -split ''
    $DigitsTab = $DigitsAllowed -split ''
    $NonAlphNumTab = $NonAlphNumAllowed -split ''

    # Tirer au sort dans un tableau : Get-Random
    $CharTab = $LettersTab | Get-Random -Count $NumLetters -ea Ignore  # ea : ErrorAction
    $CharTab += $DigitsTab | Get-Random -Count $NumDigits -ea Ignore
    $CharTab += $NonAlphNumTab | Get-Random -Count $NumNonAlphaNum -ea Ignore

    # Mélanger le tableau : Sort-Objet avec Get-Random
    $CharTab = $CharTab | Sort-Object {Get-Random}
    $Password = $CharTab -Join ''   # opérateur de rassemblement d'élément de tab
    if ($AsSecureString) {
        return (ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force)
    } else {
        return $Password