
    sigmadb - Update sigma rules in sigmadb
    Compare and Update sigma rules inside the database
    PS C:\> Update-SigmaRule -RulesFolder .\sigma\rules -Config .\sigmadb\config.yml
    Checks for each yml/yaml file in .\sigma\rules if it's in the database and compares hash.
    If the hash mismatch, the content will be comapred and the user has to choose to update or not
    RulesFolder: folder with the new sigma rules (usually inside sigma\rules)
    Config: config file for sigmadb
    Author: ncrqnt
    Date: 10.09.2021
    PowerShell: 7.1.4
    1.4.0 22.09.2021 ncrqnt Removed file_path and replaced with Rules path in config file
                                    Changed call of SigmaDB class
    1.3.1 16.09.2021 ncrqnt Restructure of config file
    1.3.0 15.09.2021 ncrqnt Added support for updating disabled rules
    1.2.0 14.09.2021 ncrqnt Added better file comparision
                                    Changed 'Yes' process of Should process
    1.1.0 13.09.2021 ncrqnt Changed Database parameter to Config
    1.0.0 10.09.2021 ncrqnt Initial creation

function Update-SigmaRule {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path $_ -PathType Container) { $true } else { throw "$_ is not a directory." } })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Config = '.\sigmadb\config.yml',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    begin {
        $cfg = Get-PrivSigmaConfig -Config $Config
        $db = New-Object -TypeName SigmaDB -ArgumentList $cfg.Files.Database

    process {
        $rulesPath = (Get-Item $RulesFolder).FullName
        $rules = Get-ChildItem -Path "$rulesPath\*" -Include *.yml, *.yaml -Recurse -File

        foreach ($rule in $rules) {
            $yaml = Get-Content -Path $rule.FullName -Encoding utf8 -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml -Ordered
            $rule_db = $db.Query("SELECT * FROM rule WHERE id = @id", @{ id = $ })[0]

            if ($null -ne $rule_db) {
                $rule_hash = (Get-FileHash $rule.FullName -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower()
                if ($rule_db.is_enabled -eq 0 -and -not $IncludeDisabled) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Rule '$($rule_db.title)' is disabled. Use -IncludeDisabled to check updates for it."
                elseif ($rule_hash -ne $rule_db.file_hash -and $rule_hash -ne $rule_db.ignore_hash) {

                    Write-Output "==============================================================="
                    Compare-FileContent -ReferenceObject "$($cfg.Folders.Rules)\$($rule_db.file_name)" -DifferenceObject $rule
                    Write-Output "===============================================================`n"

                    $date = Get-Date -Format 'o'
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($rule_db.title, "Update Rule")) {
                        Copy-Item -Path $rule -Destination $cfg.Folders.Rules -Force | Out-Null
                        $file = Get-Item "$($cfg.Folders.Rules)\$($rule.Name)"
                        Import-PrivSigmaRule -File $file -Rule $yaml -Database $db -Config $Config -Force -InformationAction Continue
                    else {
                        $query = "UPDATE rule SET ignore_hash = @hash, update_date = @date WHERE id = @id"
                        $db.Update($query, @{ hash = $rule_hash; date = $date; id = $ })
                else {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Rule '$($rule_db.title)' is identical"
            else {
                Write-Output "New rule $($yaml.title)"
                $rule.FullName | Out-File "$($cfg.Folders.Root)\new_rules.txt" -Append -Encoding utf8

    end {