
# sitecore_spe.ps1
function Get-DefaultSpeConfig()
    # $AppPath is SPE console variable, see Variables on
    if( $AppPath -ne $null )
        return Join-Path -Path $AppPath -ChildPath "App_Config\Include\Cognifide.PowerShell.config"

function Set-UAC4SPE
    Sets an User Access Control parameters for Sitecore Powershell Extension
    More about Sitecore Powershell Extension security
    .PARAMETER Token
    An unique string used for the gate token attribute ('Default','Console','ISE','ItemSave')
    .PARAMETER Action
    An action to perform when session elevation is triggered (Allow, Block, Password)
    .PARAMETER Expiration
    A timespan used to determine the elevated session lifetime (hh:mm:ss)
    .PARAMETER SpeConfig
    A path to Cognifide.PowerShell.config.
    If this function is used in a SPE console then default parameter should be enough Get-DefaultSpeConfig
    Set-UAC4SPE -Token Console -Expiration '00:06:00'

    Set-UAC4SPE -Token Console -Expiration '00:06:00' -Action Allow
    PowerShell will number them for you when it displays your help text to a user.

      [string]$Token = $null,
      [string]$Action = $null,
      [string]$Expiration = $null,
      [string]$SpeConfig = (Get-DefaultSpeConfig)

    Write-Verbose "Set User Account Control in file $SpeConfig"

    [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path $SpeConfig

    $xpath = "//configuration/sitecore/powershell/userAccountControl/tokens//token[@name = '$Token' ]"

    $tokenNode = $XmlDocument.SelectSingleNode($xpath) 

    if( $Action -ne '' )
        $tokenNode.Attributes["elevationAction"].Value = $Action

        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Set elevationAction to $Action on $SpeConfig"))

    if( $Expiration -ne '' )
        $tokenNode.Attributes["expiration"].Value = $Expiration
        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Set expiration to $Expiration on $SpeConfig"))
function Get-UAC4SPE
    Gets information about settings of passed token.
    More about Sitecore Powershell Extension security
    .PARAMETER Token
    An unique string used for the gate token attribute ('Default','Console','ISE','ItemSave')
    .PARAMETER SpeConfig
    A path to Cognifide.PowerShell.config.
    If this function is used in a SPE console then default parameter should be enough Get-DefaultSpeConfig
    Get-UAC4SPE -Token Console

      [string]$Token = $null,

      [string]$SpeConfig = (Get-DefaultSpeConfig)
    Write-Verbose "Get User Account Control from file '$SpeConfig'"

    [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path $SpeConfig

    $xpath = "//configuration/sitecore/powershell/userAccountControl/tokens//token[@name = '$Token' ]"

    $tokenNode = $XmlDocument.SelectSingleNode($xpath) 
    return $tokenNode

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-UAC4SPE
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-UAC4SPE