
    "CreatedDate": "2023-07-16T00:00:00",
    "Title": "PowerShell is open source",
    "TipText": "Did you know that PowerShell is open source? You can contribute to the project on GitHub.",
    "Example": "Example code to demonstrate the tip.",
    "Urls": [
    "MinPowerShellVersion": "0.0",
    "Category": 0
    "CreatedDate": "2023-07-17T00:00:00",
    "Title": "Set Strict Mode on your scripts",
    "TipText": "Enforce coding rules and raise errors for common coding mistakes by declaring strict mode at the top of your scripts.",
    "Example": "Set-StrictMode -Version Latest",
    "Urls": [
    "MinPowerShellVersion": "0.0",
    "Category": 3
    "CreatedDate": "2023-08-28T00:00:00",
    "Title": "View your command line history",
    "TipText": "PowerShell lets you view your session history with `Get-History` and it's alias `h`.\n`Get-PSReadLineOption` used with `Get-Content` takes history reading further by allowing you to read your current users lifetime history.",
    "Example": "Get-Content (Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePath",
    "Urls": [
    "MinPowerShellVersion": "0.0",
    "Category": 4
    "CreatedDate": "2023-09-05T00:00:00",
    "Title": "When checking for $null, put $null on the left",
    "TipText": "When checking if a variable or expression is null, put the $null on the left side of the comparison.\n\nIf the variable you are checking is an array that contains a null value, the comparison may not return the expected result if you put the $null on the right side of the comparison.\n\nDo this: if ($null -eq $variable)\nNot this: if ($variable -eq $null)",
    "Example": "if ($null -eq $variable) { \"The variable really is null.\" }",
    "Urls": [
    "MinPowerShellVersion": "0.0",
    "Category": 3
    "CreatedDate": "2023-09-06T00:00:00",
    "Title": "Use Ctrl+R to search your terminal history",
    "TipText": "When in your command prompt, press Ctrl+R to reverse search your terminal history. As you type, it will show the most recent matching command. This is a great way to find a command you ran previously, but can't remember the exact command or parameters.\n\nIf you press Ctrl+R again, it will show the next most recent matching command. You can keep pressing Ctrl+R to cycle through all matching commands. If you go past the command you wanted, press Ctrl+S and it will cycle through the matching commands in the opposite direction.\n\nNote: Requires the `PSReadLine` module, which is included in PowerShell 5.1 and newer.",
    "Example": "",
    "Urls": [
    "MinPowerShellVersion": "0.0",
    "Category": 4
    "CreatedDate": "2023-09-06T00:00:00",
    "Title": "Use Ctrl+Space to list all parameters, properties, and possibilities",
    "TipText": "In the terminal, when you are typing a command, parameter, or property, press Ctrl+Space to see a list of all the possible options. If there is only a single option, it will auto-complete the field for you. If there are many options, it will list them all for you to choose from and you can use the arrow keys to navigate the list and select one.\n\nCtrl+Space is similar to tab completion, except it will show you all of the options instead of just one option at a time and having to tab cycle through them.\n\nNote: Requires the `PSReadLine` module, which is included in PowerShell 5.1 and newer.",
    "Example": "- Type `Get-Process -` and press Ctrl+Space to list all the possible parameters you can use with the `Get-Process` command.\n- Type `$variableName.` and press Ctrl+Space to list all the properties and methods for the variable.\n- Type `Get-Pro` and press Ctrl+Space to list all the commands that start with `Get-Pro`, including their parameter sets.\n- Type part of a variable name (e.g. $var) and press Ctrl+Space to list all the variables that start with `$var`, including their type if available (e.g. [string], [int]).",
    "Urls": [
    "MinPowerShellVersion": "0.0",
    "Category": 4