
function Write-PowerShellTip
    Write a PowerShell tip to the terminal.
    Write a PowerShell tip to the terminal. If no tip is specified, a random tip will be written.
    The tip is written to the terminal using the Write-Host cmdlet so that colours can be applied.
    Thus, the tip is not written to the pipeline and cannot be captured in a variable.
    If you want to capture the tip in a variable, use the Get-PowerShellTip function.
    The ID of the tip to write. If not supplied, a random tip will be written.
    If no tip with the specified ID exists, an error is written.
    You can pipe a [string] of the ID of the tip to write, or a PsCustomObject with a [string] 'Id' property.
    None. The function does not return any objects.
    Write a random tip to the terminal.
    Write-PowerShellTip -Id '2023-07-16-powershell-is-open-source'
    Write the tip with the specified ID.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'The ID of the tip to write. If not supplied, a random tip will be written.')]
        [string] $Id

        [tiPS.PowerShellTip] $tip = Get-PowerShellTip -Id $Id
        WritePowerShellTipToTerminal -Tip $tip