
Function Set-SkylineExperience {
    Sets the experience for a site collection or web to classic or modern
    Sets the experience for a site collection or web to classic or modern
    Set-SkylineExperience -Mode Classic -Scope Site
    Set-SkylineExperience -Mode Modern -Scope Web
    Specify Classic or Modern experience
    .PARAMETER Scope
    Specify whether to apply the experience to the Web or Site
    The web to apply the command to. Omit this parameter to use the current web.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        Write-Debug ( "Running $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).`n" + "PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | Format-List | Out-String)")

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Mode") | Out-Null            
            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Scope") | Out-Null  

            $WebFeatureId = "52E14B6F-B1BB-4969-B89B-C4FAA56745EF"
            $SiteFeatureId = "E3540C7D-6BEA-403C-A224-1A12EAFEE4C4"

            if ($Scope -eq "Web" -and $Mode -eq "Classic") 
                try {
                    $Web = Get-PnPWeb @PSBoundParameters
                    $Web.Features.Add($WebFeatureId, $true, [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FeatureDefinitionScope]::None) | Out-Null
                catch { }
            elseif ($Scope -eq "Web" -and $Mode -eq "Modern")
                try {                    
                    $Web = Get-PnPWeb @PSBoundParameters
                    $Web.Features.Remove($WebFeatureId, $true)
                catch { }
            elseif ($Scope -eq "Site" -and $Mode -eq "Classic")
                try {
                    $Site = Get-PnPSite @PSBoundParameters
                    $Site.Features.Add($SiteFeatureId, $true, [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FeatureDefinitionScope]::None) | Out-Null
                catch { }
            elseif ($Scope -eq "Site" -and $Mode -eq "Modern")
                try {
                    $Site = Get-PnPSite @PSBoundParameters                
                    $Site.Features.Remove($SiteFeatureId, $true)
                catch { }
            Throw $_