
    SigmaDB class
    Class for database manipulation with the sigma database (sqlite3)
    PS C:\> [SigmaDB]::New($database)
    Opens SQLite connection to $database (path to file).
    It'll create the database and tables if it doesn't exist
    PS C:\> [SigmaDB]::Query($query)
    Queries $query to database without parameters
    Output expected
    PS C:\> [SigmaDB]::Query($query, $parameters)
    Queries $query to database with parameters
    Output expected
    PS C:\> [SigmaDB]::Update($query)
    Updates/Inserts/Creates $query to database without parameters
    No output expected
    PS C:\> [SigmaDB]::Update($query, $parameters)
    Updates/Inserts/Creates $query to database with parameters
    No output expected
    $database: path to database
    $query: sql query
    $parameters: parameters for query
    Query result or None
    Author: ncrqnt
    Date: 07.09.2021
    PowerShell: 7.1.4
    1.2.0 22.09.2021 ncrqnt Removed file_path
    1.1.1 16.09.2021 ncrqnt Removed is_multidoc
    1.1.0 15.09.2021 ncrqnt Added is_enabled field
    1.0.1 07.09.2021 ncrqnt Fixed typo
                                    Added -ErrorAction Stop to Invoke functions
    1.0.0 07.09.2021 ncrqnt Initial creation

class SigmaDB {

    SigmaDB([string]$database) {
        $this.database = $database

    Open([string]$database) {
        $this.database = $database
        Open-SQLiteConnection -DataSource $this.database

        $tables = $this.Query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")

        # create tables if they don't exist
        if ($tables.count -eq 0) {
            # table 'rule'
            $create = ' CREATE TABLE "rule" (
                            "id" TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
                            "title" TEXT,
                            "file_name" TEXT,
                            "creation_date" TEXT,
                            "modified_date" TEXT,
                            "file_hash" TEXT,
                            "is_eql" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                            "is_custom" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                            "is_enabled" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
                            "ignore_hash" TEXT,
                            "install_date" TEXT NOT NULL,
                            "update_date" TEXT NOT NULL,
                            CONSTRAINT "rule_pk" PRIMARY KEY("id")


            # table 'exception'
            $create = ' CREATE TABLE "exception" (
                            "id" INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE,
                            "operator" TEXT NOT NULL,
                            "search_identifier" TEXT NOT NULL,
                            "filter" TEXT NOT NULL,
                            "rule_id" TEXT NOT NULL,
                            CONSTRAINT "exception_pk" PRIMARY KEY("id" AUTOINCREMENT),
                            FOREIGN KEY("rule_id") REFERENCES "rule"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE


    Open() {

    [array] Query([string]$query, [hashtable]$parameters) {
        $answer = Invoke-SqlQuery -Query $query -Parameters $parameters -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($null -eq $answer) {
            $result = @()
        elseif ($answer.Count -eq 1) {
            $result = @($answer)
        else {
            $result = $answer
        return $result

    [array] Query([string]$query) {
        return $this.Query($query, $null)

    Update([string]$query, [hashtable]$parameters) {
        Invoke-SqlUpdate -Query $query -Parameters $parameters -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    Update([string]$query) {
        $this.Update($query, $null)

    [bool] Test() {
        return Test-SqlConnection

    Close() {