
function Test-PowerShellProfileImportsTiPS
    Tests whether the PowerShell profile imports the tiPS module.
    Tests whether the PowerShell profile imports the tiPS module.
    Returns true if it finds an 'Import-Module -Name tiPS' statement in the profile, false otherwise.
    This only looks in the default PowerShell profile paths.
    If the tiPS module is imported from a dot-sourced file then this will return false.
    Tests whether the PowerShell profile imports the tiPS module, returning true if it does and false otherwise.
    Test-PowerShellProfileImportsTiPS -Verbose
    Tests whether the PowerShell profile imports the tiPS module, returning true if it does and false otherwise.
    If true, the verbose output will list the profile file paths and the lines that import the tiPS module.
    If false, the verbose output will list the profile file paths that it checked.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to the function.
    System.Boolean representing if the tiPS module is imported by the PowerShell profile or not.
    This function is intended to be used by the Edit-PowerShellProfileToImportTiPS function.


    [string[]] $powerShellProfileFilePaths = GetPowerShellProfileFilePaths
    [string[]] $profileFilePathsThatExist =
        $powerShellProfileFilePaths |
        Where-Object { Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf }

    if ($null -eq $profileFilePathsThatExist -or $profileFilePathsThatExist.Count -eq 0)
        Write-Verbose "No PowerShell profile files exist."
        return $false

    [string] $requiredContentRegex = 'Import-Module\s.*tiPS'
    [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo] $results =
        Select-String -Path $profileFilePathsThatExist -Pattern $requiredContentRegex
    if ($null -ne $results)
        Write-Verbose "The tiPS module is imported by the following profile lines:"
        $results | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Verbose " $($_.Path): $($_.Line)"
        return $true

    Write-Verbose "The tiPS module is not imported by any of the PowerShell profiles: $profileFilePathsThatExist"
    return $false

# Use a function to get the file paths so we can mock this function for testing.
function GetPowerShellProfileFilePaths
    [string[]] $profileFilePaths = @()

    # The $PROFILE variable may not exist depending on the host or the context in which PowerShell was started.
    if (Test-Path -Path variable:PROFILE)
        $profileFilePaths = @(

    return ,$profileFilePaths