
function New-StackDatabase {
            Create a new database
            Creates a database and all the base tables required to load the data archive.
        .PARAMETER SqlServer
            SQL Server instance to connect.
        .PARAMETER SqlCredential
            Credential object to connect as another user to SQL Server.
        .PARAMETER DatabaseName
            Name of the database to create.
        .PARAMETER UseDefaultPath
            Switch to utilize the default data and log path of the SQL Server instance. Default is set to true.
        .PARAMETER DataPath
            Data file path to use when creating the database.
        .PARAMETER LogPath
            Log file path to use when creating the database.
            New-StackDatabase -SqlServer MyServer -DatabaseName SEDatabase -DataPath 'C:\MSSQL\Data' -LogPath 'C:\MSSQL\Log'
            Database "SEDatabase" will be created on MyServer using the data and log path provided.
            New-StackDatabase -SqlServer MyServer -DatabaseName SEDatabase
            Database "SEDatabase" will be created on MyServer using the default data and log file path configured on the instance.
            General notes

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default", SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    begin {
        $tables = @{
            PostTypeIdDesc        = "
                IF (OBJECT_ID('dbo.PostsTypeIdDesc') IS NOT NULL)
                    DROP TABLE dbo.PostsTypeIdDesc;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PostsTypeIdDesc] (
                    [PostTypeId] int,[Description] VARCHAR(10));
                INSERT INTO [dbo].[PostsTypeIdDesc] (PostTypeId,Description)
                VALUES (1,'Question'), (2,'Answer');"
            CloseReasonIdDesc     = "
                IF (OBJECT_ID('dbo.CloseReasonIdDesc') IS NOT NULL)
                    DROP TABLE dbo.CloseReasonIdDesc;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CloseReasonIdDesc] (
                    [CloseReasonId] int,[Description] varchar(250));
                INSERT INTO [dbo].[CloseReasonIdDesc](CloseReasonId,Description)
                VALUES (1,'Exact Duplicate - This question covers exactly the same ground as earlier questions on this topic; its answers may be merged with another identical question.'),(2,'off-topic'),(3,'subjective'),
                (4,'not a real question'),(7,'too localized');"
            PostHistoryTypeIdDesc = "
                IF (OBJECT_ID('dbo.PostHistoryTypeIdDesc') IS NOT NULL)
                    DROP TABLE dbo.PostHistoryTypeIdDesc;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PostHistoryTypeIdDesc] (
                    [PostHistoryTypeId] int,[Description] varchar(150));
                INSERT INTO [dbo].[PostHistoryTypeIdDesc] (PostHistoryTypeId,Description)
                VALUES (1,'Initial Title - The first title a question is asked with.'),
                (2,'Initial Body - The first raw body text a post is submitted with.'),
                (3,'Initial Tags - The first tags a question is asked with.'),
                (4,'Edit Title - A questions title has been changed.'),
                (5,'Edit Body - A posts body has been changed, the raw text is stored here as markdown.'),
                (6,'Edit Tags - A questions tags have been changed.'),
                (7,'Rollback Title - A questions title has reverted to a previous version.'),
                (8,'Rollback Body - A posts body has reverted to a previous version - the raw text is stored here.'),
                (9,'Rollback Tags - A questions tags have reverted to a previous version.'),
                (10,'Post Closed - A post was voted to be closed.'),
                (11,'Post Reopened - A post was voted to be reopened.'),
                (12,'Post Deleted - A post was voted to be removed.'),
                (13,'Post Undeleted - A post was voted to be restored.'),
                (14,'Post Locked - A post was locked by a moderator.'),
                (15,'Post Unlocked - A post was unlocked by a moderator.'),
                (16,'Community Owned - A post has become community owned.'),
                (17,'Post Migrated - A post was migrated.'),
                (18,'Question Merged - A question has had another, deleted question merged into itself.'),
                (19,'Question Protected - A question was protected by a moderator'),
                (20,'Question Unprotected - A question was unprotected by a moderator'),
                (21,'Post Disassociated - An admin removes the OwnerUserId from a post.'),
                (22,'Question Unmerged - A previously merged question has had its answers and votes restored.')"
            VoteTypeIdDesc        = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.VoteTypeIdDesc') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.VoteTypeIdDesc;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[VoteTypeIdDesc] (
                    [VoteTypeId] int,[Description] VARCHAR(65));
                INSERT INTO [dbo].[VoteTypeIdDesc] (VoteTypeId, Description)
                VALUES (1,'AcceptedByOriginator'),(2,'UpMod'),
                (5,'Favorite - if VoteTypeId = 5 UserId will be populated'),
            PostLinkTypeIdDesc    = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.PostLinkTypeIdDesc') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.PostLinkTypeIdDesc;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PostLinkTypeIdDesc] (
                    [PostLinkTypeId] int,[Description] varchar(10));
                INSERT INTO [dbo].[PostLinkTypeIdDesc] (PostLinkTypeId, Description)
                VALUES (1,'Linked'), (3,'Duplicate');"
            Badges                = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Badges') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.Badges;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Badges] (
                    [UserId] int,[Name] varchar(500) NULL,[Date] datetime NULL);"
            Comments              = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Comments') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.Comments;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Comments] (
                    [Id] int,[PostId] int NULL,[Score] int NULL,
                    [Text] varchar(600) NULL,[CreationDate] datetime NULL,[UserId] int NULL);"
            Posts                 = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Posts') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.Posts;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Posts] (
                    [Id] int,[PostTypeId] int NULL,[ParentId] int NULL,
                    [AcceptedAnswerId] int NULL,[CreationDate] datetime NULL,
                    [Score] int NULL,[ViewCount] int NULL,[Body] NVARCHAR(max) NULL,
                    [OwnerUserId] int NULL,[LastEditorUserId] int NULL,
                    [LastEditorDisplayName] varchar(250) NULL,
                    [LastEditDate] datetime NULL,[LastActivityDate] datetime NULL,
                    [CommunityOwnedDate] datetime NULL,
                    [ClosedDate] datetime NULL,[Title] varchar(150) NULL,
                    [Tags] varchar(150) NULL,[AnswerCount] int NULL,
                    [CommentCount] int NULL,[FavoriteCount] int NULL);"
            PostHistory           = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.PostHistory') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.PostHistory;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PostHistory] (
                    [Id] int,[PostHistoryTypeId] int NULL,
                    [PostId] int NULL,[RevisionGUID] NVARCHAR(50) NULL,
                    [CreationDate] datetime NULL,
                    [UserId] int NULL,[UserDisplayName] varchar(150) NULL,
                    [Comment] NVARCHAR(max) NULL,[Text] NVARCHAR(max) NULL,
                    [CloseReasonId] int NULL);"
            PostLinks             = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.PostLinks') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.PostLinks;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PostLinks] (
                    [Id] int,[CreationDate] datetime NULL,
                    [PostId] int NULL,[RelatedPostId] int NULL,
                    [PostLinkTypeId] int NULL);"
            Users                 = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Users') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.Users;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Users] (
                    [Id] int,[Reputation] int NULL,[CreationDate] datetime NULL,
                    [DisplayName] varchar(250) NULL,[EmailHash] varchar(125) NULL,
                    [LastAccessDate] datetime NULL,[WebsiteUrl] varchar(250) NULL,
                    [Location] varchar(250) NULL,[Age] int NULL,
                    [AboutMe] varchar(max) NULL,[Views] int NULL,
                    [UpVotes] int NULL,[DownVotes] int NULL);"
            Votes                 = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Votes') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.Votes;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Votes] (
                    [Id] int,[PostId] int NULL,[VoteTypeId] int NULL,
                    [CreationDate] datetime,[UserId] int NULL,
                    [BountyAmount] int NULL);"
            Tags                  = "
                IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Tags') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE dbo.Tags;
                CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tags] ([Id] int,[TagName] varchar(250),
                [Count] int NULL,[ExcerptPostId] int NULL,[WikiPostId] int NULL);"
    process {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Connecting to $SqlServer"

        try {
            $instance = Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $SqlServer -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -ClientName "StackDb PowerShell Module - StackExchange Archive"
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Failure" -Category ConnectionError -Target $SqlServer -ErrorRecord $_

        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding 'UseDefaultPath') {
            # Get default path of instance something
            $sqlProps = Get-DbaSqlInstanceProperty -SqlInstance $instance -InstanceProperty DefaultFile,DefaultLog
            $defaultData = $sqlProps.Where( {$_.Name -eq 'DefaultFile'} ).Value
            $defaultLog = $sqlProps.Where( {$_.Name -eq 'DefaultLog'} ).Value

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Data Path: $defaultData"
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Log Path: $defaultLog"
        elseif ( (Test-PSFParameterBinding 'DataPath') -or (Test-PSFParameterBinding 'LogPath') ) {
            if (Test-DbaSqlPath -SqlInstance $instance -Path $DataPath) {
                $defaultData = $DataPath.TrimEnd("\")
            if (Test-DbaSqlPath -SqlInstance $instance -Path $LogPath) {
                $defaultLog = $LogPath.TrimEnd("\")

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($DatabaseName, "Creating the database")) {
            <# One last check to see if the data path is there #>
            if ( (Test-DbaSqlPath -SqlInstance $instance -Path $defaultData) -eq $false ) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "$defaultData is not accessible"
            if ( (Test-DbaSqlPath -SqlInstance $instance -Path $defaultLog) -eq $false ) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "$defaultLog is not accessible"

            $query = "CREATE DATABASE [$DatabaseName] ON PRIMARY
                (NAME = $($DatabaseName)_data, FILENAME = '$($defaultData)\$($DatabaseName)_data.mdf', SIZE=150MB,FILEGROWTH=25MB)
                LOG ON (NAME = $($DatabaseName)_log, FILENAME='$defaultLog\$($DatabaseName)_log.ldf', SIZE=25MB,FILEGROWTH=150MB)"

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "SQL Statement: `n$query"

            try {
            catch {
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Issue creating database $DatabaseName" -ErrorRecord $_ -Exception $_.Exception.InnerException.InnerException.InnerException.InnerException -Target $instance
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "$DatabaseName created on $instance"

        foreach ($table in $tables.Keys) {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($DatabaseName, "Creating table $($table)")) {
                $query = $tables[$table]
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "SQL Statement for $($table): `n$query"
                try {
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Issue creating table $table" -Target $DatabaseName -ErrorRecord $_ -Exception $_.Exception.InnerException.InnerException.InnerException