
    Sets the StatusCake API Username and API Key
    Sets the StatusCake API Username and API Key used by the module. Credential file will be stored in the user's profile folder under .StatusCake-Helpers folder.
    If the credential file already exists then the existing credential file will be overwritten otherwise a credential file will be created.
    To avoid persisting credentials to disk the session switch can be used.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Credential object containing the username and API Key
    Switch to configure the credential for the session only and avoid writing them to disk
    C:\PS> Set-StatusCakeHelperAPIAuth -Credential $StatusCakeAPICredential
    Set the StatusCake Authentication credential file
    C:\PS> Set-StatusCakeHelperAPIAuth -Credential $StatusCakeAPICredential -Session
    Set the StatusCake Authentication credential for the session
    Credential - Credential object containing the username and API Key
    Returns a Boolean value on whether the authentication credential was successfully set

function Set-StatusCakeHelperAPIAuth
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential,


        $PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-StatusCakeHelperAPIAuth:Credential"] = $Credential
            $moduleName = (Get-Command $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).Source
            If(! (Test-Path "$env:userprofile\.$moduleName\"))
                New-Item "$env:userprofile\.$moduleName" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
            $Credential | Export-CliXml -Path "$env:userprofile\.$moduleName\$moduleName-Credentials.xml"
            Write-Error $_
            Return $false

    Return $true