
# Install application defined in the Intune-I-MainInstaller.json file and run and pre and post installation scripts

# Importing the install configuration json file
$InstallConfig = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\config.installer.json" | ConvertFrom-Json

#region Global Variables
$ConfigBase = if ($ -eq "user") { $env:APPDATA } else { ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} }
$APFBase = "APF"
$APFFullBase = Join-Path -Path $ConfigBase -ChildPath $APFBase
$StorageFolderBase = "PersistentStorage"
$StorageFolderName = $(if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ {"registry"} {"$($"})
$StorageFolderFullPath = Join-Path -Path $APFFullBase -ChildPath "$StorageFolderBase\$StorageFolderName"
$InvalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()
$Extention = $InstallConfig.filename -split "\." | Select-Object -Last 1
$LogName = $InstallConfig.filename.Replace($Extention, "log")
$InvalidChars | % { $LogName = $LogName -replace [regex]::Escape($_), "" }
$LoggingPath = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $ConfigBase -ChildPath "\$APFBase\UserLogs\") -ChildPath $LogName
$ExistingConfig = $false
$StartTime = Get-Date
#endregion Global Variables

#region Logging function
try {
    Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\Write-DeploymentLog.ps1" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
    Write-Host "Failed to import the logging function with error: $_"
    exit 1
#endregion Logging Function
Write-DeploymentLog -Message "APF Started." -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
# Setup Working Directory

# Create config directory if it dosent exist

if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$ConfigBase\$APFBase\AppConfigs")) {
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Creating the APF App Configs folder" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    New-Item -Path "$ConfigBase\$APFBase\AppConfigs" -ItemType Directory -Force

if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$ConfigBase\$APFBase\AppConfigs\$($")) {
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Installer config dosen't exist in the APF App Configs folder" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
else {
    $ExistingConfig = $true
    $LocalConfig = Get-Content -Path "$ConfigBase\$APFBase\AppConfigs\$($" | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($LocalConfig -ne $InstallConfig) {
        if (([version]$InstallConfig.version -gt [version]$LocalConfig.version) -and (-not $Uninstall)) {
            Write-DeploymentLog -Message "The installer config is newer than the one in the APF App Configs folder, this installation will upgrade the existing installation" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
        elseif (([version]$InstallConfig.version -lt [version]$LocalConfig.version) -and (-not $Uninstall)) {
            Write-DeploymentLog -Message "The installer config is older than the one in the APF App Configs folder, this installation will not be performed" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
            exit 0
        elseif (([version]$InstallConfig.version -eq [version]$LocalConfig.version) -and (-not $Uninstall)) {
            Write-DeploymentLog -Message "The version number in the installer config is the same as the one in the APF App Configs folder, check if another value has changed, this installation will not be performed" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
            exit 0
    else {
        Write-DeploymentLog -Message "The installer config is the same as the one in the APF Scripts folder, Detection might have failed. Aborting" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
        exit 1

# Check if the pre-install script exists

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InstallConfig.precommandfile)) {
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Pre-install script found, running $($InstallConfig.precommandfile)" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    try {
        Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"$PSScriptRoot\$($InstallConfig.precommandfile)`"" -Wait -NoNewWindow -ErrorAction Stop
    Catch {
        Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Failed to run pre-install script with error: $_" -MessageType "Error" -LogPath $LoggingPath
        exit 1

if ($Uninstall) {

    $Script:TimeTaken = $(Get-Date) - $StartTime
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Uninstallation of $($, Version $($InstallConfig.version) took $($TimeTaken.ToString('hh\:mm\:ss\.fff'))" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    exit 0
else {
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Starting deployment of $($ registry entries, Version $($InstallConfig.version)" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    # Log the config import
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Imported the following configuration: `n$($InstallConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    # Set the execution policy to bypass
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Setting the execution policy to bypass" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
    # Create storage folder if it dosent exist
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $StorageFolderFullPath)) {
        Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Creating the APF storage folder" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
        New-Item -Path $StorageFolderFullPath -ItemType Directory -Force

    # Create a local copy of registry CSV File
    if (Test-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$($") {
        Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$($" -Destination "$StorageFolderFullPath\$($" -Force
        Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Registry CSV File copied to $StorageFolderFullPath\$($" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    } else {
        Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Registry CSV File not found" -MessageType "Error" -LogPath $LoggingPath
        exit 1
    # Process the CSV File to make the registry modifications
    $RegistryData = Import-Csv -Path "$StorageFolderFullPath\$($"
    # Add new columns to the CSV File
    $RegistryData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Result" -Value ""
    $RegistryData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Error" -Value ""
    $RegistryData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OldValue" -Value ""
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Processing the Registry CSV File, found $($RegistryData.Count) entries" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    # Loop through the CSV File and make the registry modifications
    foreach ($RegistryEntry in $RegistryData) {
        $FullKeyPath = "$($RegistryEntry.RegistryPath)\$($RegistryEntry.KeyName)"
        $FullKeyPathWithKey = "$($FullKayPath)\$($RegistryEntry.ValueName)"
        Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Processing $($RegistryEntry.State) of $($RegistryEntry.ValueName) in $($FullKeyPath)" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
        try {
            switch -Regex ($RegistryEntry.State) {
                "MODIFY|ADD" {
                    if (Test-Path -Path "$($RegistryEntry.RegistryPath)\$($RegistryEntry.KeyName)") {
                        $RegistryEntry.OldValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$($FullKayPath)\$($RegistryEntry.ValueName)" -Name $RegistryEntry.ValueData
                    elseif ($RegistryEntry.State -eq "MODIFY") {
                        $RegistryEntry.Result = "Failed"
                        $RegistryEntry.Error = "Path not found"
                    switch ($RegistryEntry.Type) {
                        "String" { Set-ItemProperty -Path $FullKeyPath -Name $RegistryEntry.ValueName -Value $RegistryEntry.ValueData -Force }
                        "DWord" { Set-ItemProperty -Path $FullKeyPath -Name $RegistryEntry.ValueName -Value $RegistryEntry.ValueData -Type DWord -Force }
                        "QWord" { Set-ItemProperty -Path $FullKeyPath -Name $RegistryEntry.ValueName -Value $RegistryEntry.ValueData -Type QWord -Force }
                        "Binary" { Set-ItemProperty -Path $FullKeyPath -Name $RegistryEntry.ValueName -Value $RegistryEntry.ValueData -Type Binary -Force }
                        "MultiString" { Set-ItemProperty -Path $FullKeyPath -Name $RegistryEntry.ValueName -Value $RegistryEntry.ValueData -Type MultiString -Force }
                    $RegistryEntry.Result = "Success"
                    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Successfully performed: $($RegistryEntry.State) on $($FullKeyPath) with value: $($RegistryEntry.ValueData) in $($FullKeyPath)" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
                "REMOVE" {
                    Remove-ItemProperty -Path $FullKeyPath -Name $RegistryEntry.ValueName -Force
                    $RegistryEntry.Result = "Success"
                default {
                    $RegistryEntry.Result = "Failed"
                    $RegistryEntry.Error = "Invalid Action"
        Catch {
            Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Failed to $($RegistryEntry.State) of $($RegistryEntry.ValueData) in $($FullKeyPathWithKey) with error: $_" -MessageType "Error" -LogPath $LoggingPath
            $RegistryEntry.Result = "Failed"
            $RegistryEntry.Error = $_.Exception.Message

    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Installation of $($, Version $($InstallConfig.version) completed successfully" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    $Script:TimeTaken = $(Get-Date) - $StartTime
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Installation of $($, Version $($InstallConfig.version) took $($TimeTaken.ToString('hh\:mm\:ss\.fff'))" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
# Check if the post-install script exists

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InstallConfig.postcommandfile)) {
    Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Post-install script found, running $($InstallConfig.postcommandfile)" -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
    # Run the post-install script
    try {
        Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"$PSScriptRoot\$($InstallConfig.postcommandfile)`"" -Wait -NoNewWindow -ErrorAction Stop
    Catch {
        Write-DeploymentLog -Message "Failed to run post-install script with error: $_" -MessageType "Error" -LogPath $LoggingPath
        exit 1
Write-DeploymentLog -Message "APF Completed." -MessageType "Info" -LogPath $LoggingPath
exit 0