
using namespace System.Management.Automation

function Enter-sthModuleScope

    if ($Module = Get-Module -Name $Module -ListAvailable)
        $Script:ModuleName = $Module.Name
        $currentPrompt = Get-Content -Path function:/prompt
        Set-Content -Path function:/prompt -Value {"[$($Module.Name)] PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "}

        . $(Import-Module -Name $Module -PassThru) {$Host.EnterNestedPrompt()}

        Set-Content -Path function:/prompt -Value $currentPrompt
        Remove-Variable -Name ModuleName -Scope Script

function Get-sthModuleScopeFunction

    if ($PSBoundParameters.Module)
        $Module = Get-Module -Name $Module -ListAvailable
        $Local:ModuleName = $Module.Name

    if ($Script:ModuleName -or $Local:ModuleName)
        $ScriptBlock = {
            Get-ChildItem -Path function: | 
            Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Source -eq $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.Name}

        inSetSessionState -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
        $result = . $ScriptBlock

        if ($result)
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'default')
                $VisibleCommands = @(Get-Command -Module $ModuleName | ForEach-Object -MemberName Name)
                foreach ($res in $result)
                    if ($PublicOnly -and $res -in $VisibleCommands)
                    elseif ($PrivateOnly -and $res -notin $VisibleCommands)

function Get-sthModuleScopeVariable

    if ($PSBoundParameters.Module)
        $Module = Get-Module -Name $Module -ListAvailable
        $Local:ModuleName = $Module.Name
    if ($Script:ModuleName -or $Local:ModuleName)
        $ScriptBlock = {
            Get-Variable -Scope Script | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.GetType().Name -eq 'PSVariable' -and $_.Name -notin @('true','false','error','PSCommandPath','PSScriptRoot','PSDefaultParameterValues','CurrentlyExecutingCommand')}
        inSetSessionState -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock

        $result = . $ScriptBlock
    if ($result)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'default')
            foreach ($res in $result)
                if ($PublicOnly -and $res.ModuleName)
                elseif ($PrivateOnly -and -not $res.ModuleName)

function inSetSessionState
        [SessionState]$SessionState = $null

    if (!$SessionState)
        $SessionState = & $(Import-Module -Name $ModuleName -PassThru) {$ExecutionContext.SessionState}

    $flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic'
    $SessionStateInternal = $SessionState.GetType().GetProperty('Internal', $flags).GetValue($SessionState, $null)
    [scriptblock].GetProperty('SessionStateInternal', $flags).SetValue($ScriptBlock, $SessionStateInternal, $null)

function Get-sthScopeDepth
    $inc = 2
    $ScriptBlock = {
        $Depth = 0
        while ($true)
                # Scope 0 - is ScriptBlock Scope
                # Scope 1 - it can be a global or some another scope, but in any case it will exist, so checking its existence is not nessessary.
                Get-Variable -Name true -Scope ($Depth + $inc) | Out-Null
                return $Depth

    $SessionState = $PSCmdlet.SessionState

    # if we will use Get-sthScopeDepth in this - sthModuleScope - module, one more scope - function Get-sthScopeDepth - will be added.
    # in other modules there will be no this function's scope
    if ($SessionState.Module.Name -eq 'sthModuleScope')

    inSetSessionState -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -SessionState $SessionState

    & $ScriptBlock $inc