
    Import configuration JSON file
    Import configuration JSON file (for future use)
    Path and name of configuration file (default is config.json)
    Import-UdCmJson -InputFile "c:\apps\config.json"
    1910.29 - 0.1 - Initial release

function Import-UdCmJson {
        [parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$InputFile = "config.json"
    if (Test-Path $InputFile) {
        $hashtable = @{}
        Write-Output $(Get-Content -Path $InputFile | ConvertFrom-Json) -NoEnumerate
    else {
        Write-Warning "file not found: $InputFile"

    Launch udcm web service
    Launch udcm web service and establish data stores for
    ConfigMgr, and Active Directory objects
    Configuration Manager site code
    Configuration Manager site database name (e.g. "CM_P01")
    Configuration Manager site database instance hostname (default is localhost)
    TCP port number for web service (default is 10001)
    (not currently used, planned for the future)
    New-UDCM -SiteCode "P01"
    Launch web service and query data from database CM_P01 on localhost and AD using port 10001
    New-UDCM -SiteCode "P01" -DbHost "cm02"
    Launch web service and query data from database CM_P01 on instance host cm02 and AD using port 10001
    New-UDCM -SiteCode "P01" -Port 8080
    Launch web service and query data from database CM_P01 on localhost and AD using port 8080
    Tested with UD Community Edition 2.7, AdsiPS, dbatools 1.0.51
    0.1 - 1910.29 - Initial release as prototype

function New-UDCM {
        [parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateLength(3,3)][string] $SiteCode,
        [parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Database = "CM_$SiteCode",
        [parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $DbHost = "localhost",
        [parameter()][int] $Port = 10001,
        [parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $ConfigFile = "config.json"
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
    try {
        $Endpoints = @()

        Write-Verbose "cmdevices"
        $def = @{
            SqlInstance = $DbHost
            Database    = $Database
            Query = "SELECT DISTINCT
    sys.Name0 AS Name,
        when (sys.Client0 = 1) then 'Yes'
        else 'No' end as Client,
    sys.Client_Version0 AS ClientVersion,
    sys.AD_Site_Name0 AS ADSiteName,
    sys.Operating_System_Name_and0 AS OSName,
    sys.Build01 as OSBuild,
    ws.LastHardwareScan AS LastHwScan,
    ws.LastDDR, ws.LastPolicyRequest AS LastPolicyReq,
    ws.LastMPServerName AS LastMP,
    ws.IsVirtualMachine AS IsVM,
    cs.Manufacturer0 AS Manufacturer,
    cs.Model0 AS Model,
    se.SerialNumber0 AS SerialNumber
    dbo.v_R_System AS sys LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.v_GS_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE AS se ON sys.ResourceID = se.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM AS cs ON sys.ResourceID = cs.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.vWorkstationStatus AS ws ON sys.ResourceID = ws.ResourceID
order by

        $Cache:CMDevices = @( Invoke-DbaQuery @def | Select ResourceID,Name,Client,ClientVersion,ADSiteName,OSName,OSBuild,UserName,LastHwScan,LastDDR,LastPolicyReq,LastMP,IsVM,Manufacturer,Model,SerialNumber )
        $Endpoints += New-UDEndpoint -Url "cmdevices" -Endpoint { $Cache:CMDevices | ConvertTo-Json }

        Write-Verbose "cmusers"
        $def = @{
            Class = "SMS_R_User"
            Namespace = "root\SMS\Site_$SiteCode"
        $Cache:CMUsers = @( Get-WmiObject @def | select UserName,FullUserName,DistinguishedName,Mail,UserPrincipalName,UserAccountControl,UserGroupName,UserOUName,ObjectGUID,WindowsNTDomain )
        $Endpoints += New-UDEndpoint -Url "cmusers" -Endpoint { $Cache:CMUsers | ConvertTo-Json }

        Write-Verbose "cmapps"
        $def = @{
            SqlInstance = $DbHost
            Database    = $Database
            Query = "select ARPDisplayName0 as ProductName,ProductVersion0 as Version,Publisher0 as Publisher,ProductCode0 as ProductCode, COUNT(*) as Installs
            group by ARPDisplayName0,ProductVersion0,Publisher0,ProductCode0
            order by ARPDisplayName0,ProductVersion0"

        $Cache:CMApps = @( Invoke-DbaQuery @def | Select ProductName,Version,Publisher,ProductCode,Installs )
        $Endpoints += New-UDEndpoint -Url "cmapps" -Endpoint { $Cache:CMApps | ConvertTo-Json }

        Write-Verbose "cmhardware"
        $def = @{
            SqlInstance = $DbHost
            Database    = $Database
            Query = "select Manufacturer0 as Manufacturer, Model0 as Model, COUNT(*) as Devices from dbo.v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM group by Manufacturer0,Model0 order by Manufacturer0,Model0"
        $Cache:CMHardware = @( Invoke-DbaQuery @def | Select Manufacturer,Model,Devices )
        $Endpoints += New-UDEndpoint -Url "cmhardware" -Endpoint { $Cache:CMHardware | ConvertTo-Json }
        $Cache:ADUsers = @( Get-ADSIUser -NoResultLimit )
        $Endpoints += New-UDEndpoint -Url "adusers" -Endpoint { $Cache:ADUsers | ConvertTo-Json }

        $Cache:ADGroups = @( Get-ADSIGroup )
        $Endpoints += New-UDEndpoint -Url "adgroups" -Endpoint { $Cache:ADGroups | ConvertTo-Json }

        Start-UDRestApi -Endpoint $Endpoints -Port $Port -AutoReload -Name "udcm"
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message