
function Remove-TiPSImportFromPowerShellProfile
    Removes the tiPS Import-Module statement from the user's PowerShell profile file.
    This function edits the user's PowerShell profile file to remove the Import-Module statement that is
    used to import the tiPS module. If the profile does not import the tiPS module, then no changes are made.
    Only the default PowerShell profile paths are searched to see if the tiPS module is imported; if
    it is imported from a dot-sourced script, the function will not detect the import statement and it will
    not be removed.
    This function will only remove the tiPS import statement added by the Add-TiPSImportToPowerShellProfile
    function. If you manually added the import statement to your profile, this function may not remove it.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to the function.
    None. The function does not return any objects.
    This example edits the PowerShell profile to remove the tiPS Import-Module statement.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]

        [bool] $moduleImportStatementIsInProfile = Test-PowerShellProfileImportsTiPS
        if (-not $moduleImportStatementIsInProfile)
            Write-Verbose "The PowerShell profiles do not import the tiPS module, so no changes are necessary."

        [string[]] $profileFilePathsThatExist = GetPowerShellProfileFilePathsThatExist
        [string[]] $importStatementsToRemoveFromProfile = @(
            'Import-Module -Name tiPS -Force'
            'Import-Module -Name tiPS'
            'Import-Module tiPS -Force'
            'Import-Module tiPS'

        [bool] $atLeastOneProfileFileModified = $false
        foreach ($profileFilePath in $profileFilePathsThatExist)
            [string] $fileContents = Get-Content -Path $profileFilePath -Raw
            foreach ($importStatement in $importStatementsToRemoveFromProfile)
                [regex] $importLineRegex =
                    '(?mi)' + # Enable multiline (match against newlines in the middle of the string) and case-insensitive matching.
                    '^' + # Match against the beginning of the line.
                    '\s*' + # Match any whitespace at the beginning of the line.
                    $importStatement + # Match the import statement.
                    '\s*' + # Match any whitespace at the end of the line.
                    '$' # Match against the end of the line.
                if ($fileContents -match $importLineRegex)
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("PowerShell profile '$profileFilePath'", 'Update'))
                        Write-Verbose "Removing '$($matches.Values)' from PowerShell profile '$profileFilePath'."
                        [string] $updatedFileContents = $fileContents -replace $importLineRegex, ''
                        Set-Content -Path $profileFilePath -Value $updatedFileContents -Force

                    $atLeastOneProfileFileModified = $true

        if (-not $atLeastOneProfileFileModified)
            Write-Warning "One of the PowerShell profiles does import the tiPS module, but not with the expected import statement. Run 'Test-PowerShellProfileImportsTiPS -Verbose' to see which profile files import the tiPS module, and then manually remove the statement from the file."