
    Returns the parameters which can be copied from an object
    Returns the properties and values of a StatusCake object which be set via the API. Not all parameters returned by StatusCake can by set via the API.
    The properties of the statuscake object are compared against the parameter names and aliases on the supplied function name.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    StatusCake Object to be copied
.PARAMETER FunctionName
    Name of the function for which the parameters need to be copied
    C:\PS>$statusCakeObject | Get-StatusCakeHelperCopyParameter -FunctionName "New-StatusCakeHelperSSLTest"
    Return a hashtable of available parameters from the New-StatusCakeHelperSSLTest function

function Get-StatusCakeHelperCopyParameter

        [string] $FunctionName

    $psParams = @{}
    $functionInfo = (Get-Command -Name $FunctionName)
    $parameterList = $functionInfo.Parameters
    $sourceItemHash = $InputObject | ConvertTo-StatusCakeHelperHashtableFromPSCustomObject

    $parameterMetadata = $FunctionInfo.Parameters.Values
    $copyProperties = $parameterMetadata | Select-Object -Property Name, Aliases | Where-Object {$_.Name -in $sourceItemHash.Keys -or $_.Aliases -in $sourceItemHash.Keys}
    $parameterList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::new()
    foreach($item in $copyProperties)
    {   # Add renamed parameter using first alias


    $paramsToUse = Compare-Object @($sourceItemHash.Keys) @($parameterList) -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
    $paramsToUse = $paramsToUse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject

    foreach($key in $paramsToUse)

    Return $psParams