
function updateResourceTag {

    Write-Verbose "Get the existing tags from the Resource"
    try {
        $ResourceTags = $ResourceObject.Tags
        if (-not($ResourceTags)) {
            Write-Verbose "No tags exist. Set ResourceTags variable as empty array"
            $ResourceTags = @{ }
        else {
            if ($ResourceTags.Count + $Tags.Count -gt 15) {
                Write-Error "The number of tags for $($ResourceObject.Name) is greater than 15"
    catch {

    #add new tags to the array
    foreach ($key in $Tags.keys) {
        $ResourceTags[$key] = $Tags[$key]
    try {
        Write-Verbose "Setting tags on ResourceID: $($ResourceObject.ResourceId)"
        Set-AzResource -Tag $ResourceTags -ResourceId $ResourceObject.ResourceId -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Verbose "Updated Tags on $($ResourceObject.Name)"
    catch {
} #end function updateResourceTag
function Update-sjAzResourceTags {

    #Requires -Version 3.0
    # Requires -Modules Az #don't require Az module, it takes a LONG time to resolve this requirement

        PowerShell function written to add tags to Azure Resources
        Written by Steven Judd on 2019/06/25
        Version 20190710
        Updated by Steven Judd on 2019/07/09 to do the following:
            Removed the UpdatedBy parameter and made it a variable in the begin block
            Added UpdatedBy tag as an automatically updated variable
        Updated by Steven Judd on 2019/07/10 to do the following:
            Updated the help examples to use the Tags parameter and to have better explanations
            Updated the username to be xplat compatible
            Added an example for using the Subscription parameter
            Set the Tags parameter to Mandatory for the updateResourceTag inline function
            Added a check to see if the number of tags will be greater than 15 (current Azure limit)
        Add Features:
        Add tags to an Azure Resource.
        This function will add tags to an Azure Resource. It will not remove any
        existing tags. Rather, it will add those that need to be added and update tags
        that already exist with new data provided.
    .PARAMETER ResourceID
        Enter the Azure ResourceID for the Resource to be tagged. The benefit of using
        the ResourceID is the Subscription and Resource Group information is not
        required to be known or entered.
        This is the default parameter and will be required if no parameters are entered.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionName
        Enter the SubscriptionName for the Resource to be tagged.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Enter the Resource Group Name for the Resource to be tagged.
        Enter the Name for the Resource to be tagged.
        Enter a Hashtable object for the tags to be added to the specified Resource. This
        function will not remove any existing tags, it will only add or update tags.
        Update-sjAzResourceTags -SubscriptionName NotFree -ResourceGroupName VMs -Name Server1 -Tags @{Environment = 'Prd'}
        This example will tag the Server1 resource in the VMs resource group in
        the NotFree subscription with the Environment:Prd tag.
        Update-sjAzResourceTags -ResourceID (Get-AzResource Server1).ResourceID -Tags @{Environment = 'Prd'}
        This example will add the Environment:Prd tag on the Server1 Resource in the
        current subscription.
        Note: Make sure the Get-AzResource command returns the proper object.
        Get-AzResource Server1 | Update-sjAzResourceTags -Tags @{Environment = 'Prd'}
        This example will add the Divest:Yes tag on the Server1 Resource in the current
        subscription. This method shows that you can pipe an object to the
        Update-sjAzResourceTags function and it will tag the resource.
        Note: Make sure the Get-AzResource command returns the proper object.
        Get-Content "C:\temp\ServersToTag.csv"
        Import-Csv "C:\Temp\ServersToTag.csv" | TagAzResourceYesDivest -Verbose -OutVariable updatedAzResources
        This example uses a CSV file with the Resource Names, Subs, and RGs and pipes the
        contents to the TagAzResourceYesDivest function. It will return Verbose output as
        well as put the output into the $updatedAzResources variable to make it easy to
        review the results of the function.

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ResourceID")]

        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ResourceID",

        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "SubRgName",

        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "SubRgName",

        [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "SubRgName",

        # Placeholder for adding the ability to pass a PSResource object
        # [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory,ParameterSetName="InputObject",
        # ValueFromPipeline)]
        # [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.SdkModels.PSResource]$InputObject,

        [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory,

    begin {
        Write-Verbose "Adding tags:`n$($Tags | Out-String)"

        #region check to see if connected to Azure and if not initiate a connection
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Checking connection to Azure Resource Manager"
            $AzureContext = Get-AzContext -ErrorAction Stop
            #if not connected the Id will be $null
            if (-not($AzureContext.Account.Id)) {
                $pscmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError("Run Add-AzAccount to login to Azure") #this will move to the Catch block instead of throwing the error message
        catch {
            try {
                Write-Verbose "CONNECTING connection to Azure Resource Manager"
                if ($SubscriptionName) {
                    $null = Add-AzAccount -Subscription $SubscriptionName -ErrorAction Stop
                else {
                    $null = Add-AzAccount -ErrorAction Stop
                $AzureContext = Get-AzContext -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
        Write-Verbose "Azure Context: $($AzureContext.Tenant.Id)"

        #get initial subscription to return to at the end of the function
        $InitialSubscription = Get-AzContext
        Write-Verbose "Initial subscription set to $((Get-AzSubscription | Where-Object SubscriptionId -eq $InitialSubscription.Subscription).Name)"

        #add the UpdatedBy tag
        $Tags['UpdatedBy'] = [Environment]::UserName
    } #end begin block

    process {
        #get the Subscription from the ResourceId
        if ($ResourceID) {
            $SubscriptionName = (Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId ((Get-AzResource -ResourceId $ResourceID).ResourceId -split '/')[2]).Name

        #set the subscription
        Write-Verbose "Set the subscription to '$SubscriptionName'"
        try {
            $null = Set-AzContext -Subscription $SubscriptionName -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {

        if ($ResourceGroupName) {
            Write-Verbose "Check to ensure the Resource Group exists"
            try {
                $ResourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
                #the below check may not be necessary based on how Get-AzResourceGroup handles not finding the specified RG
                if (-not($ResourceGroup)) {
                    $pscmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError("Unable to find specified Resource Group: $ResourceGroup")
            catch {
                Write-Error "Unable to find the specified Resource Group '$ResourceGroupName' in the '$SubscriptionName' Subscription"
        } #end if $ResourceGroupName

        #get Resource object
        if ($ResourceID) {
            try {
                $ResourceObject = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $ResourceID
            catch {
                Write-Error $_
        } #end if not $ResourceID
        else {
            try {
                $ResourceObject = Get-AzResource -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
            catch {
                Write-Error $_

        updateResourceTag -ResourceObject $ResourceObject -Tags $Tags

        #if resource is a VM, get and tag the Disks and NICs
        if ($ResourceObject.Type -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines") {
            Write-Verbose "Object is a VM. Tagging the disks and NICs"
            Write-Verbose "Getting the VM object"
            $vmObject = Get-AzVm -ResourceGroupName $ResourceObject.ResourceGroupName -Name $ResourceObject.ResourceName

            Write-Verbose "Getting OS disk ResourceObject and tagging it"
            $osDiskObject = Get-AzResource -Name $vmObject.StorageProfile.OsDisk.Name -ResourceGroupName $vmObject.ResourceGroupName
            updateResourceTag -ResourceObject $osDiskObject -Tags $Tags

            Write-Verbose "Getting Data disks ResourceObject and tagging them"
            foreach ($dataDisk in $vmObject.StorageProfile.DataDisks) {
                $dataDiskObject = Get-AzResource -Name $dataDisk.Name -ResourceGroupName $vmObject.ResourceGroupName
                updateResourceTag -ResourceObject $dataDiskObject -Tags $Tags
            Write-Verbose "Getting NICs ResourceObject and tagging them"
            foreach ($nic in $vmObject.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces) {
                $nicObject = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $nic.Id
                updateResourceTag -ResourceObject $nicObject -Tags $Tags

    } #end process block

    end {
        if ((Get-AzContext).TenantId -ne $InitialSubscription.TenantId) {
            Write-Verbose "Return to initial subscription: $((Get-AzSubscription | Where-Object SubscriptionId -eq $InitialSubscription.Subscription).Name)"
            $null = Set-AzContext -Subscription ($InitialSubscription.Subscription)
        } #end if not in Initial Subscription

} #end Update-sjAzResourceTags function

#test runs
#Get-AzResource -Name Server1 | Export-Clixml -path $env:temp\azresourcedata.xml
#$serverstoupdate = Import-Clixml -Path $env:temp\azresourcedata.xml
#$serverstoupdate | Update-sjAzResourceTags -Tags @{test = 'test' } -Verbose

#Update-sjAzResourceTags -ResourceID '/subscriptions/8a5f240d-3141-4a50-936b-81999ba32d01/resourceGroups/VMs/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/Server1' -Tags @{test = 'test' }
#Update-sjAzResourceTags -ResourceID (Get-AzResource -Name Server1).ResourceID -Tags @{test = 'test' } -Verbose
#Get-AzResource -Name Server1 | Update-sjAzResourceTags -Tags @{test = 'test' }
#Import-Csv C:\temp\ServersToTag.csv | Update-sjAzResourceTags -Tags @{test = 'test' } -Verbose
#Import-Csv C:\temp\ServerList.csv | select -first 2 -Skip 1 | % {if(-not(Get-AzResource -Name $_.server -TagName Divest -TagValue Yes)){Get-AzResource -Name $_.server}} | Update-sjAzResourceTags -Tags @{test = 'test' } -Verbose
#Import-Csv C:\temp\ServerListWithSubRgInfo.csv | select -first 2 -Skip 4 | Update-sjAzResourceTags -Tags @{test = 'test' } -Verbose
Export-ModuleMember -Function *-*