
#Requires -Version 3.0

    Re-Imports a module from the given path.
    The function can be used in a Pester test script to load a module
    from the developer path by removing all already loaded modules
    with the same name.
    Import-ModuleFromPath .
    Reloads the module from the current location
    Import-ModuleFromPath ..\anymodule
    Reloads the module from the relative path
    Import-ModuleFromPath C:\path\to\module
    Reloads the module from the absolute path
    Import-ModuleFromPath -Parent
    Reloads the module by analyzing the PSCallStack. The module folder must be
    located in the parent folder. The Parent switch can be used when the tests
    folder is located inside the module folder.
        |-- module.psm1 (or module.psd1)
        |-- tests
            |-- some.tests.ps1
    If the function "Import-ModuleFromPath -Parent" is being used inside the
    "some.tests.ps1"" Pester test, the import function resolves the module path

function Import-ModuleFromPath{
    Param (
        # The path to the module folder.

        # Indicates that the module should be loaded from the parent folder of the current
        # invocation scope.
    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByParentSwitch')
        $Path = GetPathFromCallStack
        $Name = Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf
        Write-Verbose "Identified module path from call stack: $Path"
        # Only the path has been specified. Resolve module name from path
        $Name = (Get-Item $Path -ErrorAction Stop).Name
    $absolutePath = (Get-Item $Path).FullName
    Write-Verbose -Message "Path to module: $Path"

    Get-Module -Name $Name -All | Remove-Module -Force
    Import-Module $absolutePath -Force -ErrorAction Stop

function GetPathFromCallStack
    $scriptRoot = (Get-PSCallStack)[2].GetFrameVariables().PSScriptRoot.Value
    Split-Path -Parent -Path $scriptRoot