
function InitializeModule

    Write-Debug 'Reading all tips from JSON file and storing them in a $Tips variable for access by other module functions.'
    [hashtable] $tipHashTable = ReadAllPowerShellTipsFromJsonFile
    New-Variable -Name 'Tips' -Value $tipHashtable -Option Constant -Scope Script

    Write-Debug 'Reading in configuration from JSON file and storing it in a $TiPSConfiguration variable for access by other module functions.'
    [tiPS.Configuration] $config = ReadConfigurationFromFileOrDefault
    New-Variable -Name 'TiPSConfiguration' -Value $config -Scope Script

    Write-Debug "Checking if we should write a PowerShell tip, and writing one if needed."
    WriteAutomaticPowerShellTipIfNeeded -Config $script:TiPSConfiguration

    Write-Debug 'Checking if the module needs to be updated, and updating it if needed.'
    StartModuleUpdateIfNeeded -Config $script:TiPSConfiguration